accident waiting to happen

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as far as boggonig the saw ive seen worse (chain came to a compleat stop at full throtle)
be postive

You guys are so negative.

Look at the big picture.

Throughout human history, there have always been those that persevered despite their lack of skills or knowledge.
Where do we draw the line?
Would you have faulted Tesla for not having a major hydroelectric damn to work with?
Was da Vinci's parachute or helicopter too rudimentary to gather our respect, simply because we know more than he due to accumulated human knowledge?
Are we better than Archimedes because of our computers?

These faceless gentlemen are simply misplaced experiments caught out of their element or perhaps more correctly, buggar eatin' spastics’.
Well smoke, I like the way you think, I really do BUT... it's idiots like them that keep attorneys fat right now, and force OSHA and others to impose even more saftey standards on equipment!!!
Had a Dentist, he was a good Dentist to, not reall sharp though. Lost three fingers on his right hand, stuck his hand under a running lawnmower. He's not a Dentist anymore. Manufactures fault? His fault? Why is that only the stupid people are breeding?
smokechase II said:
You guys are so negative.

Look at the big picture.

Throughout human history, there have always been those that persevered despite their lack of skills or knowledge.
Where do we draw the line?
Would you have faulted Tesla for not having a major hydroelectric damn to work with?
Was da Vinci's parachute or helicopter too rudimentary to gather our respect, simply because we know more than he due to accumulated human knowledge?
Are we better than Archimedes because of our computers?

These faceless gentlemen are simply misplaced experiments caught out of their element or perhaps more correctly, buggar eatin' spastics’.

Sounds to me like you've entered the twilight zone.
do doo do doo

Nah, just trying for some humor.

I don't believe it had been pointed out prior that they are without identification. Perhaps they are someone we know from this site.