Girl Talk

Arborist Forum

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Hey Nate!
Burning punky ass conifer snags can be the highlight of your day, only beat by burning hollow assed Madrones.

Thunderstorm threw me out of work a bit early, thanks for asking, Randy. Just didn't feel like putting on a swimsuit. I was about to run one tank anyway, and my feet were kinda sour, so no harm done. It's been a long week.

Are the crooks and villains sleeping alright?
And the boys take over the thread.
But they cried when I wouldn't play dead. :msp_tongue:

You could sew yourself a new sweat thingie for your hardhat. I would recommend a pastel terrycloth fabric and use velcro to hold it together. Do not use fabric softener when washing, unless you wish to smell good.
Fabric softener is a wax like product and will affect the absorption of cotton.

I saw Dora The Explorer stickers at the dollar store for a dollar.
And the boys take over the thread.
But they cried when I wouldn't play dead. :msp_tongue:

If the boys have taken over the thread it's because there aren't enough girls posting to balance things out.

Get out there and round some up! Get 'em in here! Let's hear what they have to say!

I'm sure that most of us boys will just sit silently and listen while the girls talk. God knows, most of us are used to doing just that. :chatter::msp_biggrin:

Well, I probably just got crossed off the huckleberry pie and cookie list. Again.
No takeover, no no. I was just explaining to RandyMac that here we call rain gear a swimsuit. And a wet day is thus called a swimsuit competition. You know, as in beauty contest. "Ladies and gentlemen, here come the pageants!"