Bulk Firewood

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The reason there are the two terms "facecord" and "cord" is very clear and obvious. Face cord is used quite simply to refer to firewood cut stove length(16" ave.) A cord( standardcord, pulpcord, or CORD) is used for log length material. It is done that way because very few people can transport a cord, firewood is therefore sold by the facecord. Quite simple, but i guess i'm simple so i can understand that. Alot of folks on this site are way more sophisticated than I. And even my 30 years in logging and lumbering and 40 years of firewood experience doesn't mean a thing to most.
Personally I think you are getting ripped off. A semi truck hauling sticks, holding 16-18 cords? I don't think it can be done. Around me a loggers cord 8 footers selling for $80 per cord Oak.
Personally I think you are getting ripped off. A semi truck hauling sticks, holding 16-18 cords? I don't think it can be done. Around me a loggers cord 8 footers selling for $80 per cord Oak.
Who are you using, I'm hearing $90 delivered for hard maple, there isn't any money in that.
Personally I think you are getting ripped off. A semi truck hauling sticks, holding 16-18 cords? I don't think it can be done. Around me a loggers cord 8 footers selling for $80 per cord Oak.

As stated earlier in post in MICHIGAN trucks can weigh 162,000 lbs loaded, unlike Wisc. where 80,000 is max weight. 20 plus CORDs is very common and very legal!!
What I get is just "face" cords 4x8(at $60) so I supposed if it was a full cord it would be 4 times $60 . Good green hardwood that needs to be seasons was offered from the same supplier for $50 a face cord . Hoping I get to go cut some ash before summer is over burns good and is cheaper and I have a lead on about 8 that have been dead for 2 yrs. due to Ash borer.

What is this "face" cord stuff you keep going back to, but a way to confuse and rip off? :rolleyes2:

There is a LEGAL definition in most states of a cord, and in some a requirement that whatever cockamamy units of measurement are used, the amount must also be given in cords. To say that your "face" cord is 4x8 is nonsensical- no third dimension. Wanna buy a "face cord" of 8-inchers like I use in my stove? Thought not.

If you mean "1/3-cord" why not say something like "third-cord"? What would happen if we started with measurement units like "dog-gallon" or "cat-mile"? That, too would be "horse-poo."

Memo to self: KISS
What is this "face" cord stuff you keep going back to, but a way to confuse and rip off? :rolleyes2:

There is a LEGAL definition in most states of a cord, and in some a requirement that whatever cockamamy units of measurement are used, the amount must also be given in cords. To say that your "face" cord is 4x8 is nonsensical- no third dimension. Wanna buy a "face cord" of 8-inchers like I use in my stove? Thought not.

If you mean "1/3-cord" why not say something like "third-cord"? What would happen if we started with measurement units like "dog-gallon" or "cat-mile"? That, too would be "horse-poo."

Memo to self: KISS
Local slang. Sold wood to two old lesbians that live back in the sticks, they got it. Maybe someone outside your little world could explain it to you. It's not all about you.
The reason there are the two terms "facecord" and "cord" is very clear and obvious. Face cord is used quite simply to refer to firewood cut stove length(16" ave.) A cord( standardcord, pulpcord, or CORD) is used for log length material.

Then why is "cord" specified as 4'x4'x8' or 128 cu ft. Or do your "log lengths' come only in 8'?

It is done that way because very few people can transport a cord, firewood is therefore sold by the facecord.

Or _legally_ by the fraction of a cord

Quite simple, but i guess i'm simple so i can understand that.
Alot of folks on this site are way more sophisticated than I. And even my 30 years in logging and lumbering and 40 years of firewood experience doesn't mean a thing to most.

When you can get any of those fake measure included in the _legal_ descriptions of firewood sales, I'll buy it. Until then there is only 'cord' and fractions thereof that are legal in any state that regulates firewood sales.

The point of "face cord" falls flat on it's face as until the seller tells you the length you have no idea how much wood is in his 'face' cord.

