CCW while firewooding?

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Feb 6, 2007
You read some of this crap and it's pretty obvious how we ended up with this detached malevolent guy in the white house. Oh, the constitution is so old and outdated. I like how obama just follows the rules he likes and disregards the rest way better.

I guess it was when I read the above, that my dander got up. Sorry, but crap like that puts me in foul mood. I went back through and read more carefully, it was well answered by most.

Please don't reply to this with the usual insults. We've already heard them.

I apologize for being bad, but I too, have a temper. That's a good reason not to carry a gun around.
I'd probably shoot the saw. I have seen a lot of folks around who barely know which end that the bullet comes out of. Like the idiots who have to stop and shoot an abandoned car. Or signs, or in AZ there was what was once a nice sized pine, shot so many times it had to be cut down as it was about to topple. Maybe it would have hit a tree shooter...Karma.

By the way, if you want to know when somebody is around, take a dog with you. Mine will come over and sit by me if folks approach. That was enough to make the religious whacko zealot who started yelling at me that I was going to hell, one time, from repeating his tirade. Just a quiet dog sitting--no growling--no barking, made the whacko leave and I could get back to work. Pre-dog, I packed up my gear and left.

A logger had a little rat dog that rode in the back window of his feller buncher. That little dog always would yap when somebody was nearby.

And, I too, have been shooting since age 10. So, I'm not too unfamiliar with what we're talking about.
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Guido Salvage

Guido Salvage

Supreme Saw Whoreder
Apr 27, 2010
Farmville, VA
Out of curiosity, I wonder how many people espousing their "rights" have ever taken the time to read the Constitution in its entirety? Do you know what it says, how it was developed and how it impacts you and society? Can you name any amendment (other than the Second), describe the process for amending the Constitution or even know how many amendments there are?

Membership in the NRA does not make one a constitutional law expert...

For those that may want to expand their field of knowledge this is a short primer:

For a more in depth account, read David Stewart's The Summer of 1787.
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Addicted to ArboristSite
Apr 22, 2004
Live AND learn boys and girl. Flame when ready. :eek2:

Too many of you thimk (yes, "thimk") that all you need is a sidearm and attitude. For some, training is a dirt word.

So, some advice from experience, both mil and civilian:

1. Shooting is not macho, or intuitive.

2. Learn by doing: take an authorized course ( survival shooting for example) that will teach you ( yes, "teach you" ) how to use a weapon effectively.
Sub rule #1: The weapon is taken out to kill. Period.
Sub rule #2: You don't practice, don't carry.

3. For most of you boasting about carrying, read some about how mil ops train. Live rounds, in critical conditions, without emotion. Hey you, you got anger, don't carry. The training is as real world as possible, daily, for thousands of rounds, in conditions miming what you WILL encounter. Look up how many thousands of hours Team Six trained.

I have weapons, I choose NOT to carry. What's all this about carrying in the woods ? Whew. I'm there to cut.

Your sidearm or long gun is to kill. Learn how.

BTW: NO ONE I know in mil, law enforcement, or civilian EVER brags about carrying. Never.

And you big bores ( :hmm3grin2orange: ): the 1911, or 45 is a useful as male tits. They went out decades ago in any serious use.

Aug 8, 2010
Plymouth, Mass. America's Hometown
I like to carry a pistol as much as possible, both to express my rights as well as protect myself, my property, and those around me. Certainly dragging around a few thousand dollars worth of saws, splitter, firewood, etc., after a long day of harvesting my most beloved natural resource would be a time I would like to have my pistol on my person. I think most would agree that having your gun in the truck is better than at home in the safe, but there is no better place than on your body, ready to draw, if necessary. If I were selling and delivering firewood you can bet I would be carrying since most transactions deal in cash and are with unknowns. What say you members of AS, anyone else feel the need to be strapped when firewooding?
I completly agree with you. I carried a .38 in Ohio but after I came back here to the land "of afraid of guns" I had to switch back to my shotgun. I have it behind my seat in my truck and I would't leave home without it!! Ever since I got robbed at knife pt. years ago I have believed in personal protection. My father was in Patton's 3rd Army and he taught me how to shoot when I was 5 years old. Back when this State was American! Thanks


ArboristSite Guru
Jan 19, 2009
Fremont, Indiana
Out of curiosity, I wonder how many people espousing their "rights" have ever taken the time to read the Constitution in its entirety? Do you know what it says, how it was developed and how it impacts you and society? Can you name any amendment (other than the Second), describe the process for amending the Constitution or even know how many amendments there are?

