o no??

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OK I need to confess to something.
I too use my spurs for most trees.
The trick is to learn to keep it to a minimum.

Just because they're there doesn't mean you need to use them.
Besides my hand saw is attached to my spurs, not my leg.

If I have to compete with hackers, I need my gear and spurs is part of it.

You just watch every step you take.

my goodness another :looser:
I was ready to see if TreeManDan was ready to be on my buddy list.
LOL, Guess I'll try next month.
like i said in another thread somewhere, everyone in my town and surrounding counties hooks trees. only arborists around here work for the city and this is what we say when we meet them :

my goodness another :looser:

arborists around here are just bookworms who think they know it all but never do the works themselves or are willing to sacrifice profit margins for 'what is good for the tree'. probably the only thing you would disagree with about me if we met is my ascention method, my cutting and rigging is for the most part above board
OK I need to confess to something.
I too use my spurs for most trees.
The trick is to learn to keep it to a minimum.

Just because they're there doesn't mean you need to use them.
Besides my hand saw is attached to my spurs, not my leg.

If I have to compete with hackers, I need my gear and spurs is part of it.

You just watch every step you take.

Raymond, Raymond, Raymond.
I used to be guilty of the same thing because that is how I was taught and I didn't know any better. Now I know better and don't do that. I look at it this way, if the ladder hacks can get up in the tree and work without spikes then surely I can.
is this how my ass is getting handed to me? frankly, i'm not impressed. going to sleep now, i'll read your bad-mouthings tomorrow morning or after work
Definition of the word minimum

Least possible amount; smallest possible size; lowest degree
like i said in another thread somewhere, everyone in my town and surrounding counties hooks trees. only arborists around here work for the city and this is what we say when we meet them :

arborists around here are just bookworms who think they know it all but never do the works themselves or are willing to sacrifice profit margins for 'what is good for the tree'. probably the only thing you would disagree with about me if we met is my ascention method, my cutting and rigging is for the most part above board

what are you talking about? what to you is "good for the tree"? so the work that you do....do you consider it better than those arborists that are bookworms? also you do realize that when you spike into a tree you break in to the cambium of the tree which is the area that connects the leaves to the roots...the tree has to go in great stress to seal over these wounds....because you damaged trunk tissue.

Maybe you should move to Florida because you can spike palm trees without hurting them...because they are monocots not dicots

but what do I know I am just an arborist bookworm
Frankly, I can't see any reason to spike a prune job. Does it take a bit longer to set up? Yes. But once you're up there it doesn't seem much different. You'll probably hear the hippies and huggas whining on and on in the next few pages about how awful it is for the tree...yadda yadda yadda. But when it comes down to business, it's something I can do that sets me apart from the competition. I said that to you before, asthesun. If you can't see spikeless prunes as a great sales tool ( not to mention skill to have as a climber if you ever wanna work for someone else ) I don't know what to say. Just think, man, there's a lot of ex-hippie, tree huggin' subarbanites out there with some serious bucks ready to hire the best. May as well try to be it.
what are you talking about? what to you is "good for the tree"? so the work that you do....do you consider it better than those arborists that are bookworms? also you do realize that when you spike into a tree you break in to the cambium of the tree which is the area that connects the leaves to the roots...the tree has to go in great stress to seal over these wounds....because you damaged trunk tissue.

Maybe you should move to Florida because you can spike palm trees without hurting them...because they are monocots not dicots

but what do I know I am just an arborist bookworm

you know about trees, probably not central florida profit margins. only 1% of palms around here need to be climbed. most are < 55', the height of our bucket. mostly sables. the occasional washingtonian. i'll continue doing what i do, make money. you continue doing what you do, preach.
Can't help but wonder as I go to bed...

How many of you guys worry about a crap
elm or silver maple 4 or more states away,
with a cigarette hanging from your lips?
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How many of you guys worry about a crap
elm or silver maple 4 or more states away,
with a cigarette hanging from your lips?

I don't really give a crap about the trees, unless they're used to make the paper my money is printed on. If I can do something no one else can, I have an edge.
And the hacks float to the surface.
Pruning in spikes show the cowboy hacker to be a mix of ignorant, lazy or arrogant. They are either to fat and lazy to climb any other way, to ignorant to learn or to arrogant to relise that they are little more than door to door hacks with a bit more gear than your average illegal landscaper. Do you offer expert roof repairs and mowing to? Maybe you should start mowing so at least some of your trimming work will come out ok.

Better hope you clients remain more ignorant than you are.
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Maybe he can't pull the jelly to the top of the tree. Can you do a pull up? You are what you eat, cup cake. :spam:

you know about trees, probably not central florida profit margins. only 1% of palms around here need to be climbed. most are < 55', the height of our bucket. mostly sables. the occasional washingtonian. i'll continue doing what i do, make money. you continue doing what you do, preach.

gotta love to hear about a town where all the "tree guys" (used VERY loosely) are in a race to the bottom to see who can bid the lowest and still find a way to profit.

you're so busy looking down past your beer gut at your spikes that you can't even see the dollars being left behind because you're too lazy to not be a hack.

what really makes me wonder, is how did you guys who say you don't care about trees end up in the tree business?

isn't that sort of like a vet who doesn't care about animals or a chef who could care less about food?

do you have any personal pride? or is it as simple as it appears? a bunch of tree whores, ONLY out for the money with total disregard for the living tree that's paying your bills?