get together this weekend

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Boys I am coming out for this event. But there's a few things I have to know.
How can I get all my saws on a plane. Is a dull chain considered a blunt object.
Lamebert pick out a Hotel and emial me the number..Nothing seedy.

Will you have a pair of chaps there??
Hi Mark, bring the clubs, but pre- ship to me, the airlines won't take them.
Found the perfect seedy motel, it's called the Fu King Lodge.
How far are you Mark from John's , can not be that far , you should be under 10 hours , more like 8.5 hours , so drive then you can bring all your baby's with you and stop and pick up Dozer Dan on the way, just kidnap him but leave a note telling them he will return safe and sound
Yeah and I know a Chinese take called "Tu can chew" it's on 69th street. Just get some cold rootbeer ready and the ear muffs.

Ed I am going to fly up the drive is little over 500 miles. Why should I drive when I can fly in 1 hour and 20 mins. Hey Dennis G you need a ticket.

Hell why don'y some of the western boys make it out. You can all line up and speed bag me one after another. :D
Marky Mark i guess this means you are not bring Dozer Dan then, to bad , it would of been fun, but then again Rich could come up and the 2 of them could meet us nice outstanding super models
but anyway Mark bring some big saws to , you said you had a 3120 so bring that to, there will be other close to stock saws here as well for you to play with
like to see other guys here as well just to meet other people and Crofter are you coming back , hope so
Looks like I am going to be shipping a few items since I can't see me getting a saw on a plane. Unless I cryo-vac it I guess. I will need three steamer trunks for all my clothes.
Re: Big concern

Originally posted by woodsjunkie
Can I get American beer up their? or do i have to drink Canadian p!ss?


Its obvious you have never tried Canajun beer. We always figured the pithy stuff was in the Mericans.

I donot drink but i never heard someone saying our beer was bad , it always the other way around
for what i have seen you can get drunk on our stuff
I donot drink but i never heard someone saying our beer was bad , it always the other way around

Good point Ed I don't drink much my self but may have to have one with Gypo..
speaking of Lambert he must be hiding or maybe getting reprimanded for starting that last thread LOL
Hi Eric, American beer is like having sex in a canoe- F@#$% ing close to water. Does this mean I have to go to Hey Hey meetings?

..but it's nice to see that little evidence of last night's debauchery remains.;)
Yes i kind of think we will be doing this again and if someone else has one we will go there but once the race season starts i will only have so many weekends free , i would like to have another one in march or april , the warmer the better
Man i hate this cold weather , i hope it warms up soon
Rich just let us know when you can come and we will work with you ok