Why I will never buy Stihl again

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I have a feeling everything will work out for you on the 290. If it doesn't just wash it under the table and out of your mind. You will love that 361. And you won't miss the 290. Just be very careful w/ your mix and GAS. I know you said that you had been. But just be careful. Sometimes gas out of the pump can be ####ty. Use 89+ or better from a station that sells a bunch and try to find gas W/O ANY corn in it. Better yet, being a pilot run 100AV. Oh ya, BTW use Stihl Ultra (white bottle). OK here's the "oil" post. I kind of feel violated without at least one "oil" post. Besides, I have more time invested in this thread that the thread about that guy who cut that big oak for that gal just hoping to get in her pants. We never got a picture of her!:cry: I'm hopeing the outcome here will be better. WDO
So once again, the big

"Heavies" here on this forum openly take a dump on my forehead..............

Sniff................................................... I am leaving....................





Stick a fork in it...................................

I have "POURED" out my "SOUL" here........................

NO RESPECT!!!!!!!!!


Whatttttttttttttttt, hell Fish when did you ever care what I say,LOLOL

All kidding aside I'm only going by what the man is saying and nothing more. If that piston shows scoring on both sides I will come back and go well now, Fish was right and I was too trusting and wrong to do so, hows that Fish, deal???
Yeah, I crumbled and bought a 361 to replace the 290. I had to get back to work on these trees. At worst, the 290 is dead. At best, I have a new saw that is *supposed* to be the cat's ass and the possibility of a warranty repair or replacement on the 290.

Who knows. I will probably run the 361 on a tuesday which will void the warranty. Didn't you know that excessive tuesday running voids the warranty? Watch out for those tuesdays.

You will like the 361 a lot. Some of us have to go through some trauma to come to the realization that we need the 361. Glad you got there without having an apoplectic fit (stroke) out of rage.

The 290 is in the process of being looked at by my local dealer. No refunds or anything like that yet.

I also want to know what the insides of this thing looks like. I will post the diagnosis and photos as soon as I can. I am dying to know. If I neglected this saw, then I want to know how, why, and how to prevent it in the future.

Sounds like there is a world of difference between the two dealers.

Honestly, I just simply "doubled down" on Stihl rather than taking an unknown risk with another brand. I am not happy about the scenario. I took a half day off unpaid to drive 100 miles round trip to get my saw to a dealer who gave a crap. I think they all should give a crap and look into problems in detail. I would've even paid money for a really good investigation! It would've been cheaper than a 1/2 day off and a 1/2 tank of fuel in my truck. Admittedly, my fault for not going to the dealer where I bought it. If the 361 works for years, then I would be the first to praise them.

It will. I HIGHLY recommend using Stihl Ultra synthetic oil exclusively. I will soon post a thread entitled "The Case For Ultra...." You will understand the benefits of deposit-free combustion.

Well you've taken some shots in this thread, no question on that so let me put all play aside and tell ya what I really think.

I think your 290 was running lean for whatever the reason and it cooked. You hold steadfast that the fuel was fresh and the chain was sharp. You even say that same fuel mix is in your other saw and its still running. That being the case along with the saw being within the warranty timeframe, you buying another Stihl at the same place you bought the 290 from, that 290 should be repaired or replaced, not two weeks from now, not one week from now but ASAP. Buying that 361 shows your a loyal customer and that counts for something. It also shows your reasonable and only expect what you pay for. Unless that 290 shows scoring on both sides of the piston your due a new 290 or that one repaired based on all you have said. I'm taking your word and based on your word I can't find any fault with what you did with the 290 except run it.

Had I been the man dealing with you, or someone like Lakeside or Paul this whole ordeal would have been resolved in 30 minutes or less. I do believe you got mad at the other dealer and said a few things and rightly so but in doing so he got mad at you and thats where it all fell apart, it became personal. No excuse for it on the dealers part, his job is to do his job, not play Dr.Phil and judge your charactor or temper as he see's fit.

Keep us posted and let us know how the 290 turns out. I got a feeling your gonna get your old bar and chain back along with a new powerhead.

Tom, if it was running lean due to an altitude or seal or carb issue, will that show up as a scraped exhaust side only, with a fuel issue showing both sides scraped?

This has been quite a thread. :clap: If you ignore the doofus posts, it actually turned out pretty well.
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That's a purty saw you got there Tom. You done good! Now go make some chips.

He did give me a great deal on that saw, way too good a deal to pass up. I'll put it in the shed aside the 046 and wonder why I bought it and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ signs will go through my mind and I'll justify buying it,LOL
Whatttttttttttttttt, hell Fish when did you ever care what I say,LOLOL

All kidding aside I'm only going by what the man is saying and nothing more. If that piston shows scoring on both sides I will come back and go well now, Fish was right and I was too trusting and wrong to do so, hows that Fish, deal???