Membership in the NRA does not make one a constitutional law expert...

For those that may want to expand their field of knowledge this is a short primer:

Constitution of the United States - Official

For a more in depth account, read David Stewart's The Summer of 1787.

Well fella, if YOU knew what the constitution SAID and all that happy jazz, you would not be pointing out that OTHERS should learn what it says.

Does YOUR dictionary define "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" differently than mine?

You also realize that CONGRESS is to coin money. Right? You realize that POS Hamilton was the one pushing for a central bank too, right? You realize too then that the "Federal Reserve" is unconstitutional too right?

But wait, you have time to rail against people because they choose to excersize the right to carry, right? :msp_unsure:


formerly promac610
Nov 27, 2010
Live AND learn boys and girl. Flame when ready. :eek2:

Too many of you thimk (yes, "thimk") that all you need is a sidearm and attitude. For some, training is a dirt word.

So, some advice from experience, both mil and civilian:

1. Shooting is not macho, or intuitive.

2. Learn by doing: take an authorized course ( survival shooting for example) that will teach you ( yes, "teach you" ) how to use a weapon effectively.
Sub rule #1: The weapon is taken out to kill. Period.
Sub rule #2: You don't practice, don't carry.

3. For most of you boasting about carrying, read some about how mil ops train. Live rounds, in critical conditions, without emotion. Hey you, you got anger, don't carry. The training is as real world as possible, daily, for thousands of rounds, in conditions miming what you WILL encounter. Look up how many thousands of hours Team Six trained.

I have weapons, I choose NOT to carry. What's all this about carrying in the woods ? Whew. I'm there to cut.

Your sidearm or long gun is to kill. Learn how.

BTW: NO ONE I know in mil, law enforcement, or civilian EVER brags about carrying. Never.

And you big bores ( :hmm3grin2orange: ): the 1911, or 45 is a useful as male tits. They went out decades ago in any serious use.


All of that is correct... (except the last sentence... that's BS) those who carry do not openly brag and show everyone. It's kept in the holster, unless they're training, or resolving a situation. Hope your choice to not carry doesn't end up haunting you for the rest of your life.

Well placed shots are critical.

The 1911 is the best damn handgun ever made. John M. Browning was a genius. The Browning High Power also is one of the best, and the last gun he ever designed... the design was completed by FN Herstal, which it then was promptly put it into production. Both of them are some of the longest lived military sidearms ever made. Many, if not all Belgian police forces still carry them on duty every day. Many European countries employ the High Power in their police and military forces as well.

I think it was very stupid of the US military to go with an inferior and weak 9mm Beretta 92FS... it's a piece of crap compared to a real 1911. .45 will always hit harder than a 9mm... just like with engines, there is no replacement for displacement... that .45 will displace more than a 9mm will. Not to mention the stopping power.

If you read articles about soldiers' opinions on the Beretta over in the sandbox, you'll read that most, if not all of them hate the gun. It doesn't stop until 4-5 rounds have been sent into the insurgent. The .45 reviewers, however, praise it highly, it drops the most drugged up insurgent with far fewer shots than the 9mm, usually one does the job.

For 9mm... I'd take a High Power over a 92... the High Power is superior in every respect. Accurate, reliable, and very easy to field strip.

Yep, if you pull the gun, be ready to kill. Hopefully that will never be necessary, but it's definitely better to be safe than sorry.

Those that don't believe in carrying are irresponsible of their own well being, not to mention their loved ones. What would you do if you took your wife out to dinner, and some fresh out of prison rapist thinks your wife is his for the taking. Would you rather you be able to potentially defuse the situation and be able to apply deadly force if needed, or would you want to watch her get raped or taken off to somewhere else. Actually, you'd probably be knocked out cold or dead if he decides to take off with her. At that point, I'd hope your wife carries.

