Loaning your saws out

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Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Jun 23, 2009
nw arkansas
...If someone needs money to feed the family then they would take care and return whatever they borrowed in the same if not better condition than it was handed to them, knowing that their borrowing it again kind of depended on this...

not necessarily. those two conditions are not mutually inclusive. we'd all like to think they were though.
however, there are those out there, and we all know some, who are needing to feed their family so desparately because they've already burned all their other bridges.
don't get me wrong. i'm all about helping a point. that point generally is pretty self explanatory. such as the current issue posed by the op.
just sayin.
a. palmer jr.
Apr 8, 2007
Southern Indiana
Your wife must be related to mine. No need to take umbrage with my reply as I was just saying that charity is one thing and being a sucker quite another. If someone needs money to feed the family then they would take care and return whatever they borrowed in the same if not better condition than it was handed to them, knowing that their borrowing it again kind of depended on this. Thats all. In the OP's case it appears that his BIL doesn't want to get his own saw because then it's his responsibility.

It seems that more than ever there are many who would like to put responsibility for themselves on others. Everyone but themselves.

I would never have loaned a saw to my BIL...he was very short of patience and I'd be afraid if it didn't start on the first pull he might get mad and throw it in a dumpster. I loaned him my shovel once and he brought it back with the handle taped...he had backed over it with his car. I would have probably put a new handle in it if I had done that. Of course I wouldn't have put it behind my car in the first place!


Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 29, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I would never have loaned a saw to my BIL...he was very short of patience and I'd be afraid if it didn't start on the first pull he might get mad and throw it in a dumpster. I loaned him my shovel once and he brought it back with the handle taped...he had backed over it with his car. I would have probably put a new handle in it if I had done that. Of course I wouldn't have put it behind my car in the first place!

If I had done that to something I had borrowed I would assume it's now mine and would buy the person a new one, which is why I never borrow things. Buy it or rent it, but thats me.

Your BIL didn't care about the shovel because it was not his, and by bringing it back to you damaged showed just how much he respected you helping him out by loaning it to him.


ArboristSite Operative
Jan 21, 2008
Knoxville, IA
I make it a point now where others dont borrow my saws. I let my FIL use mine, BUT I know for a fact he will take care of it. If something isn't right he will stop using it and let me know asap. Also the fact he has a much nicer/bigger saw (jred 2071).

I stopped loaning my saws out when the first 1 my dad actually loaned out without me knowing about it and came back cooked (i mean literately cook) clutch cover and top cover melted. and seized piston
and when I loaned out my husky 36 and it got stolen. I vowed then and there will nobody use my saws.

Back to the OP. if my BIL would of brought me back a ruined saw and said it sucked. And then had the gall to ask me to borrow another I would of simply said "since my saws suck so much go buy your own that doesn't suck" and left it at that.
Larry Ashcraft

Larry Ashcraft

ArboristSite Operative
Mar 7, 2009
Nope. I learned the hard way. I don't loan out my saws or my trailers anymore. Or my truck, or my loader tractor. Or anything else that you can't afford to replace if you break it.

I once loaned out my 16' flatbed to a "friend" who needed to use it. Three weeks later, I asked him where it was because I needed it. He was feeding cows off of it and said "But I'm using it every day". I told him if he needs a trailer every day, he needs to buy one, and I'll pick mine up this afternoon. You know what happens when cows eat off of a trailer? All of the lights were broken and the wiring was gone and the fenders were all smashed in.

I guess I'm a selfish SOB, but I scrimped and saved to get the tools I need, and expect you to do the same.

I have loaned stuff to my kids, but that is just something you do. And they were raised by the same principles I was, so I don't worry about loaning stuff to them.


ArboristSite Operative
Jul 1, 2009
Western MA
I will only loan my saws to a few people: my father, father in-law, a few of my cousins and one of my uncles. Other than that I avoid loaning out tools like the plague.
Guido Salvage

Guido Salvage

Supreme Saw Whoreder
Apr 27, 2010
Farmville, VA
My best friend currently has possession of my rollback truck, my bucket truck, the Studebaker GT Hawk in my avatar picture, all my guns and reloading equipment, a 6' disc, my engine hoist and other stuff. I know he will take care of it and make it right the same way I do with his equipment, he really found the bucket truck handy to pick apples with.
Denis Gionet

Denis Gionet

ArboristSite Operative
Apr 21, 2012
Northern Ontario
To the OP :

How's the BIL ? What kind of guy is he ? You can tell a lot about a person by what their stuff looks like (cars, toys, home, etc.)

