Another fun day at the shop, shops share your stories..

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Yes ......Only in the better colors ........


Well if it runs like my 346 its within a 1/2--1/4 second of a 5100 in the block, faster in the limbs so that one must have something wrong with it, shoulda bought new!!!!!! 2000 is gonna try out mine when he comes up, I'll get a vid of that sucker running the 5100 and 346. Hope that crazy man doesn't blow my saws up,LOL
There was no welfare in Canada........GM and Chrysler yes........not Ford.........always missing your facts,.....somethings never change and thats why you are still doing cleanups in aisle 6.

Ford however was generous enoiugh to put me out to pasture so I have become a fulltime fisherman and enjoying that a lot.

Glad to hear you're doing something constructive. :cheers:

Yep, I'm still in isle 6 and still going to school.
Glad to hear you're doing something constructive. :cheers:

Yep, I'm still in isle 6 and still going to school.

Space, I have to say I'm sorry that I said Lowes before. That must have been a real insult, but if it makes you feel better, you make more money than me!

So are all of the Home Depot stores the same, and what exactly IS in isle 6?
Space, I have to say I'm sorry that I said Lowes before. That must have been a real insult, but if it makes you feel better, you make more money than me!

So are all of the Home Depot stores the same, and what exactly IS in isle 6?
No insult taken. No, nothing special about isle six, other than that's what a few here try to insult me with. :cheers:
That's've got to pass your SAT* before you can get in Tom's shed!

* Sodomy Awareness Test


Well don't stop there Woodie,tell him how you love it before you entered the shed,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Well don't stop there Woodie,tell him how you love it before you entered the shed,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

I'll do my best:

  1. I've never been in the shed
  2. I'm never going in the shed
  3. Not even at gunpoint.
  4. As it was in the beginning
  5. Is now
  6. and ever shall be.

I'll do my best:

  1. I've never been in the shed
  2. I'm never going in the shed
  3. Not even at gunpoint.
  4. As it was in the beginning
  5. Is now
  6. and ever shall be.



ya nut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hate to drag up an old thread, well OK, I really don't mind!!

So how many beers does it take after a bad day, to get ready for the next day??:cheers:

I'm asking, because I have to try really hard to type and I can't count that far right now, But I'm ready for work!!!

BTW, I did build a really nice bench today between the zero customers and I'd post a picture, but I can't draw that well.:)
Not all days are bad.....


The 036pro on the right is in real nice shape but scored. Man bought a 361 and left it behind. I'm thinking I'll fix it one of these days. 30 minutes later here comes the 036pro on the left. Man tells me his neighbor is moving away and gave him that saw. He goes your a saw man, you want it? I'm like don't you want it, he goes naaaaaaaa I don't need anymore saws.

So within 30 minutes two 036pros find they're way to daddy. Oddly the nasty looking one runs. The pretty one needs a piston/cylinder. I'll clean em up, fix em both and in the shed they will go. Not bad for freebies...

The 036pro on the right is in real nice shape but scored. Man bought a 361 and left it behind. I'm thinking I'll fix it one of these days. 30 minutes later here comes the 036pro on the left. Man tells me his neighbor is moving away and gave him that saw. He goes your a saw man, you want it? I'm like don't you want it, he goes naaaaaaaa I don't need anymore saws.

So within 30 minutes two 036pros find they're way to daddy. Oddly the nasty looking one runs. The pretty one needs a piston/cylinder. I'll clean em up, fix em both and in the shed they will go. Not bad for freebies...

This happens to me all the time. It's almost not fair to all the guys who have to use e-bay and craigs list. I got a just about mint Jonsered 90 this way, and it drove a buddy of mine nuts because he had been looking for a nice one for 20 years. He kept offering to buy or trade for it, but I just gave it to him for Christmas.

A lot of guys also walk away from toasted saws because they would rather buy a new one than do a rebuild. But parts at cost plus my own time is a lot different than list plus an hour labor. If the saw is really nice cosmetically, then it's hard to resist the temptation to do it over. I have an absolutely mint 630super that way.

But Thall's story also illustrates that to some people, saws are just junk taking up space in the garage, and they see no value in them. A logger friend of mine got a nice 028, and a hardly ever used 272XP for free from his neighbor. The neighbor said that he wasn't going to cut wood any more and he was tired of stepping over them.

Hey, all saws should go to a good home where they will be appreciated, right?
This happens to me all the time. It's almost not fair to all the guys who have to use e-bay and craigs list. I got a just about mint Jonsered 90 this way, and it drove a buddy of mine nuts because he had been looking for a nice one for 20 years. He kept offering to buy or trade for it, but I just gave it to him for Christmas.

A lot of guys also walk away from toasted saws because they would rather buy a new one than do a rebuild. But parts at cost plus my own time is a lot different than list plus an hour labor. If the saw is really nice cosmetically, then it's hard to resist the temptation to do it over. I have an absolutely mint 630super that way.

But Thall's story also illustrates that to some people, saws are just junk taking up space in the garage, and they see no value in them. A logger friend of mine got a nice 028, and a hardly ever used 272XP for free from his neighbor. The neighbor said that he wasn't going to cut wood any more and he was tired of stepping over them.

Hey, all saws should go to a good home where they will be appreciated, right?

I agree. I also think since us guys at the shops have to put up with all those people we should get all the freebies,LOLOL
"So tell me Mr. Duffus, what is it you need to think over"
"You agree that X, Y, Z"
Of course he has to say right
"So be honest with me Mr. Cheapskate, it's the money...right? It always is."

Not always. I went in to buy a MS361 or a MS260. Hefted both. Liked the feel of the 260 but didn't want to give up the power of the 361. Left and told him I'd think about it. Went back the next day, hefted again, left. Came here and posted yet another 361 vs 260 thread and got some convincing. Went back a third time and bought the MS361. It wasn't money and the difference betweed the two didn't make it about money - it was either 500 or 590. For me it was picking the "right" one.
Don't knock the yuppie too much.


Here's a old 026 that came in late yesterday evening. Young guy brought it in, looked like one of those computer type guys or yuppie. He says its been sitting two years with gas in it and now it won't start. I go your probably gonna need a new carb if its been sitting that long with fuel in it. His reply, fix it, don't care what it costs, just do whatever it needs. My kinda customer. Not the penny pinching redneck or tight azz whiner that hates to bring it to the shop in the first place. Yuppies for the most part could care less what something costs. I get along with em just fine,hehe

That saw needed new crank seals, fuel hose, fuel filter and new carb. Runs like a champ. Its been ready to go since 12am. People love that fast service. He will pay his bill and go away smiling.