Another fun day at the shop, shops share your stories..

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Awww now you done done it. Space will take that and pull a courtroom drama deal on you, get ready,LOLOLOL

Thats ok, I've been schooling acouple lawyers for their bar exam this last year. Schooling one more isn't that much more work :)
Speaking of skill maybe it isn't what you say or know its what you type that counts, a walker by helps too. Here's a good one for ya Space.

Old guy about 60-65 comes in this evening wanting eiither a 280, 290 or 390 chainsaw. Says he has several acres to clear for building a new home on. He tells me I've checked e-bay but saws on there are almost as high as new ones. I go yeah and you really don't know what your getting. He goes so tell me about these saws. I give him the run down on all three but can't help but think, this guy needs a 361 for what he wants to do. He feels the 280 is too costly and the 290 and 390 are abit heavy for him. I finally say what you really need for clearing a few acres is this saw right here, a 361. He see's the 599.99 price and goes oh no, I wasn't planning on spending that much. I go I understand but let me say this. If you took all four saws out and used them you would keep the 361 and forget these others.

About that time another customer came from out of no where and goes you better listen to him, he 100% right. He goes I bought a 361 from him myself and I love that saw, its awesome.

Now the old man is confused. He wants it but doesn't want to pay that price. The other customer says sir you get what you pay for and went on his way. Now the old man is looking at me for what should I do. I go sir the man told you right but even so I will gladly sell you any saw you want.

He thought for about 10 seconds and says I want the 361. I need a helmet too, mix oil, bar oil as well. Now comes the funny part.

He's in the store paying. I tell him meet me in the shop and I'll get your saw ready. I go down, get it all set to go and here he comes. I go over the saw with him like a fine tooth comb. He's happy as a lark. Then he tells me I've been e-mailing yaws website. I said ya have. He goes yeah and yaw respond real fast. I said are you the guy that was asking about all the saws we have in stock. He goes yeah, that was me. I said cool, I was the guy answering your e-mails. He's dayumm how do you respond so fast. I go I keep a eye on that e-mail set up all the time because I like selling saws. He goes apparently you do,LOLOL

So Space sometimes just a few mere replies to e-mails and another customer walking by the rack will beat skill all to hell although I do pocess and extreme amount of skill, I've even sold to many lawyers, hehe

Just to clarify for the readers, by "No where", Tommy means his secret room just outside the entrance, he's got several "customers" in there waiting. All he does is press a button and one walks out and says "Yup, that's the best saw I've ever owned. You better get that one". The "customer" than exits the building and goes back to no where, ready to convince the next unsuspecting customer :laugh: :laugh:
Just to clarify for the readers, by "No where", Tommy means his secret room just outside the entrance, he's got several "customers" in there waiting. All he does is press a button and one walks out and says "Yup, that's the best saw I've ever owned. You better get that one". The "customer" than exits the building and goes back to no where, ready to convince the next unsuspecting customer :laugh: :laugh:

I must confess I did think about that going home today. I thought man if that other guy hadn't came up that old man would have never bought that saw. I may have to find me a few homeless cats and putem to work backing me at the rack for alittle pocket change,hahhahaahhahaha
I must confess I did think about that going home today. I thought man if that other guy hadn't came up that old man would have never bought that saw. I may have to find me a few homeless cats and putem to work backing me at the rack for alittle pocket change,hahhahaahhahaha

Pocket change? I would say beer and peanuts would suffice, lol. :laugh:
Pocket change? I would say beer and peanuts would suffice, lol. :laugh:

Nowdays you may be right. Times are tuff. Oddly I'm matching last years sales, not increasing but on par with last year, but man the rest of the place, big lumber outfit, is slow, real slow. Spring can't come soon enuff this year.
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. . . he's got several "customers" in there waiting. All he does is press a button and one walks out and says "Yup, that's the best saw I've ever owned. You better get that one". The "customer" than exits the building and goes back to no where, ready to convince the next unsuspecting customer

Didn't I see something like that in 'The Color of Money"?

Didn't I see something like that in 'The Color of Money"?


Funny how things relate. I shot pool almost every nite for 25 years, was pretty good at it, ran many a rack in my day. Now that I think about I still have my 2pc Helmsetter cue in the case under my bed. Haven't shot a game in years now, been too busy fooling with dayumm chainsaws.
I like this thread:clap:would love to read some more of your stories thall. Kinda reminds of me of some of my own customers -dave-
Well not at the moment,i'm in winter lay off mode. I'm still busy though with other things.

Well at least your keeping buys. We have been crazy busy for the last while, the last two days have been a little slow. I've been pumping out some big jobs lately, one last week went over $5000, got another one apart, which is probably going to be well over $5000 probably close to 7k.
OK, here is a shop story from today, not as good as Tommy's but here goes.

