End of Indian Summer

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Nov 17, 2010
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On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
Well... appears we're gonna' jump from 50s and 60s (and even some 70s) directly into full-blown winter. Talkin' 2-6 inches of snow Friday and Friday night, 30 MPH winds on Saturday, and overnight lows in single digits by Sunday morning. I guess it's finally time to drain the outside water... huh??
I'm going to be heading through your neck of the woods Friday around dinner time. Hopefully I can get far enough south to avoid the snow before it becomes a problem.
it's been a great fall for cutting wood with the extra days with out the snow. with the rain we are getting the last 3 days tho it's still hampering the good days that were! cold an snow to come over the weekend will bring everything back to realality for sure, just wish that with the warm sunny days i had taken the time to do a little more bird hunting... perhaps winter will offer better chances at hard water fishing?
it's been a great fall for cutting wood with the extra days with out the snow. with the rain we are getting the last 3 days tho it's still hampering the good days that were! cold an snow to come over the weekend will bring everything back to realality for sure, just wish that with the warm sunny days i had taken the time to do a little more bird hunting... perhaps winter will offer better chances at hard water fishing?
You guys have any deer left?
Yeah same here.....had a lot of rain last couple days....have only lit one or 2 fires in last 6-7 days. We are only lookin at a few inches...but that can change in a hurry
You guys have any deer left?
i seen 3 deer all season when able to get out with being busy.. thinking the summer storm took more deer than what some know.... the none hunters fields did seem to support more then the usual amount of deer tho! so with the storm the way it was , might have driven the deer to the crops ?
I spent most of the week cutting firewood wood and let the deer go this year. The wife and I feed the deer with solar feeders for 9 years now, we have several mineral pits and honey holes/food plots. In the past, it was nothing to have 10 to 15 deer on film at one time but the past three years we seen a big decline in the deer pop in that zone. Now we are in a bucks only zone 225 where we fed the deer and all the deer on film are at night. I did a lot of hinge cutting of trees this fall for the deer and that really seems to keep the deer in this area.

I live in zone 225 and have more deer down here but we have a lot of standing corn around us so we didn't see many during the day. The guy down the road gave me permission to take out the dead oaks and elm along his fence and field line and being a nice guy I held off this past week for the hunters, now we just had 2.75 inches of rain and I might not get back in the woods for a week or better. I guess it was nice as it lasted but a few more weeks of that nice weather would really help check things off that Honey-Do-List. Wood Comes First!! Always time for Black Powder...
its about time!!! lol. jk. I'm almost done installing 2 wood boilers the weather has made for easy working.
It's already 60 here. Unreal weather.
It was 60° here at midnight, been slowly dropping ever since... 55° when I rolled out this morning... 50° right now... lookin' for 32° by morning.
There's a chance we might see 40° tomorrow with 30 MPH west winds... then a slow drop to a predicted 7° by Sunday morning.
"They" still claim up to 6 inches of white stuff by Saturday morning... I'm bettin' they change their tune on that, "they" always do, just coverin' their butts.
It was 60° here at midnight, been slowly dropping ever since... 55° when I rolled out this morning... 50° right now... lookin' for 32° by morning.
There's a chance we might see 40° tomorrow with 30 MPH west winds... then a slow drop to a predicted 7° by Sunday morning.
"They" still claim up to 6 inches of white stuff by Saturday morning... I'm bettin' they change their tune on that, "they" always do, just coverin' their butts.
They are bad about over predicting precipitation, especially snow.

Supposedly there are much better weather models used in Europe but the folks here would have to admit their models are wrong so nothing will change.
Well... appears we're gonna' jump from 50s and 60s (and even some 70s) directly into full-blown winter. Talkin' 2-6 inches of snow Friday and Friday night, 30 MPH winds on Saturday, and overnight lows in single digits by Sunday morning. I guess it's finally time to drain the outside water... huh??
Damn what a change if that ends up happenin...
I guess it's finally time to drain the outside water... huh??*

thats what I did last night...went out to get some firewood for a quick fire, it dropped to 28, from near 50...was 22 and the ground was frozen this morning when I left for work...too cold for a non "freeze proof" spigot
We needed that moisture and it was a perfect fall. At least these last few days of rain wasn't snow instead. It looks like I might need to load the stove more than once every few days now! I'm actually looking forward to some frozen ground for cutting. I hate trudging around in the mud.
Well... according to "them", our current temperature of 35° is the warmest we're gonna' see for about 5 days.
Now "they're" sayin' some of us are in danger of seeing negative temperatures by Sunday morning... and "they've" revised the snow prediction from 2-6 inches to 5-8 inches.
I hate winter... I'm a winter bigot.
Well... according to "them", our current temperature of 35° is the warmest we're gonna' see for about 5 days.
Now "they're" sayin' some of us are in danger of seeing negative temperatures by Sunday morning... and "they've" revised the snow prediction from 2-6 inches to 5-8 inches.
I hate winter... I'm a winter bigot.
You got the basement full of wood, ready to rock n' roll? :rock:
Two day ago it was 68 degrees outside and rain. We ended up with 2.7 inches of rain and about that time a wood supplier came over with 3 cords of oak logs on a trailer. I took off the logs with my skid steer and made a mess of the far side of my lawn. Today it's still 27 above,winds at 40 mph and better, light snow and now the ground it frozen, stock tank had 3/4 inch of ice on it. Feeling like winter is a bit closer. With luck we might get close to the 40's next week but on the flip side they were saying Southern MN/Iowa might get around 9 inches of snow. Maybe a little wind a drop in temps for a few days isn't all that bad but I'm with WSpidy... I hate winter... The season has no real value.