Again, it's simply irresponsible to not be a part of the Second Amendment... it is there for you to protect you and your loved ones from criminals, overly oppressive government, supply food by hunting, etc.

Either you're irresponsible or you're just too stupid to realize that guns don't kill people, and that you should show your support to the Second Amendment.

Think of it as an extension to your health insurance. It may prevent you from ending up at the hospital, bleeding from every orifice after a violent mugging, it may save your live, or the lives of loved ones, or even the lives of complete strangers that would've been killed in a hold up, etc.

"You can pry them from my cold, dead hands." Those that carry and those that belong to the NRA know what I'm talking about.

The NRA is here to protect the Second Amendment via member subscriptions and donations, not to glorify guns or make a lawyer out of everyone. It appears some of you don't know a damn thing about the NRA or guns or why you should have one.

The machine gun ban, and many other amendments that have been made to the constitution infringe upon our Right To Bear Arms. The NRA, and others, are working hard to remove stupid laws on guns, either in individual states' laws or even the federal laws.

About carrying in the woods... you never know when some rabid critter decides you're making too much noise and it attacks you. Do you want to be able to kill it and save your ass, or do you want your family to find you in the woods, injured, passed out, or worse... dead? Think about it.

Your guardian angel can't be there for you every time something happens... you should've learned that by now. Sometimes, you will have to be your own guardian angel, or maybe someone else's guardian angel. #### happens every day, and it's solely your choice whether you want to be a statistic in an investigation file, or be a survivor.

Expect the unexpected, expect the worst... being prepared for a scenario is a good idea.

Yes, I am a die hard right winger that believes in everything the Founding Fathers meant in the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence. It's a shame how ####ed up this country has become due to those that are ignorant, selfish, and devoid of common sense.

If you don't like my post and think I need advice to not carry, I don't give a ####. Shove it up your ass for all I care. I know I can control my anger, a gun nor knife would ever appear out of anger.

Enough said. Soapbox put back in cupboard.


ArboristSite Operative
Aug 16, 2010
I had to go out of my way for work this afternoon, and it happened to take me within a few miles of arguably the best gun shop in my area. I stopped in, searching for an IWB holster for my .380 because pocket carrying is starting to bug me. I bought a DeSantis at the counter guy's recommendation and then proceeded to insist he let me fondle a few S&W .38's and a Ruger LCR. Anyway, I arrived home and was faced with the task of cutting the grass. I loaded up the new holster and headed out for the ZTR. The IWB holster was hardly noticeable and easily concealed under a ####ie's button-down work shirt. I did several other chores, keeping the gun on my hip all night. It definitely isn't a .45, but the compactness sure is great for carry during this type of outdoor work, running to town, conducting cash business, etc.


ArboristSite Operative
Jun 17, 2011
I had to go out of my way for work this afternoon, and it happened to take me within a few miles of arguably the best gun shop in my area. I stopped in, searching for an IWB holster for my .380 because pocket carrying is starting to bug me. I bought a DeSantis at the counter guy's recommendation and then proceeded to insist he let me fondle a few S&W .38's and a Ruger LCR. Anyway, I arrived home and was faced with the task of cutting the grass. I loaded up the new holster and headed out for the ZTR. The IWB holster was hardly noticeable and easily concealed under a ####ie's button-down work shirt. I did several other chores, keeping the gun on my hip all night. It definitely isn't a .45, but the compactness sure is great for carry during this type of outdoor work, running to town, conducting cash business, etc.

DeSantis makes a good holster....I have never found anything better than my crossbreed supertuck, but I am glad you found something that works for you


Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 4, 2007
At the end of the day everybody that is free to argue against carrying a gun enjoys that privilege at the expense of those who do carry guns.

Good men (and women) protect themselves and others. Often the others take this for granted, soon they start thinking the safety they enjoy stems from some magical fountain of love and flowers. At some level they are aware there is ugliness and violence and evil, but instead of accepting this they try to disarm and blame the good people that protect them!

