New Dolmar 5100S Review from the dude...

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Nice addition to the fleet:clap:
I really like mine a lot. I have 2 of them a 5100 with the heated handles, one with out. The heated handle one is the favorite, and I had just bought it to see what heated handles were like. In the snow on a under 10 degree day, I took off my insulated wet gloves as my hands were sweating. The more I run it the more impressed with it I become.

Heated handles sure are nice!
Of course a mfg is going to recommend their own oil at the 50-1 ratio. If they said OK go ahead and use competitors oil at 50-1 and someone ended up using some elcheapo oil from the leading box store and then they had a engine failure they would have to accept the blame right? I tell my customers that as long as their using a major mfg's oil at or near the 50-1 or even 40-1 they will be fine. Just don't go grab a qt of 30wt and expect Dolmar to warranty a engine failure from inferior oil mix


Yes, I believe the brands all do more or less the same thing regarding this.

In reality is is the quality of the oil that counts, not the brand.
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Cisco, I couldn't help smiling when I saw the picture of you posing with the new Dolmar and your wife at your side. You have a big smile whereas she doesn't seem so happy about your new puppy ;)

I had a girlfriend once and my friend asked me: -Peter, If you had too chose between your chainsaw with heated handles and Johanna, what would it be?
The fact that I was at all hesitating for a while made Johanna very angry .... ;)
You maybe should have put down johnny and hung onto johanna. With your attitude it may not happen again ;).

Cisco, I couldn't help smiling when I saw the picture of you posing with the new Dolmar and your wife at your side. You have a big smile whereas she doesn't seem so happy about your new puppy ;)

I had a girlfriend once and my friend asked me: -Peter, If you had too chose between your chainsaw with heated handles and Johanna, what would it be?
The fact that I was at all hesitating for a while made Johanna very angry .... ;)

heheheheheheheee... Actually she's been sickly also, so she wasn't really happy about being outside. She's actually the worst about encouraging my saw habit, damn her(sarcastic)... Man, I'd hate to have to make a choice between women and saws,lmfao...

:cheers: eh?
heheheheheheheee... Actually she's been sickly also, so she wasn't really happy about being outside. She's actually the worst about encouraging my saw habit, damn her(sarcastic)... Man, I'd hate to have to make a choice between women and saws,lmfao...

:cheers: eh?

Congratulations on the new toys! So which one(s) would you choose? Have to think about it for awhile? :popcorn:

(I won't tell nobody).
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Nice vids ciscoguy. That Honey Locust you were cutting with your 7900 will make some excellent firewood.:cheers:

Dude, locust is like my all time favorite for firewood next to beech. It's not very common around here and is tough as nails. Lucky to get 2 trees before having to sharpen a chain. That danged bark is a pain though, it's big and takes up as much space as the wood, lmao... All in all a good score and some good wood to break in the 7900 brotha...

:cheers: eh?
Dude, locust is like my all time favorite for firewood next to beech. It's not very common around here and is tough as nails. Lucky to get 2 trees before having to sharpen a chain. That danged bark is a pain though, it's big and takes up as much space as the wood, lmao... All in all a good score and some good wood to break in the 7900 brotha...

:cheers: eh?

Ahem wasn't there suppost to be another video??

Dolmar Ad

Andddddd, by popular demand, the next Dolmar Ad for the 5100... hehehehehe

You'd better thank the wifey for having the good nature to do this, lmfao...
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New 5100 S

For the record and in order to satisfy the ever quenching demands of the AS punditry I do hereby present the obligatory saw pic on behalf of myself and whomever else. :monkey:





I picked this saw up late Wednesday night and haven't even had a chance to do any cutting as of yet. I'll pony up my opinion as to how this little red monstrosity stacks-up against my beloved MS 260 PRO when I do. Doesn't the paint scheme seem a little off to y'all? :hmm3grin2orange:

PS: Wait to yah see what I have showing-up in a couple days...:chainsaw:

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For the record and in order to satisfy the ever quenching demands of the AS punditry I do hereby present the obligatory saw pic on behalf of myself and whomever else. :





I picked this saw up late Wednesday night and haven't even had a chance to do any cutting as of yet. I'll pony up my opinion as to how this little red monstrosity stacks-up against my beloved MS 260 PRO when I do. Doesn't the paint scheme seem a little off to y'all? :hmm3grin2orange:

PS: Wait to yah see what I have showing-up in a couple days...


What a perty little saw ya got there. I think it's a brother to mine. Paint off?? Heck no. No damned tree huggers painted mine, hehehehehehe... I'll be waiting here till you gimme a preview of whatcha got coming brotha... :popcorn: :confused: :clap: :cheers:
For the record and in order to satisfy the ever quenching demands of the AS punditry I do hereby present the obligatory saw pic on behalf of myself and whomever else. :monkey: ....

PS: Wait to yah see what I have showing-up in a couple days...:chainsaw:


Nice, but everything looks a bit too clean! :greenchainsaw: :cheers: :cheers:

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