Bulk Firewood

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Call the firewood cops someone shorted me a piece. Hey turnkey notice the part that says fraction of a cord that covers facecord! Now get off your high horse. Government need not involve itself in private business transactions to protect some dumbas@ like you. Nuff said I'm not following this anymore.

Yes, it says "fraction of a cord" It does not sayi "face cord". Once again. Face cord is not a set measure of firewood as it despends on how long it is cut.

I really like your method of debate. All you have is personal attack. I hope you are serious about not followign it anymore. Posts such as yours do not contribute anything.

Harry K
Thankfully, we only have one measure around here, a cord. Or a half cord.

People selling face cords, bush cords, ricks, etc, are only trying to confuse the consumer and/or rip someone off.

A cord is 4 x 4 x 8. Is that hard to understand?
How can you all be so wrong about the size of a face cord ?

Cords are cords, simple as that. A stack of 8' logs, 4' tall and 4' wide is a cord . That's 128 cubic feet total . No arguements , right !?

A face cord off that stack is 4' X 4' . Not no 4'X8' ! Thats giving wood away !!! and at $30 a face cord they better not be expecting nothing longer than 13"-14".

Now shanks and ranks of wood is where the moneys really at. 'Because, after you splits all that wood in a face cord. Then stacks it in a cristy cross. Mann oh man will tham stack'o splits grow. it'll look like $65 or $75 worth of wood, done right. It'll look like 5 feet tall and maybe nearly 8 feet long. You gotta keep it watered though cause it will shrink up some . and make sure you keep it up off the ground. Makes the stack look taller ;)

Face cords are a third of a cord ? Ha ! not everywhere they aren't !!
Oh there's 2 ranks in a cord ? Haiell yeah ! how many ranks or shanks you want ?

And that is why the legal definition of a cord is uniform from state to state.
Because my rick, rank or shank of wood might not be the same as the next guys. They aren't a clearly defined measure , universally equivalent everywhere firewood might be sold, cords are.

Who are you using, I'm hearing $90 delivered for hard maple, there isn't any money in that.

Where are you at? Around Hayward $80 per cord oak 8 footers, but also depends on how far they need to drive to deliver, they might add on $60 for fuel.

Wisconsin (note this is a city ordinance based on the state WAC).

Section 22-9 Method of Sale of Commodities
(Sections ATCP 91.01 and 91.07 Wisconsin Administrative Code)
It shall be unlawful to advertise, offer for sale, or sell within the city firewood, fireplace wood, slab wood or stove wood in any other manner than by the cord, fractions of a cord, volumetric measure or by weight.
Mill ends, lumber scraps, and irregular pieces when sold for fuel shall be sold by net weight.
The cord is hereby defined for purposes of this section as the amount of wood, or a combustible, fibrous growth, which is contained in a space of one hundred twenty-eight (128) cubic feet, when the wood is ranked and well stowed.
A single log and packages of such individual logs containing less than four(4) cubic feet, commonly referred to as bundles shall be sold by net weight.
Per custom, one hundred twenty-eight (128) cubic feet generally means a stack of wood four(4) feet by four (4) feet by eight (8) feet. Ranked and well stowed shall be construed to mean pieces of wood placed in a line or row with individual pieces touching and parallel to each other, and stacked in a compact manner.



Sale of Firewood In Pennsylvania

Title 70 of the Pennsylvania Code:

Wood used for fuel shall be sold by the cord of 128 cubic feet (4'X 4' X 8') or fraction thereof and shall be accompanied by a statement or invoice certifying the amount sold and presented to the buyer or his designee at the time of delivery or billing.

Section 2.11 of the Weights and Measures Act of 1965:

Cord: When used in connection with wood intended for fuel purposes, the amount of wood that is contained in a space of 128 cubic feet (4' X 4' X 8') when the wood is racked and well stowed.

Firewood may not be advertised or sold by the truck load, the pile, the piece or any other method other than by the cord or fraction there of. There is no such thing as a face cord. An invoice must be given at the time of sale.

And so it goes, state after state.

I particularly like the last line of Pennsylvania's "There is no such thing as a face cord".

Sure do seem to be a lot of people posting that have no idea of their state regs.