Mr. HE:cool:
Nov 17, 2010
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
More misconceptions…

First of all Guido, it’s a fact that American gun owners, as a group (especially those that carry and/or members of the NRA), know more about the Constitution, it’s history, writing and ratification than most any other group in this country… and sadly, that includes members of congress. Yes, I’ve read it and studied its history… I own two printed copies of it that include all the amendments, one full size and one pocket size. I venomously defend it, all of it, not just the second amendment. I defend your right to choose not to go armed with the same vigilance that I defend the choice of others to go armed. It was not the Boston Tea Party that started the War Of Independence as many of us were taught in grade school, but rather the ignition of the war came when the British tried to disarm the colonists… the tradition of “owning and bearingpersonal arms is deeply rooted in the very core of this countries beginnings. The “owning and bearing” of personal arms is what made this country what it is, it is what allowed the expansion westward and defended this country in it’s earliest conflicts… to infringe upon the rights guaranteed by the second amendment is akin to burning the constitution. No other individual right protected by the Constitution or Bill Of Rights has played anywhere close to the role of making us what we are… and there are the facts.

And now I’ll go ahead and flame logbutcher… after all he did say, “Flame when ready”.
First, I’ve read very little boasting or bragging in this thread… a question was asked and answered, and answers (both sides) have been defended when attacked. Yours is typical of those who have been mass-trained by the military or law enforcement. Although that type of training is usually good for preparing the mental attitude, and teaching tactics, it does very little in the way of teaching marksmanship or “effective” use of a firearm. I’ve taught many people to hit tiny targets at ranges deemed impossible by them before, and by far the people with that sort of training history are the most difficult to teach… the refuse to give up the poor mechanics that type of training instills. And if, “the 1911, or 45 is a useful as male tits”, why is it that many of the special-ops type military groups, and law enforcement tactical type groups have gone back to the .45? If, as you say, “They went out decades ago in any serious use.”, does that mean those groups have no serious use for a weapon?
Guido Salvage

Guido Salvage

Supreme Saw Whoreder
Apr 27, 2010
Farmville, VA
Well fella, if YOU knew what the constitution SAID and all that happy jazz, you would not be pointing out that OTHERS should learn what it says.

Does YOUR dictionary define "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" differently than mine?

You also realize that CONGRESS is to coin money. Right? You realize that POS Hamilton was the one pushing for a central bank too, right? You realize too then that the "Federal Reserve" is unconstitutional too right?

But wait, you have time to rail against people because they choose to excersize the right to carry, right? :msp_unsure:

I think I have a fair grasp on what it says. I anyone finds the government and laws of this country to be unfair or oppressive, they always have the option of relocating. I do not see a mass exodus, but if someone is compelled to leave perhaps they should select a truly lawless country where they need to use their weapon daily in order to survive.
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Addicted to ArboristSite
Apr 22, 2004
All of that is correct... (except the last sentence... that's BS) those who carry do not openly brag and show everyone. It's kept in the holster, unless they're training, or resolving a situation. Hope your choice to not carry doesn't end up haunting you for the rest of your life.

Well placed shots are critical.

The 1911 is the best damn handgun ever made. John M. Browning was a genius. The Browning High Power also is one of the best, and the last gun he ever designed... the design was completed by FN Herstal, which it then was promptly put it into production. Both of them are some of the longest lived military sidearms ever made. Many, if not all Belgian police forces still carry them on duty every day. Many European countries employ the High Power in their police and military forces as well.

I think it was very stupid of the US military to go with an inferior and weak 9mm Beretta 92FS... it's a piece of crap compared to a real 1911. .45 will always hit harder than a 9mm... just like with engines, there is no replacement for displacement... that .45 will displace more than a 9mm will. Not to mention the stopping power.

If you read articles about soldiers' opinions on the Beretta over in the sandbox, you'll read that most, if not all of them hate the gun. It doesn't stop until 4-5 rounds have been sent into the insurgent. The .45 reviewers, however, praise it highly, it drops the most drugged up insurgent with far fewer shots than the 9mm, usually one does the job.

For 9mm... I'd take a High Power over a 92... the High Power is superior in every respect. Accurate, reliable, and very easy to field strip.

Yep, if you pull the gun, be ready to kill. Hopefully that will never be necessary, but it's definitely better to be safe than sorry.

