woods next to my property has downed trees

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Over the winter I had some large maples go down on my west property line which is about an 1/8 of a mile from my house. For the last couple of weeks a truck had been going by and would slow way down once it got west of the house. Last week the neighbor called and told me someone was cutting wood on my land. I called the sherriff dept and they sent 2 cars out. After a short talk with the cutters they agreed to bring me the one load they took already plus the one they had loaded if I would not press charges. The next day one of them stopped by and said he knew that they should have asked first and he was very happy that I agreed to let them bring the wood back and asked if i would like help when I cut the rest of the trees up.( he told me that his wife told him he had better come and talk to me or else) I don't know if I will take him up on this offer or not. I am not sure if I did the right thing by letting them go but I guess time will tell. So if you want to cut wood ask first or you may get free room and board
Over the winter I had some large maples go down on my west property line which is about an 1/8 of a mile from my house. For the last couple of weeks a truck had been going by and would slow way down once it got west of the house. Last week the neighbor called and told me someone was cutting wood on my land. I called the sherriff dept and they sent 2 cars out. After a short talk with the cutters they agreed to bring me the one load they took already plus the one they had loaded if I would not press charges. The next day one of them stopped by and said he knew that they should have asked first and he was very happy that I agreed to let them bring the wood back and asked if i would like help when I cut the rest of the trees up.( he told me that his wife told him he had better come and talk to me or else) I don't know if I will take him up on this offer or not. I am not sure if I did the right thing by letting them go but I guess time will tell. So if you want to cut wood ask first or you may get free room and board

The next time he thinks about cutting wood on property that isn't his he will more likely remember all the work with nothing to show for it and ask first.

The way the justice system works they drag it out so long, by the time he goes to court for it he will be ticked off at you for putting him through all that.
This way the justice was dispenced at the same time as the wrong doing. He got his hand smacked as he stole the cookie not days or weeks later after the cookie was eaten and forgotten.
Over the past 30 years, I've run into many people on my parents' farm and forest. Most were just out on a nature hike or "rambling," and we never were concerned about them. In fact, we have a couple neighbors who are bird watchers who do us a great service by keeping an eye on things when they hike our land.

Those whom we have caught hunting or riding ATVs have been told that activity is not permitted on our property and were asked to respect the "no trespassing" signs. We never pressed charges and I've never come across any repeat offenders.
There is a 20 acres woodlot just down the road from my parents property that a neighbor has used as his own for years, cutting wood, four wheeling, hunting or whatever he wanted to do...It just recently changed hands...My brother also lives just down the road and the new owner asked my brother who was using the property b/c, he saw that someone had been cutting down live oak trees for firewood...He was kind of pointing the finger at our wood pile...Well a long story short we have always had permission to use the property, but have not been back there since we were young and rode four wheelers...I think he is a good guy, but was just pissed about the fact that someone was cutting down live trees and wanted to make sure it stopped...
I rented a bulldozer and made a distinct effort to plow the entire property line as defined by a laser pointed at reflectors on the line markers, and corner markers, by by tree house, plants, anything of theirs that was improperly placed on our side, was GONE, but they had been warned

Seems harsh, but if you didn't do it, they could have established 'squatter's rights' over your property and it would have become their property.


My dad owns 50+ acres down between Pittsburgh and Erie, and we had a neighbor in there stealing trees...

We go down and camp out about 5 times a year, saw the stumps, and tracked it back to the neighbor. Called the troopers, and pretty much had him pay for the trees he took out and sign a statement that if he took more he was done...

Lucky he dealt with the troopers cause if he dealt with us it would have been ugly...

Moral of the story, ASK. If it's ok, then it's OK, if not then it's not...