Sniff, they worship you........

They pee on me...........................

Use 89+ or better from a station that sells a bunch and try to find gas W/O ANY corn in it. Better yet, being a pilot run 100AV.

Everything around here is 10% corn at least. Are you joking about the 100LL fuel? I think the fuel guy at the airport would stand there with his mouth wide open if I said "top it off both sides and throw couple gallons in the can too, skip" LOL.
You will like the 361 a lot. Some of us have to go through some trauma to come to the realization that we need the 361. Glad you got there without having an apoplectic fit (stroke) out of rage.

Sounds like there is a world of difference between the two dealers.

It will.

Tom, if it was running lean due to an altitude or seal or carb issue, will that show up as a scraped exhaust side only, with a fuel issue showing both sides scraped?

This has been quite a thread. :clap: If you ignore the doofus posts, it actually turned out pretty well.

If he bought the saw local in his area and is using it in his area attitude should make no differance providing the saw was set up proper when he bought it, like it is suppose to be. A saw set up right should last providing the user done what he is suppose to do. The poster claims he did so. If a seal failed and it fried, thats not his fault. If it was set up wrong or not at all thats not his fault. He says the fuel was fresh and the chain was sharp. He claims he cleans his saw so I don't see this type of guy dumping dirty fuel in his tank clogging up the filter resulting in a lean running saw. I just can't see based on what he has said where he has done anything wrong. The saw is made to run and he ran it. It failed, its under warranty so what is left other than fix it or replace it.

Now Fish pointed out alot of good factors as well. He may well be right and if he is I will glady tell him so. For now all we have to go on is what the poster has said. When the pics are shown and the dealer tells him what the results are we'll know finally and for sure what killed the most famous 290 ARBORSITE has ever seen,LOLOL
Sniff, they worship you........

They pee on me...........................


Non-sense, I'm no one. They like my humor, thats all, I know they talk about me like dirt when I'm not around. C'mere, give me a hug, :cheers::cheers::cheers:
Everything around here is 10% corn at least. Are you joking about the 100LL fuel? I think the fuel guy at the airport would stand there with his mouth wide open if I said "top it off both sides and throw couple gallons in the can too, skip" LOL.

While I'm not up on av gas my 2159 has had as much vp c-12 and c-14 run though it as anything else, it just gets 94 now but we used to have left over race gas that we would not trust to keep from one weekend to the next so I'd keep it for the saw.
If he bought the saw local in his area and is using it in his area attitude should make no differance providing the saw was set up proper when he bought it, like it is suppose to be. A saw set up right should last providing the user done what he is suppose to do. The poster claims he did so. If a seal failed and it fried, thats not his fault. If it was set up wrong or not at all thats not his fault. He says the fuel was fresh and the chain was sharp. He claims he cleans his saw so I don't see this type of guy dumping dirty fuel in his tank clogging up the filter resulting in a lean running saw. I just can't see based on what he has said where he has done anything wrong. The saw is made to run and he ran it. It failed, its under warranty so what is left other than fix it or replace it.

Now Fish pointed out alot of good factors as well. He may well be right and if he is I will glady tell him so. For now all we have to go on is what the poster has said. When the pics are shown and the dealer tells him what the results are we'll know finally and for sure what killed the most famous 290 ARBORSITE has ever seen,LOLOL

Are you running for public office????? Did you inhale?
Are you running for public office????? Did you inhale?

I do inhale, thats what smoking is all about. I was gonna run for mayor but the the town council found out about my arson, I mean gas and go biz and started spreading the word. I figured I best drop my run instead of burning all their dayumm houses down,LOLOLOLOLOL
I do inhale, thats what smoking is all about. I was gonna run for mayor but the the town council found out about my arson, I mean gas and go biz and started spreading the word. I figured I best drop my run instead of burning all their dayumm houses down,LOLOLOLOLOL


Another job, eh? Soon as I get back from Arkansas. You want the head or the whole body brought to Leesburg?


I actually bought some papers today....

I got a few looks from the locals.......

Welp tell ya what, I can't run since word of my arson, I mean gas and go biz got out. I'll help ya out. Who you running againist. Get me his name and address. I got alitte gas and go biz that will make that guy homeless in 30 minutes. Oh you are gonna legalize that booty parlor on the back side of town aren't ya? (flipping my lighter here),LOLOLOL
Welp tell ya what, I can't run since word of my arson, I mean gas and go biz got out. I'll help ya out. Who you running againist. Get me his name and address. I got alitte gas and go biz that will make that guy homeless in 30 minutes. Oh you are gonna legalize that booty parlor on the back side of town aren't ya? (flipping my lighter here),LOLOLOL

Now you're starting to sound alot like my ex-Father in Law and even more so like his father...both grew up in Hazzard...