I've got a good BIL. I'd lend him anything, 'cause he'd make it right if it came back wrong. His home looks nice, vehicles and toys are clean, good shape, kids are well-raised and polite, you see where I'm going.

I've got a brother. He's kinda Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde. Good days are ok, he's got a saw, cuts firewood, takes care of his stuff, cleans his cars, raises his kids right. That's Mr. Hyde.

Dr. Jekyll however, when he's around, he's an asshat, speaks without thinking, acts without thinking of consequences (like the time he invited us to his cottage, and when we pulled into the yard with the girlfriends' brand new car, he promptly sat on the hood for the ride up the driveway) .... or riding his sled drunk, and running into the side of mine on the lake at high speed while I'm driving it, wrecking both machines .... or making comments about a loved-one's anatomy ...

So what is it ? Is he a Jekyll, or a Hyde ? That's the real question. Decide properly, your life may depend on it.
Captain CaveMan

Captain CaveMan

ArboristSite Lurker
Sep 26, 2012
Problem solved, he bought his own chainsaw.
When he calls me and asks to borrow mine because HIS chainsaw sucks, ill go to his house and show him the basics of chainsaw handling and upkeep, and maybe he wont bend bars anymore :D


ArboristSite Operative
Sep 18, 2010
My best friend currently has possession of my rollback truck, my bucket truck, the Studebaker GT Hawk in my avatar picture, all my guns and reloading equipment, a 6' disc, my engine hoist and other stuff. I know he will take care of it and make it right the same way I do with his equipment, he really found the bucket truck handy to pick apples with.

Geez, can I be your best friend :yoyo:


ArboristSite Operative
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 1, 2011
I'm not much for borrowing stuff out either except for a couple of trusted friends/relatives. My chainsaws, as with most of my tools, are of very good quality, and are maintained as such. Funny thing is, some of the same guys that like to borrow things are the same guys who think your crazy for spending as much as we do on good quality tools. But I still end up feeling like I'm being a jerk when I say no. Especially when there are some guys out there who seem willing to borrow out anything. If I do borrow something from someone, I try to return it either cleaner, sharper, or better in some way then when I got it.

BTW... Hi everyone. This is my first post, but I've been learning and entertaining myself on AS for a few years. Just finally felt compelled to give my 2 cents.
a. palmer jr.
Apr 8, 2007
Southern Indiana
I'm not much for borrowing stuff out either except for a couple of trusted friends/relatives. My chainsaws, as with most of my tools, are of very good quality, and are maintained as such. Funny thing is, some of the same guys that like to borrow things are the same guys who think your crazy for spending as much as we do on good quality tools. But I still end up feeling like I'm being a jerk when I say no. Especially when there are some guys out there who seem willing to borrow out anything. If I do borrow something from someone, I try to return it either cleaner, sharper, or better in some way then when I got it.

BTW... Hi everyone. This is my first post, but I've been learning and entertaining myself on AS for a few years. Just finally felt compelled to give my 2 cents.

Welcome to AS, Festus! Your first post is a good one! I agree that there are people who have the knack of making you feel bad when you don't lend them something. I also agree with a previous poster that said that if you need to borrow something very often then maybe you should be buying your own instead of wearing mine out.


Tree Freak
May 26, 2015
33' South
I try to make a point in not having to borrow anything, but on the odd occasion I will have borrow something off my brother but it always ends in a drama, you should see the way he carries on when he wants it back after a couple of years! LOL when we are both at each other's sheds, we go around retrieving out own gear that has been secreted into corners.


Cattle Rubbing Post
Oct 9, 2014
Interior BC
I have a couple friends that have really helped me out when I needed it, they are also both expert mechanics and truth be told I'd give them a saw if they needed it.. I know that lending them a saw is low-risk. My saws aren't worth a whole lot more than the bars and chain that's on them wither though, but it's the fact I'm going to need them down the road too, and if I don't have them, then I'm screwed

One of the friends I mentioned has MOST of his air tools in my shop.. about 10 sanders, paint guns, etc.. when he finds a good deal on something at TSC or wherever he'll just pick it up for me... I try and repay that in kind.. he brought me his two broken Jred 920's and I made one real wood cutting beast out of the two of them.


Nov 3, 2014
Socialists Republic of New York
I keep a crappy saw as my loaner. A clean looking low end unit. Specifically a clean 025 for me.

It's hard to say no when you have around 20 saws, most of which are in plain sight.

I have gotten a saw back broken after letting the brother in law borrow it. And the saw went there with fuel and oil.