Bucking Trailer Build

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Watching the cutters work, it looks like there is an issue if the diameter of the log is larger than the spacing between the support arms. So a 20" diameter log will not fit between support arms designed for cutting 16" on center. But if heavier support arms were placed twice as far apart (32" o.c.), and 2 cuts were made between each support arm, larger diameter logs could be cut and still fall through to the angled deck below.

Same idea would apply to whatever spacing/desired round size desired.

(EDIT: I get now where this double spacing would not work with the last few cuts, since the log is not secured to the support arms. Part of the creative process is throwing ideas out there, even if they only serve to get others to think of something better!)

if the small stuff could get threw it might work..... but there is alot of places the wood go's threw too
I wish we had a video
I used to work in a mill, & have familiarity with conveyor, chutes, etc. Not to mention many years of fab experience.

Sounds like a situation where there needs to be some size separation, perhaps with a manual gate.

The "small side" could be lined with VHMW to aid in moving pieces.
Watching the cutters work, it looks like there is an issue if the diameter of the log is larger than the spacing between the support arms. So a 20" diameter log will not fit between support arms designed for cutting 16" on center. But if heavier support arms were placed twice as far apart (32" o.c.), and 2 cuts were made between each support arm, larger diameter logs could be cut and still fall through to the angled deck below.

Same idea would apply to whatever spacing/desired round size desired.

Pinched bars...
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My bucking wife won't let me have a bucking trailer, so you buckers are going to have to build a bucking trailer without me....bucking women, I swear. Oh, and Go Buck Yourself...
I have a sweet little thing, and she likes to buck. Pretty fast too; I have to hang on really tight......
Not if you buck them right.

If you up cut on the trailer, you will have mutiny of the splitter operators...
Supports cannot and should not be 32"... When the trailer was being built and then modified, we have been down that road.
Have you cut on the trailer yet?
Another thought on stuck/runaway wood.

Make a manual conveyor that the splitter operators run. Need more wood? Give the crank a turn.

I would gear it in such a way to give mechanical advantage to the user. Meaning, not 1:1 on the crank. A small car diff would work fir a gear box.
If you up cut on the trailer, you will have mutiny of the splitter operators...
Supports cannot and should not be 32"... When the trailer was being built and then modified, we have been down that road.
Have you cut on the trailer yet?

Yesh. Cover us in chips (intentionally), and we'll likely forget which way we're supposed to throw the splits!

I wish I'd spent some time up on the trailers now, I'd have a little better idea what we're fighting.

Stupid big is a problem no matter where you cut it. Best bet might just be to have a separate area where they're cut on the ground (or in a grapple bucket, with a big enough "spare" loader, and split on one of the log lift machines.
Another thought on stuck/runaway wood.

Make a manual conveyor that the splitter operators run. Need more wood? Give the crank a turn.

I would gear it in such a way to give mechanical advantage to the user. Meaning, not 1:1 on the crank. A small car diff would work fir a gear box.

Like this idea. Something like this: http://unloadapickup.com/unload/lh3000.aspx Could motorize it if we got fancy.
Have you cut on the trailer yet?

Only watched in Iowa and on some videos. Trying to think of options other than limiting the diameter of the logs, which may be the way to go, as Steve suggests.

Yesh. Cover us in chips (intentionally), and we'll likely forget which way we're supposed to throw the splits!

Thanks for explaining that Steve. Was not thinking of the chip flow, just the bucking part! Maybe some of those clear, plastic flaps, like grocery stores have when you enter their freezers to protect the splitter guys?

Trying to think of non-powered ways to keep the rounds from hanging up. Part of of the issue is also stacking multiple logs on the deck. For a trailer/stand designed for larger logs, loading and cutting one log at a time would allow the rounds to be pushed forward, towards the splitting area, without having to fit between the rails. Of course, there would still need to be a way to prevent the large rounds from crushing the splitters - might be easier if not such a high drop/difference in height.

OK, here is a conceptual sketch for a log bucking station for larger logs. Key difference is loading and bucking one-at-a-time. The current trailer and stands could remain the approach for smaller diameter logs loaded on an inclined deck.

Screen shot 2014-12-10 at 1.36.27 PM.png
- Bucking one, larger log at a time means that the finished rounds could roll forward to the splitter operators, and not have to drop or pass between supporting rails.
- Since they are large, and rolling, steep gravity feed is not needed.
- Each cut round is individually cradled in a wide tray, which is individually tipped forward/released via a hand or foot operated latch.
- Releasing rounds individually provides more control over timing and momentum of entire log. Rail at end to prevent splitter guys getting crushed. Pickaroons used for final sliding of rounds towards splitter operators.
- More work for skidder/loader operator is a trade off.

Posting just for ideas.

Could this be an addition to the trailer. Like how John pulls the splitter and trailer together. But pulls the larger log bucking station behind the trailer. An add on to the the bucking trailer for the larger more dangerous logs? It would allow more splitters to get around the trailer combo.

I don't think there will be one size fits all bucking trailer. Maybe a trailer with multiple stations for different size logs. Or multiple trailers for different size logs.