Two guys:heart: come in with a belt squealing away like crazy, says I think it needs to be tightened. I look at it and say, well dayyyamm you need a new belt its shredded. He says well another guy said it was fine, I said, no its not, he says, well 3 other guys said it's fine, I said a little more sternly, WELL I'M telling ya now, YOU NEED A NEW BELT, its chewed up, finally the other guy, says no matter, just replace it whatever it costs, well dayamm that's what I like to hear, I took it off, looked as it a rat chewed it all to hell, so I saved it and hung it from his steering wheel, so he could see it.
OK, here is a shop story from today, not as good as Tommy's but here goes.

Two guys:heart: come in with a belt squealing away like crazy, says I think it needs to be tightened. I look at it and say, well dayyyamm you need a new belt its shredded. He says well another guy said it was fine, I said, no its not, he says, well 3 other guys said it's fine, I said a little more sternly, WELL I'M telling ya now, YOU NEED A NEW BELT, its chewed up, finally the other guy, says no matter, just replace it whatever it costs, well dayamm that's what I like to hear, I took it off, looked as it a rat chewed it all to hell, so I saved it and hung it from his steering wheel, so he could see it.

LOL, good one. Nothing ticks off a know it all more than when you show them they don't know it all, good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like this thread:clap:would love to read some more of your stories thall. Kinda reminds of me of some of my own customers -dave-

I guess one of the funniest ones was the day I talked a ole boy into a MS880 he thought he wanted, note I said thought.

I was at the bench working when this guy I know walks in the door and looks up at the big 880 I have on a shelf. This saw stood out like a tank when you walked in the door, just like I wanted it to.

He stood in the doorway and I looked over my shoulder from the bench and seen him staring up at that big saw. Buddy of mine was in the shop at the time and he tells the guy don't look at it buy it. I'm still at the bench with them at my back. Finally I go Mickey if you keep looking at that saw your gonna wind up buying it. He goes no way that thing is too big for me. I said well maybe at 1450.00 it will look alittle smaller to ya.

15 minutes later he's going out the door with his new MS880. I warned him.

I found out the other day he has it up for sale for 1450.00. He didn't want that dayumm saw in the first place, he kinda got shall we say urged into it,LOLOLOL
The closest dealer to my house is a little Stihl dealer, his shop bordering on State Game land. I've been buying my 2 stroke oil from him lately and picked up some bar oil and a few wedges the other day. I figure I'd much rather support a small shop, and his prices are reasonably anyways. When my finances improve I'll probably end up buying the 260 and 460 I 've been wanting there. Having a good dealer nearby is definately an asset.
I've already heard probably the best joke I will hear this year from a customer that comes in the shop all the time. Older guy in his 70's. He comes in alot and we talk politics, he's a conservative, I'm a moderate but we talk and never get outta line with each other, we accpet each others point of views without trying to change each other. We also cut up and tell alot of jokes with each other. I call him Dirty Dapper Dan and he calls me Hall.

Other day he comes in and lays this joke on me.

Preacher and his 10 year old son are coming home from church one Sunday. As the preacher pulls in his driveway he see's two stray dogs in his front yard going at it, they are locked tight. The son see's them too.

The son goes Dad what are those dogs doing in our yard. The preacher has to think fast and he comes up with this.

He goes well son apparently the dogs are freinds. The dog on top has a thorn in his paw and the dog on the bottom is towing him home. The little boy wastes no time. He goes welp thats just like how friends are. One tries to help out another and winds up getting screwed every dayummm time,LOLOL

I about fell in the floor............................
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The closest dealer to my house is a little Stihl dealer, his shop bordering on State Game land. I've been buying my 2 stroke oil from him lately and picked up some bar oil and a few wedges the other day. I figure I'd much rather support a small shop, and his prices are reasonably anyways. When my finances improve I'll probably end up buying the 260 and 460 I 've been wanting there. Having a good dealer nearby is definately an asset.

Good man. To him you will be a person, not another mail order address or a another digit at the box stores,:cheers::cheers::cheers:
Preacher and his 10 year old son are coming home from church one Sunday. As the preacher pulls in his driveway he see's two gay dogs in his front yard going at it, they are locked tight. The son see's them too.

The son goes Dad what are those dogs doing in our yard. The preacher has to think fast and he comes up with this.

He goes well son apparently the dogs are freinds. The dog on top has a thorn in his paw and the dog on the bottom is towing him home. The little boy wastes no time. He goes welp thats just like how friends are. One tries to help out another and winds up getting screwed every dayummm time,LOLOL

I about fell in the floor............................

Hey, I took the liberty of making a spelling error correction for you!!
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