Harry K

Wisconsin (note this is a city ordinance based on the state WAC).

Section 22-9 Method of Sale of Commodities
(Sections ATCP 91.01 and 91.07 Wisconsin Administrative Code)
It shall be unlawful to advertise, offer for sale, or sell within the city firewood, fireplace wood, slab wood or stove wood in any other manner than by the cord, fractions of a cord, volumetric measure or by weight.
Mill ends, lumber scraps, and irregular pieces when sold for fuel shall be sold by net weight.
The cord is hereby defined for purposes of this section as the amount of wood, or a combustible, fibrous growth, which is contained in a space of one hundred twenty-eight (128) cubic feet, when the wood is ranked and well stowed.
A single log and packages of such individual logs containing less than four(4) cubic feet, commonly referred to as bundles shall be sold by net weight.
Per custom, one hundred twenty-eight (128) cubic feet generally means a stack of wood four(4) feet by four (4) feet by eight (8) feet. Ranked and well stowed shall be construed to mean pieces of wood placed in a line or row with individual pieces touching and parallel to each other, and stacked in a compact manner.



Sale of Firewood In Pennsylvania

Title 70 of the Pennsylvania Code:

Wood used for fuel shall be sold by the cord of 128 cubic feet (4'X 4' X 8') or fraction thereof and shall be accompanied by a statement or invoice certifying the amount sold and presented to the buyer or his designee at the time of delivery or billing.

Section 2.11 of the Weights and Measures Act of 1965:

Cord: When used in connection with wood intended for fuel purposes, the amount of wood that is contained in a space of 128 cubic feet (4' X 4' X 8') when the wood is racked and well stowed.

Firewood may not be advertised or sold by the truck load, the pile, the piece or any other method other than by the cord or fraction there of. There is no such thing as a face cord. An invoice must be given at the time of sale.

And so it goes, state after state.

I particularly like the last line of Pennsylvania's "There is no such thing as a face cord".

Sure do seem to be a lot of people posting that have no idea of their state regs.

Harry K

Sure seem to be trying awfully hard to be right, Appleton city regs, twice? Pennsylvania? Try getting laid, maybe you won't be so anal retentive! LMFAO at YOU!!
Where are you at? Around Hayward $80 per cord oak 8 footers, but also depends on how far they need to drive to deliver, they might add on $60 for fuel.
I'm south of Hurley off Hwy 51. We mostly get loads of Maple, I've grown to like it better than oak, seasons quicker. Other problem is my road has a 30 ton summer weight, trucker has to be willing, I'm not paying his fine...
I'm not defending, I'm saying I DON'T CARE WHAT HE'S SAYING. I typed it slow so even a canadian can get it.

Yes, you have made it perfectly clear that you don't give a damn about industry standards. I suppose you would be willing to by paint by the "splash", bread by the "handful", etc.

Obviously yo are among the group that can't be edjumacated.

Harry K
Yes, you have made it perfectly clear that you don't give a damn about industry standards. I suppose you would be willing to by paint by the "splash", bread by the "handful", etc.

Obviously yo are among the group that can't be edjumacated.

Harry K

So hows about you and your canadian boyfriend hi-jack another thread to share your views on "industry standards". This one ran its course...
This one ran its course... and you still don't get it. A cord is a cord, no more no less.
Newbie here - Need bulk wood

Northeast Michigander (Alpena) looking for pulpcords. New to the area also new to woodburning as primary source. Oak preferred but would consider mixed hard if it makes sense.
thanks, Jeff
How many face cords you loking for Yank?

Make sure you ask for an invoice when they deliver the wood or the cord cops will get you. If I asked my supplier for an invoice he'd take the logs back. And the last time I seen bundles for sale they never had a weight on them. How would that even work, each bag a different price depending on the moisture at the moment of sale?
How many face cords you loking for Yank?

Make sure you ask for an invoice when they deliver the wood or the cord cops will get you. If I asked my supplier for an invoice he'd take the logs back. And the last time I seen bundles for sale they never had a weight on them. How would that even work, each bag a different price depending on the moisture at the moment of sale?

10 full cords so roughly 27-30 face.