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Someone has money these days

I got a call last week from a guy inquiring about a MS880 with a 59inch bar. He said he had one big tree he wanted to mill. I said you wanna spend 1990.00 on a saw for doing up one tree. He said he was thinking about it. I said well I don't keep any 59inch saws in stock but can getem and I'll give ya a break on the price. He goes how much, I say hows 150.00 off sound. He said I'll let ya know. I figured that was the end of that or he's calling around for the best price and someone will knock off more to get that sale.

Today at 1.30pm he calls again and wants to know if I would order him that MS880 with the 59inch bar we talked about last week. I go sure if you got a credit card and wanna pay for it before I order it. He says no problem. He gave me his info and the saw is paid for and ordered.

I still find it amazing this man is buying this expensive saw to do up just one tree. My kinda customer.
I got a call last week from a guy inquiring about a MS880 with a 59inch bar. He said he had one big tree he wanted to mill. I said you wanna spend 1990.00 on a saw for doing up one tree . . . He says no problem. He gave me his info and the saw is paid for and ordered. . . I still find it amazing this man is buying this expensive saw to do up just one tree. My kinda customer.

Send me his name? (I want to go to his next garage sale).

Manifold replacement on my sisters Tahoe,commend all of you that do this for a living.Glad I don't everyday anymore.


Looks familiar, gee, I've done that umm only a few million times!!!!
no way!!!

that saw is his baby... now in another 30 years or so... his boy will be putting it on the future version of craigslist... in mint condition with only a few hours on it.

some lucky person will be jumping up and down!!!

That saw will be on ebay or craigslist in a few sure and let him know about your "saw buyback program"......:Eye:
Wouldn't it be funny if Stihl dropped Tommy and he actually had to use skill to sell saws? :)

Long as they get their money they aren't dropping anyone. Far a skill it doesn't take much to sell Stihl, they kinda sell themselves. That happens when the maker does its homework,hehehe
Wouldn't it be funny if Stihl dropped Tommy and he actually had to use skill to sell saws? :)

Speaking of skill maybe it isn't what you say or know its what you type that counts, a walker by helps too. Here's a good one for ya Space.

Old guy about 60-65 comes in this evening wanting eiither a 280, 290 or 390 chainsaw. Says he has several acres to clear for building a new home on. He tells me I've checked e-bay but saws on there are almost as high as new ones. I go yeah and you really don't know what your getting. He goes so tell me about these saws. I give him the run down on all three but can't help but think, this guy needs a 361 for what he wants to do. He feels the 280 is too costly and the 290 and 390 are abit heavy for him. I finally say what you really need for clearing a few acres is this saw right here, a 361. He see's the 599.99 price and goes oh no, I wasn't planning on spending that much. I go I understand but let me say this. If you took all four saws out and used them you would keep the 361 and forget these others.

About that time another customer came from out of no where and goes you better listen to him, he 100% right. He goes I bought a 361 from him myself and I love that saw, its awesome.

Now the old man is confused. He wants it but doesn't want to pay that price. The other customer says sir you get what you pay for and went on his way. Now the old man is looking at me for what should I do. I go sir the man told you right but even so I will gladly sell you any saw you want.

He thought for about 10 seconds and says I want the 361. I need a helmet too, mix oil, bar oil as well. Now comes the funny part.

He's in the store paying. I tell him meet me in the shop and I'll get your saw ready. I go down, get it all set to go and here he comes. I go over the saw with him like a fine tooth comb. He's happy as a lark. Then he tells me I've been e-mailing yaws website. I said ya have. He goes yeah and yaw respond real fast. I said are you the guy that was asking about all the saws we have in stock. He goes yeah, that was me. I said cool, I was the guy answering your e-mails. He's dayumm how do you respond so fast. I go I keep a eye on that e-mail set up all the time because I like selling saws. He goes apparently you do,LOLOL

So Space sometimes just a few mere replies to e-mails and another customer walking by the rack will beat skill all to hell although I do pocess and extreme amount of skill, I've even sold to many lawyers, hehe
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thall... I'm convinced... You are a selling machine!!!! :chainsaw:

I like the hard sales that require patience. I've found patience conquers all if you use it right.

Example. Three weeks ago I have a man that wants a 36in bar and chain for his 056mag. I'm like ok, we got em. How much he says. I give him the full list price. He goes wow, they cost that much. I go yup. What kinda deal you gonna give me. I go none. Whatcha mean he says. I say none means none but if you buy a saw to go with em I'll work you up a deal. He's like no, I don't need a saw, just that bar and that chain. I go ok, there they are. He goes man that seems awful high. I go not really, that Stihl's price. He goes I'll have to think on it. I go ok, if you change your mind we got em.

This morning 3 weeks later who comes in to pay full list for that 36in bar and chain, the same man,LOLOL What he didn't know was I could tell by his tone of voice the first time he was just trying me, he wasn't worried about the price, he was enjoying the bartering, thats all. Today he grabbed them and never asked for a penny off...

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