Hell of a way to get my firewood

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Work Saw Specialist
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
I'm no logger or pro faller. I fix saws, weedwackers, and the like. I also cut quite a lot of firewood. It's amazing how folks think that if you own lots of saws you're suppose to know how to use em. :laugh:

Here's a few pictures of a storm clean up job I'm doing as a favor and to get the wood. The large tree is a hickory and it's laying on several pines and a couple of walnuts.





That looks like a mess! I've cleaned up a few of those this year and all I kept saying was "is this really worth it". Lots of surprises in those branches with pressure on them.
We got it all bucked up. :)

My cameras batteries took a dump on me but here's a few more pics.

Here's my son-in-law Jon with his Super EZ, and yes he's wearing a saddle and will be tied off.


Several of these pines were holding this mess up.


We opened up a hole here so I could get in to cut the smaller trees without having to worry about the hickory smashing my lovely body.


This shot is from the top after we got it laying down.

Looks like a real mess you got there. Some of us will do crazy stuff to get wood though.

Glad to see you stayed safe! So what is going on down there in Tenn? It seems like every time someone on AS posts up storm damage it's been from down there? It must just be that time of the year for you guys. I know running with my Fire Department we have cut a few trees off the road this year but it really hasn't been anything too crazy nor have I had 10 people calling me to come over to their house to cut up downed trees.
Glad to see you stayed safe! So what is going on down there in Tenn? It seems like every time someone on AS posts up storm damage it's been from down there? It must just be that time of the year for you guys. I know running with my Fire Department we have cut a few trees off the road this year but it really hasn't been anything too crazy nor have I had 10 people calling me to come over to their house to cut up downed trees.

We really don't get many tornadoes where I live in TN. This was just a strong storm cell that brought down some trees that were weak already. This hickory and the one I cut yesterday had carpenter ant damage.

Plum tuckered out looking at all them pictures.
Ya keep up the good work MM.
I'll check back Saturday, to see how your doing...


I'm tuckered out too. Nite all. :)
Nice work Randy. I hate jobs like that. To be honest, they're not worth it in wood alone, I only do em for goodwill to friends, relatives, and neighbors.

Being the guy with the saws is like being the guy with the truck, you get the call every time something heavy has to get somewhere. The trick with trucks is to keep the crap from wood cutting in the back, no one's old lady will let their prized possessions ride in the back of a truck that has as much "character" as mine! Haven't figured out a trick to disguise the chainsaws and woodstove yet though.

BTW, that cell takes some good antiquey lookin pics. You could photoshop RandyMac into em and post em in F & L as RMc's old woodcutter days!
Looks like some of the timber-tangles we vagrant-volunteer-cutters found waiting in Monson MA this summer. Few down hickories in town, mainly white pines and red oaks. Like disassembling a 3-d jigsaw puzzle to feed a tub-grinder.

Somehow, no injuries, and serious home-cooking at the church @ end-of-day. Great folks. Great bunch of volunteers, from as far as FL. Freebie campsite nearby, with HOT showers.
Nice work on that tangled up mess, them pines throw a hole new meaning to PIA in the mix :dizzy: Least your gettin some good burnin wood for your efforts! :msp_thumbup:
That's a lot of work. Thanks for sharing.

I never liked dealing with hickory, especially when it came to limbing and bucking those SOBs. The limbs are almost kind of rubbery.
Those interlaced branches look nasty. Could any of them be pulled apart first with a cable and winch (or rope and truck, etc.)?

Take your time.

Thanks for sharing those photos (sorry - could not rep you).

That looks like something I would have bid at $1200-$1500 going by the pics.


I wouldn't do it for money myself. I'm not setup for it, have no insurance, etc....

It's on an old couple's place next to my BIL. They couldn't afford to pay much anyway. I did get a good lunch though. :)

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