Those that don't believe in carrying are irresponsible of their own well being, not to mention their loved ones. What would you do if you took your wife out to dinner, and some fresh out of prison rapist thinks your wife is his for the taking. Would you rather you be able to potentially defuse the situation and be able to apply deadly force if needed, or would you want to watch her get raped or taken off to somewhere else. Actually, you'd probably be knocked out cold or dead if he decides to take off with her. At that point, I'd hope your wife carries.

Again, it's simply irresponsible to not be a part of the Second Amendment... it is there for you to protect you and your loved ones from criminals, overly oppressive government, supply food by hunting, etc.

Either you're irresponsible or you're just too stupid to realize that guns don't kill people, and that you should show your support to the Second Amendment.

Think of it as an extension to your health insurance. It may prevent you from ending up at the hospital, bleeding from every orifice after a violent mugging, it may save your live, or the lives of loved ones, or even the lives of complete strangers that would've been killed in a hold up, etc.

"You can pry them from my cold, dead hands." Those that carry and those that belong to the NRA know what I'm talking about.

The NRA is here to protect the Second Amendment via member subscriptions and donations, not to glorify guns or make a lawyer out of everyone. It appears some of you don't know a damn thing about the NRA or guns or why you should have one.

The machine gun ban, and many other amendments that have been made to the constitution infringe upon our Right To Bear Arms. The NRA, and others, are working hard to remove stupid laws on guns, either in individual states' laws or even the federal laws.

About carrying in the woods... you never know when some rabid critter decides you're making too much noise and it attacks you. Do you want to be able to kill it and save your ass, or do you want your family to find you in the woods, injured, passed out, or worse... dead? Think about it.

Your guardian angel can't be there for you every time something happens... you should've learned that by now. Sometimes, you will have to be your own guardian angel, or maybe someone else's guardian angel. #### happens every day, and it's solely your choice whether you want to be a statistic in an investigation file, or be a survivor.

Expect the unexpected, expect the worst... being prepared for a scenario is a good idea.

Yes, I am a die hard right winger that believes in everything the Founding Fathers meant in the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence. It's a shame how ####ed up this country has become due to those that are ignorant, selfish, and devoid of common sense.

If you don't like my post and think I need advice to not carry, I don't give a ####. Shove it up your ass for all I care. I know I can control my anger, a gun nor knife would ever appear out of anger.

Enough said. Soapbox put back in cupboard.

I'll leave the politics of carrying to the political ones.

If you can hole a target as accurately with a 45 as a 9mm, use it as fast, carry the extra weight into a real situation, you're correct. However, it is doubtful. Smaller calibers in quality sidearms do the job better. Ask those who have used both in real world situations, and look into ( research without the political BS ) which units use 9mm and similar caliber weapons.
So, from 25m, what can anyone hit with a 45 IN A 'SITUATION' ?

And, BTW, it would hurt more to "...shove a 45 up your ass " than a 9mm. :popcorn: Let's watch. Hey what kind of thimking is that ?

Art Vandelay

Art Vandelay

Bovinius Maximus
Oct 14, 2009
All of that is correct... (except the last sentence... that's BS) those who carry do not openly brag and show everyone. It's kept in the holster, unless they're training, or resolving a situation. Hope your choice to not carry doesn't end up haunting you for the rest of your life.

Well placed shots are critical.

The 1911 is the best damn handgun ever made. John M. Browning was a genius. The Browning High Power also is one of the best, and the last gun he ever designed... the design was completed by FN Herstal, which it then was promptly put it into production. Both of them are some of the longest lived military sidearms ever made. Many, if not all Belgian police forces still carry them on duty every day. Many European countries employ the High Power in their police and military forces as well.

I think it was very stupid of the US military to go with an inferior and weak 9mm Beretta 92FS... it's a piece of crap compared to a real 1911. .45 will always hit harder than a 9mm... just like with engines, there is no replacement for displacement... that .45 will displace more than a 9mm will. Not to mention the stopping power.

If you read articles about soldiers' opinions on the Beretta over in the sandbox, you'll read that most, if not all of them hate the gun. It doesn't stop until 4-5 rounds have been sent into the insurgent. The .45 reviewers, however, praise it highly, it drops the most drugged up insurgent with far fewer shots than the 9mm, usually one does the job.

