I'm absolutely sick!!!

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Heading up there, I was expecting to waste my entire evening, but had to try. We finally got up there and slowly drove around the trailer park. There was one pickup by the address. I got out and looked in the bed and inside the truck. Nothing. We sat and watched for a while. We then went to drive down the road and find somewhere to use the restroom. On the way out, we saw a truck with the company name by the entrance to the park. When we came back from the corner, I got out and looked in the truck. There was a big plastic container in the cab. I opened the door to the truck, looked in the container, shut the door, looked in the back of the truck...nothing. I proceed to look in all the vehicles in that vacinity. Now guys, you can laugh all you want, but I'm not a fighter. I'll run from a fight. It's just not in me. This whole time I'm scared to death of getting caught, but do what I have to do none the less.

So back in the truck and we go set and watch the trailer again. I finally know what I'm going to do. I'm going to go to the door and ask if he's the tree guy and if he has any old/used saws for sale. I knock on the door and no one's home. A girl across the street hollers over that he's not home. She says he may be home in an hour. We go down the street and get gas in the truck. We come back and set and wait. A little later, up drives a nice late model dually pickup. The guy that gets out does not match the description of the guy my neighbor lady talked to, so I know I'm not going to be confronting the guy that actually did it. This guys in his mid to late 20s and very fit. I have no idea how he will react. Should I just level with him from the getgo, or pull the used saw thing. I go with the used saw story. Again I go to the door and knock. He answers the door and he doesn't have any saws for sale. He asks if I live very far away, and I realize my stories falling apart quickly. So I level with him. I only barely start to tell him what's going on and I KNOW I've met a standup guy. He goes, "Oh, I want to hear about this!". I didn't lie, lol, but told him we had survalience that put his guy there when the saw was stolen. By "survelience, I was referring to the neighbors wife. Of course, he heard "camera". Yeah, I shaded the truth, but didn't lie;) This guy is immediately as livid as anyone as I've ever seen. Before even hearing the rest of the story, he's on the phone with his crew leader cursing him up one side and down the other, telling him the guy was caught on "camera" and to get back NOW. How in the world could he let this other guy do this? They were all in the truck together. Then he gets the perp on the phone. He's still cursing a blue streak. The guy confesses immediately and tells him the saw is at his place, unused, only two trailers down from where I am. He tells them to get back there ASAP and get that saw back immediately. "How could you steal a 70 year old man's saw?!!!!!"

So we spent the next 15 minutes or so waiting for his crew to return. He's just livid that these guys would risk his company for a saw they didn't even need. He keeps these guys in new equipment. He just bought them a $10K grinder, the big dually is to pull that with. They came back unloading nice new saws, pole saws, backpack blowers. He says, "These guys didn't even need this saw! One little stunt like this could kill my company." He mentioned how he's in the BB and all. I was MAJORLY impressed with the integrity of this guy. It was honestly refreshing. Instead of being mad at me, he's actually scared of what he'll do to the guy when he gets back.

As soon as they drive up, he's yelling, "Where's the saw?". And now for the sad part. Up to me walks the guy that actually took the saw. You should have seen the look on his face. He's muttering over and over, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry". Yeah, I know the man is responsible for his actions and deserves to pay for his deeds. But here's another man that's screwed up royally. He's 40 years old, looks like 50, only lives for his next drunk, is loosing his job, and now has to face me. I lost all animosity for the guy. It's really sad. Again, don't think I don't believe in him paying for his crime, but I saw his humanity, and it's a sad thing indeed.

Bottom line, I couldn't be happier. As we got back in the truck and headed down the road, I kept just looking at Dad and hitting him in the shoulder in disbelief. I've got to give credit due where credit's due. First of all, I thank God for his safety, and secondly, for giving me the wisdom, words, and confidence to know how to handle this. Now this saw is REALLY special to Dad and me. I now have his word that it goes in my collection when he can no longer use it:) BTW, I have one happy father to boot:clap:
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He's either writing a very detailed story or he's out in his workshop spooning w/the saw.:msp_rolleyes:

Thanks for the laugh, seriously Brad, wtf are you typing, some kind of after action report?
I love me a happy ending !

This was a great read. I'm glad you got your Dad's saw back.

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