Built me a bridge this weekend.

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Geez!!! I can't believe how people jump on each other around here sometimes. I usually try to just ignore it, but here's a guy doing something constructive for himself (with a chainsaw I might add), and he gets blasted.

Constructive criticism is fine and I think most people around here have a pretty thick skin, but it gets a little much sometimes.:angrysoapbox:
who you talking about.........
Nice bridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And thanks for the pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rep sent!!!!!!
Criss cross as in Kriss Kross?

"A Mac Daddy make ya JUMP! JUMP!"

:D :laugh:

Like as in you cut across the bridge at a 45° and then cut again at 90° to that. :greenchainsaw:

I think the only reason we bother is because the moss get so deep around here. A few year old wood bridge in the forest can get moss 3" deep easily.

Once again, nice bridge, good work on it. It shows hard work and a creative spirit.

I think they take shots at it because they never built a bridge themselves.;)

Mr. HE:cool:
Nice work. Don't listen to the nay sayers. They are a dime a dozen.
Great bridge! & I like your video too! It's almost like out of a horror video trailer always waiting for something shocking to happen! Like Nik hunting you down trying to rob you your beer stockpile which is on the other side of the bridge! :laugh:

Too bad that some people cannot approve other peoples work without trying to be an idi%&$ .

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You'll enjoy that bridge for years, thanks for letting me enjoy it for a few minutes.

A general rule: ignore all self-appointed and/or self-educated Bridge Engineers and Constitutional Scholars.
What a crappy bridge!!!!!!! I wonder were you got the design. Just kidding bro. It looks good!

I own the land right next door to this guy. He is totally right about the spring never changing. We live almost at the top of a hill, so there is never a flood situation. The stream fluctuates about an inch up or down depending on the season.
What a crappy bridge!!!!!!! I wonder were you got the design. Just kidding bro. It looks good!

I own the land right next door to this guy. He is totally right about the spring never changing. We live almost at the top of a hill, so there is never a flood situation. The stream fluctuates about an inch up or down depending on the season.

I plan on letting it settle a bit then I'm gonna work in that osage somehow...