Wood cutting with your dad

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Well I get to say my final goodbye to dad today. On my birthday no less.... You guys are right, he would not want me fussing over him.

If you are reading this and you have not visited/called you dad lately, do it now while you still can. Tell him the 'doc told you to. It would warm my heart if a couple of guys called their dad out of the blue over this thread. Please hijack.

Tim, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! or, just Birthday, if you prefer...

My Friend, I'm Very solemn to hear of the loss of your Dad, my sincerest condolences.

It's tough, I lost my pops about 2 months before closing on my 1st house... being a self-taught general contractor, he would have been a EXTREME asset to have around these past couple years... It still burns to this day :cry: to know he's not here to ask for advice.

HANG on there Tim, and your suggestion to others:

"If you are reading this and you have not visited/called you dad lately, do it now while you still can. Tell him the 'doc told you to. It would warm my heart if a couple of guys called their dad out of the blue over this thread."

Is something I suggest to MANY, all the time. ( I mentioned something to Brad a week-two ago when he mentioned he was out cutting with his pops...) You NEVER know when... if you THINK it's been too long since you've visited, it HAS been

My Dad lives @ 150 miles away. We get together every couple of months. Sometimes too many months between.
He loves golf and suggested meeting 1/2 way to play this Sunday for the 1st time of this year.
The forecast is for 54 deg., showers, and wind. :bang:
I was leaning towards calling it off. Then I thought about this thread. There's only so many days.

I'm going.

Thanks for posting, Tim, and may peace be with you and yours.

Brian, for the few moments I spent with your Pops, I'm sure there's something you guys can do, even in a Monsoon! lol. Heck, there's a bar in the clubhouse! :hmm3grin2orange:

give him my best... (hope your well too!! )

My prayers and condolences

You have my prayers and condolences. Your thread title is a clear message to all of us. Thank you for reminding me.

I mean no disrespect by including this picture, but it represents what my dad enjoys most. Cutting, hauling, splitting, stacking, and burning his firewood. He has the next three winters cut, the next two hauled and under cover, and the next one split and ready. I help when I can, but he doesn't slow down or wait for me to sneak up there to help. I will take your advice and commit some more time to one of the most important people in my life.


Peace be with you in your own time

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You have my condolences........... I know your pain... I lost my mom(cancer) in august 97,I was 18..... that summer was a B.... but I still got the good memoryies and the photos.....
Use your famely/freinds to talk about him,it helps alot.........

Stay sharp... Jan
My mom said it is good luck if it rains on a funeral. Well, we got an extra dose of luck yesterday.... It was a nice service. We had an open mic time and many folks told a funny story or memory. One of my brothers (there are 7) sang a song that had EVERYBODY bawling, and my sister sang too. My brother Todd said the eulogy and did a wonderful recap of his life and how he lives on through us kids.
I am delighted with the pics of other folks and their dad. Please post here. That is what I was hoping for.
I lost my mom to cancer last july. She was 48 and I'm 24. Worst 3 years of my life I'm sure. Think about her daily. Something no one should have to go through but everyone has to.
Please post here. That is what I was hoping for.
I mentioned that my Dad wanted to golf today and that the weather forecast didn't look good and I really didn't want to go.
It was pouring rain and 45 deg. when I woke up this morning. It was snowing when I drove over the mountain on my 1 1/2 hr. drive to meet him. I kept reminding myself of this thread on the way, but I was dreading the wet, cold, and wind.
It turned out to be a fine day and we had a great time. As a bonus, I won. :clap: He usually beats me by quite a few strokes but he just couldn't get it working today, and I brought my A game.
Thanks for sharing a part of your life that we all will have to deal with some day, for reminding us that time is precious, and for giving me the kick in the butt to go out and kick my Dad's butt today. :)
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Spent the afternoon with my father today in my garage. Had a good time and just about got the tiller back together. Got a pic after we were done of my father with one of the twins.