For 9mm... I'd take a High Power over a 92... the High Power is superior in every respect. Accurate, reliable, and very easy to field strip.

Yep, if you pull the gun, be ready to kill. Hopefully that will never be necessary, but it's definitely better to be safe than sorry.

Those that don't believe in carrying are irresponsible of their own well being, not to mention their loved ones. What would you do if you took your wife out to dinner, and some fresh out of prison rapist thinks your wife is his for the taking. Would you rather you be able to potentially defuse the situation and be able to apply deadly force if needed, or would you want to watch her get raped or taken off to somewhere else. Actually, you'd probably be knocked out cold or dead if he decides to take off with her. At that point, I'd hope your wife carries.

Again, it's simply irresponsible to not be a part of the Second Amendment... it is there for you to protect you and your loved ones from criminals, overly oppressive government, supply food by hunting, etc.

Either you're irresponsible or you're just too stupid to realize that guns don't kill people, and that you should show your support to the Second Amendment.

Think of it as an extension to your health insurance. It may prevent you from ending up at the hospital, bleeding from every orifice after a violent mugging, it may save your live, or the lives of loved ones, or even the lives of complete strangers that would've been killed in a hold up, etc.

"You can pry them from my cold, dead hands." Those that carry and those that belong to the NRA know what I'm talking about.

The NRA is here to protect the Second Amendment via member subscriptions and donations, not to glorify guns or make a lawyer out of everyone. It appears some of you don't know a damn thing about the NRA or guns or why you should have one.

The machine gun ban, and many other amendments that have been made to the constitution infringe upon our Right To Bear Arms. The NRA, and others, are working hard to remove stupid laws on guns, either in individual states' laws or even the federal laws.

About carrying in the woods... you never know when some rabid critter decides you're making too much noise and it attacks you. Do you want to be able to kill it and save your ass, or do you want your family to find you in the woods, injured, passed out, or worse... dead? Think about it.

Your guardian angel can't be there for you every time something happens... you should've learned that by now. Sometimes, you will have to be your own guardian angel, or maybe someone else's guardian angel. #### happens every day, and it's solely your choice whether you want to be a statistic in an investigation file, or be a survivor.

Expect the unexpected, expect the worst... being prepared for a scenario is a good idea.

Yes, I am a die hard right winger that believes in everything the Founding Fathers meant in the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence. It's a shame how ####ed up this country has become due to those that are ignorant, selfish, and devoid of common sense.

If you don't like my post and think I need advice to not carry, I don't give a ####. Shove it up your ass for all I care. I know I can control my anger, a gun nor knife would ever appear out of anger.

Enough said. Soapbox put back in cupboard.

I doubt the switch from the 45 to the 9mm had anything to do with which gun was better or powerful and had everything to do with the continuing rise in cost of ammunition. I can only imagine how much ammo the military goes through in a years time.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Oct 28, 2009
I doubt the switch from the 45 to the 9mm had anything to do with which gun was better or powerful and had everything to do with the continuing rise in cost of ammunition. I can only imagine how much ammo the military goes through in a years time.

The switch was made to use NATO ammunition which was what most of Europe was using at the time.
Aug 8, 2010
Plymouth, Mass. America's Hometown
More misconceptions…

First of all Guido, it’s a fact that American gun owners, as a group (especially those that carry and/or members of the NRA), know more about the Constitution, it’s history, writing and ratification than most any other group in this country… and sadly, that includes members of congress. Yes, I’ve read it and studied its history… I own two printed copies of it that include all the amendments, one full size and one pocket size. I venomously defend it, all of it, not just the second amendment. I defend your right to choose not to go armed with the same vigilance that I defend the choice of others to go armed. It was not the Boston Tea Party that started the War Of Independence as many of us were taught in grade school, but rather the ignition of the war came when the British tried to disarm the colonists… the tradition of “owning and bearingpersonal arms is deeply rooted in the very core of this countries beginnings. The “owning and bearing” of personal arms is what made this country what it is, it is what allowed the expansion westward and defended this country in it’s earliest conflicts… to infringe upon the rights guaranteed by the second amendment is akin to burning the constitution. No other individual right protected by the Constitution or Bill Of Rights has played anywhere close to the role of making us what we are… and there are the facts.

