CAD Progression

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Oct 19, 2009
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The progression of CAD. I'm sure I'll miss a few so you guys can help add what I missed.

Non contagious stages:
1) I have trees to cut so I need a saw.
2) The first saw I bought was too small so I need a bigger saw. Or I have a bucking saw and now I want a limbing saw saw or vice versa.

What happens after 2 usually means CAD has developed or will develop.

Potentially Contagious Stages:

3) My friend gave me an old saw and I'll see if I can get it running.
4) Feeling the need for a spare spare saw.
5) Feeling the need for more than a 4 saw plan.
6)Feeling the need for a ported saw.
6a)Attending GTGs in your local area.

Infected, with progression.
7)Looking for parts saws for all of your saws.
8)Acquiring any saw that is cheap or free.
8a)Traveling to adjacent states for GTGs.
9)Feeling the need to port all of your saws.
10)Searching out saws of other brands than what you currently own.
10a)Traveking across multiple states to attend GTG's
11)Dedicated milling saw even though you don't have any mill worthy logs.
12) Searching out saws due to their color scheme.
13)Feeling the need to own every saw in a series.
14)Dedicated spare milling saw
15)Racks on your garage walls to showcase your collection.
15a)Traveling by airline to attend far away GTG's
16)Multiple saws of every desirable model
17)Saws collection moved into the house (or if married) a dedicated saw display building.
White oak blown into hay field after Dad passed, Mom's farm. ms-170 topped it on the ground cut limbs shorter as got fatter ,cleared field. Mom has timber cut, dies few months later. I move onto farm, keepin eye on it. Dual fuel furnace takes 4 foot logs,170 is enough to start cutting up the tops ,then find HF beam maker style bar guide. Find it really cool to cut own 4x4's and so on. Farm supply has mid sized Stihl saws which aren't too interesting til a 460 comes in and leaves w/me. Now I find out Alaskan CSM is what I need. Then I buy 066 at auction , disassembled 064 at different auction. My milling bars only go to 60" so I need 72" dual powered bar & its ordered. Now I need matching power heads and find 046 in TP then 661-c. I keep trolling thru TP cause there may be something else that I can't live without!
Only been at this a few years but the saws have always been in the house. Auto breakdown kept me from Tennessee GTG December, lookin forward to Iowa GTG this spring. I don't know what stage of CAD I've got Help me find out
I do not know what stage I am at? I accept any ol little saw I have no interest in and have two 70 cc saws & 2 90 cc saws and the beginner Ms 170 and a Sears that is about my age and I won't fuel for fear it may start! I don't have enough ear protection for that muffler free exhaust! But I keep lurking thru TP knowing I might miss something if I don't :pingpong:& a remington chainsaw shaver? these mini mac's??? hanging around the shed.
I forgot to add. Porting saws yourself must be in the teens somewhere.
Guilty. When you get to porting the same saw multiple times to get the timing just a little better......
As a newly addicted person just starting out on this voyage. Guilty of #2,#3,#6 and #8

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