Guess I can't call myself a woodboogah no more

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...they call it a gloat.
Maybe just a little. But there's lots of posts in this forum by folks like me who don't own a woodlot and how they get their supply. Every once and a while, if you step up to the plate often enough, you hit a home run.

Helps to have the gift of gab and some knowledge.

That hat has already paid for itself eh?

Got it free with the last saw I bought new. :)

I'd just like to know how many hats you have behind your truck seat just in case the right occasion comes along.

I skipped lunch today. Wish I had one that read "Certified Pizza Inspector." :)
What did Momma and our current president push "share with the less fortunate". Heck the landowner can not be from New Hampshire because I am from here and 500 acres of wood might not be enough and we could not give any away, who knows could be a cold winter.
I, too, have hit the jackpot as far as firewood scrounging goes. I got a phone call back in the last week of July from a lady that owns a local gravel pit. I had done some landscaping for her in the past with my equipment and we had gotten to know each other pretty well. Anyways...her loader operator/truck driver had up and walked out on her in a she called me to see if I would run her loader for her for the day. I told her I would be glad to and was in her yard within 10 minutes. I banged out a quick special blend gravel order for her and next thing ya know....She won't let me go back to semi retirement. I have been running her pit operations since. Now for the good part....every now and then...I have to go up top of a digging face...drop trees...pop stumps...and strip loam so more sand or gravel can be mined out. The soft woods get twitched out to a yard we have set up and from there get loaded up on a local fellas log truck and get sold as either saw logs or pulp..depending on type of pine and far as the oaks....maples....birches....I get to buck up and haul home all that I want!!! This is without a doubt, one of the bestest job perks I have ever had!!!
Could have also titled the thread "The unintended benefit of wearing my Stihl cap whilst picking up a loaf of bread."

I've achieved firewood nirvanah. :)

Still a woodbooga to me by your definition of one haha but it does also proves the sun shines on a dogs butt now and then even if he has a Stihl hat on (j/k on the Stihl thing :) ) congrats on the mutha load enjoy the free heat! :)

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I hereby rechristen thee "The Lucky SOB Formerly Known As Woodbooga"

Top of the line score! Wish you many days of happy sawing, and don't get lost in there. 500 acres is dang near a section (640 acres/1 square mile).

Next thing ya know, you'll be showing off the 12 pointer you shot out of there!
WB, are you sure it wasn't a dream..or a drunken scchhtooper?

As long as you don't have to be the guy's man toy when he is in town....go for it!

X-cellent score............:bowdown:

Now.... I would have expected you'd get a score like that ..........................

If it were YOU who had the 361 ! :biggrinbounce2:

2 miles from the house...... AND he even keeps paying the property tax on the 500 acres. :deadhorse:

You are one lucky SOB Booga!! :cheers:
Here is my story and I will stick by it.

The landowner pays the taxes, also cuts the wood, splits it and dumps it in front of my furnace and has a D6C cat to pull the downed ones from the ice storm out with.(Some pretty steep hills) He uses a CS4400 Echo 18"bar. I almost forgot, He also fills up my outside furnace. YEP me, myself and I. I use a JD tractor with front loader to lift the logs and lay on blocks so I don't get in the dirt. I am retired so I have plenty of time.
The grey-haired but stout chested gent woodheat.
he owned some wooded property just a few minutes away
Seeing how this guy didn't seem like a psycho -
I took him up on the offer to follow behind.
I'm like, "Wow, this parcel's only 2 miles from the house."
He said that the parcel was over 500 acres and that I was welcome to cut there anytime. Even gave me the combo for the gate since he and his wife split their time between here and Fla. Not snowbirds gone for the season, but they fly back and forth quite a bit/

Now isn't that one big fat coincidence: that "grey-haired but stout" ( what's with the "but" :yoyo:) man is Jack "Bernie" Spratt with the 500 acres in Alton, NH wouldn't you know. He gave us the same combination to the gate ( BTW don't tell, it's : "0987" ), and the same generous offer to cut ALL the oaks whenever we want.
But WB, we can share.
Dream over.:bowdown::bowdown:
That hat has already paid for itself eh? Nice score. Got lucky myself last year when a friend introduced me to a local farmer who cant stand the trees bordering his fields. He said he's too old to keep up with the trees, take whatever I want. Best part is the fields are within 5 miles of my house. Soon as the crops are out...... Got some mulberry and cherry last year, still a whole bunch left out there. Wish mother nature would shut the rain off so he could get his crop out.
I wish mother nature would shut the spicket long enough for what I've got cut too dry out a little. Winter is about on us
Over on a woodworking forum I frequent when people score a good deal on a new or used powertool or pile of lumber to build stuff out of they call it a gloat. The proper response back from the peanut gallery when the gloater tells of his conquest is "you suck!" It is said with admiration and jealousy.

So let me be the first to say YOU SUCK!

Oh, also, another tradition over there is no pictures then it didn't happen.

that would make you a woodnet-ter and "you suck" for the woodbooga gloat !

thought I recognized the curly cherry name !!
DANG! I was in Lowes yesterday, helping and chatting with an old geezer who was looking for an electrical box to connect his generator and furnace. I mentioned that I didn't need a generator since I had the wood stove, and he said he did too, but couldn't do the work anymore. Found out we lived in the same little town, and that he still had lots of timber nearby.

I NEVER ASKED! Now after hearing your story I'm really kicking myself for not asking. As someone here quoted not too long ago, "it's always 'no' when you don't ask."

Still, I remembered his name (Well, first name and first letter of last name, but that's enough for this small town.) I'm sure I could hunt him down if I get desperate.

Anyway, enough about the one that got away, congrats on your score!

So now the greatest ambassador the emerging sport of "Woodboogering" has ever had in New England, has "SOLD OUT"!!!

There are little Kids crying next to thier piles of Twigs right now, and it's all YOUR FAULT!!

You gotta make this right man!!

Congrats on the find and the new cuttin' buddy though..;)

Stay safe!
I've always wondered why Woodbooga walked with that hitch in his step.
Now I's that dang lucky horseshoe he's got burried where the sun don't shine!

You suck! ...and WTG on the score!