Go anywhere in the US or Canada or a some other countries and say you are selling a cord and everyone knows what you are talkign about. Then time it is a face cord and noone knows.

"Bush cord?" WTF is that? Someone said it is a 'cord'. So why the H E double toothpicks not CALL it a cord.

I would think that with your experience you would have learned the legal description of wood sales.

Harry K
Local slang. Sold wood to two old lesbians that live back in the sticks, they got it. Maybe someone outside your little world could explain it to you. It's not all about you.

No, it is not about _us_ it is about clear definition of the amount of wood. The only _legal_ measure is "cord" - use it. Perhaps someone can explain to you why standard measures are used in commerce.

Harry K
Cord vs Face Cord vs Rick

In some areas firewood is measured as a face cord or a rick. A face cord and a rick can mean different things depending on who you talk to but they are generally both the same thing. In most cases this would be any stack of wood that is 8 feet long and 4 feet high or any equivalent that would have a 32 square foot face.

The amount of wood in a rick or face cord will depend on how long the pieces are so these are not the most accurate firewood measurements. The standard length for firewood is often 16″ and a rick or face cord in that case would be 1/3 cord. If the pieces were 24″ long a rick or face cord would be 1/2 cord.

Without knowing the length of the pieces you won’t know how much wood you are getting when you order a rick or face cord. This is why some states like Oregon to require firewood measurements to be in cords or fractions of cords when selling firewood.
No, it is not about _us_ it is about clear definition of the amount of wood. The only _legal_ measure is "cord" - use it. Perhaps someone can explain to you why standard measures are used in commerce.

Harry K

You need every one to do it your way? That's unAmerican. That Hitler fella thought like that. " My way or the high way". You the firewood nazi? This whole issue bores me, I think some are just looking for an arguement. You can do it any way you want. If you don'i do it my way, you're doing it wrong, but thats okay. Peace
You need every one to do it your way? That's unAmerican. That Hitler fella thought like that. " My way or the high way". You the firewood nazi? This whole issue bores me, I think some are just looking for an arguement. You can do it any way you want. If you don'i do it my way, you're doing it wrong, but thats okay. Peace

It isn't "my way", it is the industry standard way.

And you still don't get it. "Cord" is a standard measure. Everyone knows how much wood is in it. All those others are local or at most regional and only the "ins" know what they mean. Again. Commerce uses standard measures for good reasons - so people know what they are getting. Most of those odd-ball measures probably trace back to people scamming people into thinking they will get more wood than they do.

Why use fake terms when there is a perfectly good measure that everyone knows?

If you deal in a state where the trade is regulated using face corc, etc. all it takes is one customer to complain to the "Weights and Measures" office for you to be in deep trouble.

Harry K
Graet firewood REGULATED by the state that's what we need more stupid goverment!
Call the firewood cops someone shorted me a piece. Hey turnkey notice the part that says fraction of a cord that covers facecord! Now get off your high horse. Government need not involve itself in private business transactions to protect some dumbas@ like you. Nuff said I'm not following this anymore.
The reason there are the two terms "facecord" and "cord" is very clear and obvious. Face cord is used quite simply to refer to firewood cut stove length(16" ave.) A cord( standardcord, pulpcord, or CORD) is used for log length material. It is done that way because very few people can transport a cord, firewood is therefore sold by the facecord. Quite simple, but i guess i'm simple so i can understand that. Alot of folks on this site are way more sophisticated than I. And even my 30 years in logging and lumbering and 40 years of firewood experience doesn't mean a thing to most.

A face cord is 16 inches or so on average not because few people can carry it .The reason it has morphed into that size is because most people use wood stoves.If You sold them a true cord they would call you up the next day and whine and say the wood dont fit in my stove take it back.:cheers:

Gee whiz,

I though I was getting yelled at for selling
green and seasoned firewood by the legal
ton with weight slips??????????


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