Game of Logging hostility?

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Great post Hammer!

Boring is a necessary tool in the bag for hardwood, but not the end all and defintely not the only way. Jesus what did all them boys do before power saws anyway?

Butcher- You need more time in the woods, period. In your first post you talk about you don't want any more danger. Then stay the hell out of the woods. No amount of bore-cutting is going to make you any safer. Looking up sure as hell will though. "WOT or nothing" and no danger falling. I'll remember those two from you.
Great post Hammer!

Boring is a necessary tool in the bag for hardwood, but not the end all and defintely not the only way. Jesus what did all them boys do before power saws anyway?

You get what "straw dog" is Blitzen ?:blob2:

Butcher- You need more time in the woods, period. In your first post you talk about you don't want any more danger. Then stay the hell out of the woods. No amount of bore-cutting is going to make you any safer. Looking up sure as hell will though. "WOT or nothing" and no danger falling. I'll remember those two from you.

That's not the "danger" most of us who have been know Blitzen. Real danger is not "in the woods" unless you talk like some do about logging. Danger is when you have no choices, a mission, a duty, an obligation to your team. Ask. Maybe you need some real life without all this ignorant adolescent put down of things you don't know jack about. YOU need to get out. Step away from the computer. And that's an order Blitz. :notrolls2:

So you cut at 1/2 speed ? Don't feel you need to look up and around ? Can't and won't absorb any new info ? Know it all ? Dead giveaways for not hiring on any team . Then again, you boys know all there is to know about felling, the industry, saws,......and life. Oh, forgot, you don't need to make a buck.:help::help:

I'm dismissed and pi$$ed.:deadhorse:

Where's my spellcheck ?
Q: can we vote people off of this island?

Don't I wish.

Hey are busted. When enough different people tell you basically the same thing you might want to listen...and change your ways. could just get mad at yourself for being such an idiot and quietly slink away.

Either way the rest of us come out ahead.
Hell, I just realised I am from the PNW, only 60 airmiles from Alaska's capital Juneau. Does this mean I am one of you?
Is anyone here farther North or cut more wood than I?
I sorta doubt it unless they can talk more than they can walk. Lol
Whew leave for a few hrs and wow some s&*t starts opening up. I gotta say this GOL is getting just about as heated as the Stihl vs Husky discussions. Well at least the person who started this thread found out what button to leave the finger off of next time. LOL. Great thread though with some excellent dialogue between some good men just need some virtual beer and this would be like Moes place on the Simpsons. :)

However... in a setting like that the smack talkin' would prolly be nil... 99% of the cats that are mouthy on the internet... wouldn't do it to your face. They can hide behind distance and a keyboard here. :)

I would agree with you on that Gary. message boards are so impersonal with no arm swingin or mad doggin to help set the stage. Well I think this thread has been thoroughly discussed what next?
I would agree with you on that Gary. message boards are so impersonal with no arm swingin or mad doggin to help set the stage. Well I think this thread has been thoroughly discussed what next?

What next? How 'bout breakfast? We're having scrambled eggs, linguica, and canned smoked salmon.
However... in a setting like that the smack talkin' would prolly be nil... 99% of the cats that are mouthy on the internet... wouldn't do it to your face. They can hide behind distance and a keyboard here. :)


I would agree with you on that Gary. message boards are so impersonal with no arm swingin or mad doggin to help set the stage. Well I think this thread has been thoroughly discussed what next?

Sounds like you girls are hiding behind skirts of the virtual ? :agree2:

No pro we work with brags as much as you girls about this "danger" thing, or how big their things are, or how much only they know about their job. Hiding behind, huh?

Why the need to put down what you don't know jack about ? Self esteem ? Lack of proper :help: sex ? Who knows. You talk "mouthy " ( I like that ), boast, demean.
Sounds like a bunch of sandbox kids. If you're so GD good, why put down other ways of doing the same thing you brag about ? So, PM if you want that big meeting, or, a referral for a local shrink. "Smack down" huh ?:hmm3grin2orange:

Now, go play, or get in that internet corner you're hiding behind. "It is not a hill you want to die on" ( from one of my battalion training C.O.'s ). Maybe you like self-made "danger" because you never faced the real stuff. Takers ?

OK, you made your points. Time to get back to Forestry and Logging, and Chainsaws, and ...............The Real World. I'm going back to work.

The End.
Yes, the big ones have esteem problems. "All three "( count 'em "3" ) problems.

That's what is called a boring cut: looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, s___ts like a duck..........hey, could it really be a duck ?:help: Only thing: is that the top corner of the bar that expert logger is shoving into that mouth ? :mad: Looks like a recipe for kickback ? Then again, you boys are strong enough to hold a 660 or 372 with those oh so manly 36" bars from any kickback.......aren't you ?:deadhorse:

Getting it straight: CLP = Certified Professional Logger. Eastern Program that allows harvesters to demonstrate to the company/people/forester hiring them, that they have passed a program that teaches efficient, safe, technical logging skills approved by.......(can you guess ? ) a group of industry insiders: loggers, arborists, paper co. execs, foresters. Then again, you guys don't work for anyone, right ?:angry2: You've No need to make $$$$. Nice to be independently flush.

So, it sounds like Gologit, Gary and the boys know everything there is to know about their career. No more to learn, nothing out there new that could allow them to do the job faster, more efficiently, safer.

Fuggettaboutdit: " you can't show me nothing, you silly GOL 3 Level fool. " :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

P.S. Where's the spellcheck ?


This is clear example of 3 cuts, no bore cut. You thought this was a bore cut because you never seen anyone cut like this before. Which just in turn reveals your knowlegde; not that much.

This is standard ops for a pro out west, 3 cuts from one side with a bar thats smaller than the tree your cutting.

You may not know this but Soren Eriksson was laughed out of the west when he was brought over by Weyerhaeuser to show the pro's out west his new better and safer method to fall trees. He demonstrated the use of a falling belt rather than an axe & wedge. Which has tongs attached that will fit into your back-cut. You help push the tree over when you stand up. Oh yeah, the tree he was demonstrating on was really small. When Soren was asked how to use that method on a bigger tree he had no answer, other than that he had never fell a tree that big before.

And yes, this story about your GOL god Soren Erikkson is true. He couldn't cut average size timber PNW. Yet he was telling us that we were felling trees wrong and we needed to change. He was appropriately laughed out of the PNW, and his methods (GOL) are still laughed about in the PNW today.

Oh yeah, I think it funny to hear a GOL guy get on someone else there using the kickback zone on their bar.
However... in a setting like that the smack talkin' would prolly be nil... 99% of the cats that are mouthy on the internet... wouldn't do it to your face. They can hide behind distance and a keyboard here. :)


I agree completely.... Fighting on the internet, is a lot like running in the special olympics.... Even if you win, you're still a retard. :hmm3grin2orange:
special olympics...

I don't see any humor in the 'special olympics' post by justme23005, D&B Mack.

It is derogatory, offensive and way out of line.
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