And now I’ll go ahead and flame logbutcher… after all he did say, “Flame when ready”.
First, I’ve read very little boasting or bragging in this thread… a question was asked and answered, and answers (both sides) have been defended when attacked. Yours is typical of those who have been mass-trained by the military or law enforcement. Although that type of training is usually good for preparing the mental attitude, and teaching tactics, it does very little in the way of teaching marksmanship or “effective” use of a firearm. I’ve taught many people to hit tiny targets at ranges deemed impossible by them before, and by far the people with that sort of training history are the most difficult to teach… the refuse to give up the poor mechanics that type of training instills. And if, “the 1911, or 45 is a useful as male tits”, why is it that many of the special-ops type military groups, and law enforcement tactical type groups have gone back to the .45? If, as you say, “They went out decades ago in any serious use.”, does that mean those groups have no serious use for a weapon?
A friend of mine just got out of the SEALS. His sidearm was a H&K .45!


ArboristSite Operative
May 3, 2011
For the time being we have decided to close the Political Forum. This is due to many of you abusing other members to the point where we feel like we could be losing clientele and good members. It is one thing to have an opinion but it is another thing to berate someone because they don't agree with your opinion. Also, when you joined the political forum it was stated that the forum would not be moderated yet all day long we continue to get reported posts. If in time it looks like that majority wants it back we will consider it but we will change the password and block those that have proven in the past to not be able to keep their emotions in line. I don't want to see any posts where you are asking "where did it go" or complaining that it's gone. Those will result in a 5 point infraction. If you want to discuss it with us please email us at [email protected]


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 12, 2009
I can't believe I just read this whole thread.....:bang:

to the original poster...carrying in the woods...right on.

I've only got a few things to say. Here in Mn. if you shoot someone you had better fear for your life.
If you pull a gun you'd better use it and in area's of the US were hand guns are the norm crime is down.

I support gun ownership.
I support fully armed militias.
...and I am most appreciative of those that fight for our rights as per the Constitution of these United States.
Nov 17, 2010
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
Holy Crap CrappieKeith, all eleven pages... eleven pages of the same ol' argument that's been raging for the last few decades.
If I hadn't started following this thread on the day of the original post, and had to start from the beginning today, I'd have clicked away somewhere around mid-third page. You have more fortitude than me my friend.

I'll never forget an experience I had in northern(ish) Minnesota one time several years ago. I was on my way up to the family lake home in the Backus/Pine River/Longville area and had stopped late at one of those back-woods Bar & Grill/Bait Shop/Gas Pump type places for a beer. The bartender was a big burly biker type... he handed me a beer and told me to drink up 'cause he was getting ready to close. So, about half way through my beer, three drunken local types come waltzing in wanting beers. The bartender tells 'em he's already counted down the till and he's done serving for the night. A bit of an argument breaks out, with the tree drunks insisting he'll serve 'em or they'll bust his head open (or some such). Next thing I know the bartender slams what appears to be a 4-inch S&W 686 .357 Magnum on the bar and tells the tree drunks they've got 10 seconds to hit the door (beer is now coming out my nose). Not more than 2 seconds later all three of those drunken locals had pulled their own handguns and slammed them on the bar (and I'm no longer looking to see what make/model they are). So while the four of them are staring down, I calmly set my beer on the bar, get up from the stool and start backing my way towards the door as I placed my hand on the butt of my own pistol. It was like 4, maybe 5, backwards steps for me to reach the door, but it felt like I was never gonna' get there. Just as I get to the door all four of 'em break out laughing... those a$$ holes were just havin' fun with the tourist.

So anyway, they offer to buy me a beer, which I accepted. The five of us are sittin' there drinking the beer, and their still giggling about the practical joke they'd just pulled on me. I just couldn't resist... right smack in the middle of their giggling, and as I was drinking from the bottle, I slowly un-holstered my pistol and laid it on the bar... We had about 15-20 seconds of dead silence in the bar that night.

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