i had to post this.....anyone see a problem with the guys in this video

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The Perfect Solution

only maybe a Vertol or Chinook. I only have pictures of this little one.:popcorn:



For information..this is what loggers look like. Note they are into the Fall Collection as far as fashions go.

What Loggers Look Like

These two fallers are decked out in typical Summer Fashions.

Here is one of them demonstrating one arm sawing technique. He's cutting on a hungup tree. It is caught in a standing tree.

I never said they did a good job!
Or even stuck up for them!
This proves that some like to coach from a PC!
To each his own!

For me it is entertainment, not the videos, but some of the posts! LOL!!!!

Lots of good responces here, except for Teddy, Bitzer and a few others. I especially like the idea of pulling the tree over backwards. Just have two guys hold the butt in place while the winch truck parks under the powerlines and pulls the top back toward itself.

Of course you can't run a saw with one hand. Nobody, especially me ever does that. Yeah the saw was too big, An 026 with an 18" bar could have done the job. It takes more strength than anyone has to run a 660 with a long bar overhead. Well I can do it and Teddy probably can but surely nobody else. And yeah it should have been posted down in little chunks cause everyone knows that a tree that diameter and length only has to fall 2 feet to clear itself. No need for long chunks, just firewood lengths because that is what this job was about.

The first cutter did a poor job because the trunk was cut through without incident and fell just as expected. I admit the second dude has some poor saw handling skills but that was because he was wearing a tank top and not a t-shirt with a saw logo on it. They both needed hard hats and chaps.

I know that everyone here on AS is an expert with large trees and has fallen blowdowns on a regular basis. It's not scary or difficult at all. A 3' or 4' dbh tree is no different from 6" tree in the dynamics. The forces are the same. Right Bitzer? The weight never comes into play. You can always back your D8 right up tp the butt of the tree and give it a yank right Randy? Then back the self-loader in and load up the trunk. I don't think anyone would have minded if the tree service drove a dozer down the street and across the sidewalk to the lawn. Heck a D10 or a D11 would be even better.

(Insert infraction phrase here)

Now the facts. These guys did a good job. The saw handling by the second cutter was iffy but he should have been taught better. The cut was made a little high (for ME) but when you post a large diameter tree, which you guys obviously have never done, you need to cut the longest length possible otherwise the the tree will bind and not fall cleanly. Cut down from the top, then cut the off side (with one hand if need be), slide the bar nose back out the front of the cut and cut lightly to the bottom. Then buck from the bottom with the nose of the bar and the tree will fall cleanly and will kick out the saw. Like the first guy did. BTW hang on to the saw.

Now collect your $2000.00 and go home and pay workers comp $85.00 per hundred. Pay dump fees. Repair the lawn.

Yep, pull the tree over backwards. I like that.

2dogs, not sure were you were going?
But agree that a dozer down the road would have made us feel "more better" watching this video and agreed that they were a top notch tree crew. Me personally I would have assumed fixing track marks would be the home owners responsibility!!! Since the tree crew wanted to take 6.5' logs to the mill! Power lines are nothing to worry about. Just don't touch 2 wires at the same time!! LOL!!!
This one's a real gem....
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/b18D_GV_JEs?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/b18D_GV_JEs?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

What's a wedge??? Oh yea, it's that big yellow- tired thingy!:dunno:
hell that tree should have been removed when they cut the road in. half the root system was gone!
Yup ,but I got to say the way they handled the saw and put themselves in harms way is what gets me.
yup, I did cringe when he walked under it but other than that, hell, I'm guilty of a few things myself but I have never nor will I ever walk UNDER a tree like that....
It would be one hell of a 911 call finding one of those boys pinned under the butt of that standing tree after a cut went wrong. A good chance they would still be alive with their leg/and or their lower body pinned. Thats what I thought about watching the video. How would you get them out?

Standing under the tree with the saw upside down to make the cut to free them!
Pulling a tree that big from the butt is a bear because you are basically plowing with it. And, it would take big loader to pick the butt up. I still think I could have pulled it out of the jam at the top without needing any huge peice of equipment. But, If one of the big limbs at the top gets hung behind the holding tree you are still screwed. I would have sure tried it.
I never said they did a good job!
Or even stuck up for them!
This proves that some like to coach from a PC!
To each his own!

For me it is entertainment, not the videos, but some of the posts! LOL!!!!

2dogs, not sure were you were going?
But agree that a dozer down the road would have made us feel "more better" watching this video and agreed that they were a top notch tree crew. Me personally I would have assumed fixing track marks would be the home owners responsibility!!! Since the tree crew wanted to take 6.5' logs to the mill! Power lines are nothing to worry about. Just don't touch 2 wires at the same time!! LOL!!!

Teddy I sent you a PM but your mailbox is full.
Never would I have thought that I would have been called "holier than now" for making a tongue-and-cheek comment about a couple of idiots. I am kind of a newbie here and never wanted to ruffle feathers; but, I wouldn't trust these guys to mow my lawn. These guys are dumb enough to walk under a tree that weighs more than a school bus for crying out loud! Not to mention after cutting half of the diameter away! Or, that the saw is running and you would not be able to hear stress cracks and groans of the tree as the weight settles.

As far as operating a 25# chainsaw backwards, over your head, on your tippy-toes...it is just ludicrous! Oftentimes I site in my rifle this way, because of the 'Greg Maddox-like control' that I have in that position.

As far as the truck not having enough power or weight to pull the tree, that is a matter of not knowing physics or leverage. Wrap a tow-strap around the trunk just above where your cut will be. SAFELY cut a small relief wedge in the backside (roughly 10 to 7 o'clock, 1/6th of the way into the dia. of the trunk), then make a cut somewhat vertically almost halfway through the trunk from roughly 12 to 5 0'clock. Be sure to leave the stringy elastic tissue(vascular cambium) intact on the bottom of the trunk. (think of what you leave when felling a tree) This will increase the odds that the bottom tissue will be the last to break when applying outside horizontal force that is greater than the force of gravity. This could easily be achieved with any 1/2 ton pick-up, let alone a heavy-duty diesel model. Most automobiles are able to achieve a force greater than that of gravity. At least the ones that I see on the roads do. Momentum, leverage, and force work to their advantage. "an object in motion will stay in motion until acted upon by another force..." The tree will kick out at approx. (given the force applied by the rigger vehicle) a 40 % angle. Given the height the cut was made, this may or may not be enough to dislodge the tree from the tree that is hanging it up. If not, repeat process until tree is dislodged. This can all be accomplished out of the path, and at a safe distance from the tree. And if the proper angle cannot be achieved, use a snatch-block or appropriate device.

I know that this will open a hail storm of comments. But I stand by my position that these guys are idiots. If I saw this, and they were employed by me, they would not return to work the next day. At least not in the same capacity. I could not afford the liability, let alone the tax on my conscience!
If you agree with my stance, please add to my credibility. If you disagree, please detract. I am gladly willing to cast a vote. If I am in the minority, I will freely remove myself from this website, for it would not be one I would continue to associate my name with.
ZeroJunk;2562367 [U said:
Pulling a tree that big from the butt is a bear because you are basically plowing with it.[/U] And, it would take big loader to pick the butt up. I still think I could have pulled it out of the jam at the top without needing any huge peice of equipment. But, If one of the big limbs at the top gets hung behind the holding tree you are still screwed. I would have sure tried it.

thats why you render the cable/rope/chain so that it pulls from the bottom of the log. . . .

In this case, I dont think they had the heavy to get that done. . .

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