McBob's new Alky Burning Stihl 090

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Addicted to ArboristSite
Jun 4, 2008
Nations Capital....seriously
That crap went out with the Ark Gmax ...... have a nice day ...... He he he he

showing your age now:msp_biggrin:

The story goes that The Big Fella upstairs asked Uncle Bob first but then realised we'd still be waiting, so he passed the job onto Noah so it would get done ;)
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ArboristSite Guru
Oct 22, 2012
Ulverstone, Tasmania
It's all a figment of your imagination. Like a huge April fools day joke......

Or maybe these rumored cutty cutty long time race chains of Matt's.... Which I heard were actually tri link chain with safety bumpers :eek:uttahere2:
ausneil 1

ausneil 1

Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 6, 2011
So November is our date is it Bob?
Rollup, Rollup, Rollup, read all about it, not to be missed, never again, once only, never before,
McBob and BigDGB’s 090 race off,
See the big West German stock 090 V McBobs alky rice burner chink special in huge saw off,
Prize will be one very good 090G, kindly donated by Brad (blsnelling)
Entertainment for all AS members and their guests,
Its rumored that RandyMac and Dennis Cahoon from Yankee land will be on hand, watch these two yanks go toe to toe in the Bullshiit face off,
Saw Troll will be looking after the weigh in, to check everyone’s left side balance,
Neil (ausneil1) will be chief administrator for the day and head saw starter, (it’s also been heard around the traps that Neil is training for some special event at this show, just what that is will be a surprise)
Will,(lumberjackau) is looking after first aid, (he is supposed to be good at mouth to mouth)
Darren (deye223) is organizing the girls for side show ally
Matt (MCW)is in charge of tickets, (we have not decided on a price yet, but get their credit card numbers anyway) BTW Price is up due to carbon tax!
Wayne (sun64) is looking after the wildlife, checking there is no possums or kolas in the wood and that the birds’ nests have been looked after,
Wayne (Gmax) will be running an odd saw stall,
Andrew (stihlman441)is running a Stihl stand, (MS441C-M are on special)
Rudi (rudolf73)is rumored to be bringing his uncle Hef to the playboy stand,
Looking for someone to run the Husky parts stall,
Still places open to members in the MS170 Hotsaw race off (60 inch bar min)
I think Dave (Aussie Dave) will have a farming stand,
Free face painting (looking for someone to do this)
Chris (splitpost) will be running a How to Port 660’s class,
Venue TBA
Food, free toast and vegemite for everyone who shows with an 090
Drinks , On the House, many thanks to AS, Drinks List: Water
Rick (tdi rick) is going to bring the fire truck for the kids to ride in (also I think he will run an Get-to-know-your –Dolkita workshop)
McBob will also bring his Mac’s for the kids to play with,
Gates will open TBA (when someone wakes up)
Gates will be closed, (when we have all gone home)
We will be adding many more events to this show as we go, I am sure we have missed many members and their talents(real or otherwise) please feel free to add any suggestions in new posts on this thred, there are many positions and stalls available ,
All members wishing to attend this sure-to-be-unforgettable show please let McBob know via this thred so he will have some idea how many jars of vegemite to get,
Those who cannot attend will still be able to watch all the action via free-to-air The McBoob Tube
Any reference to people, places and or talents, events is only subjective, done in an spur of the moment for all the good members and guests of AS,

Dalas was a funny man, he could liven up any thread with his humer and such.
November, well it came and went.


Somebody's talking crap here & it ain't the tree!
Sep 10, 2008
Riverland, South Australia
Or maybe these rumored cutty cutty long time race chains of Matt's.... Which I heard were actually tri link chain with safety bumpers :eek:uttahere2:

The best part is that Bob could simply fit one of my Cutty Cutty Long Time ™ race chains, not even actually start the saws, and still win races just by resting the bar on the log. Gravity alone will do the rest...
P.S. I grind the bumper links off...

Dallas was a funny man, he could liven up any thread with his humer and such.
November, well it came and went.

Dallas is a top bloke. I often wonder what he's up to and how he's going.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 4, 2007
Tut Tut tell lifeline they might care

You know, when I first saw this thread back when it started I didn't know you or anything about you. As the thread went on I saw what your detractors were saying and wondered, but gave you the benefit of the doubt. There are plenty of people that rag on others for any number of reasons, I was hoping you would come through and show them all up, shut 'em up by proving them wrong.

That did not happen. Your saws are vapor-ware. I wouldn't have cared if they were fast, just a running saw would have said you were a player in the game of saw building, not a winner maybe, but at least finished what you started. But you got nothing, and snapping at people that call you on it just proves all your detractors right. It makes you look small.

Being fiesty and taking a swing at those that talk smack is ok by me, but you better put up or shut up at this point, it goes from defending your pride to throwing a little sheila hissy fit real fast.

Mr. HE:cool:


Good ol' BP Zoom 25-1
Dec 9, 2004
NSW or is it QLD .. Australia
You know, when I first saw this thread back when it started I didn't know you or anything about you. As the thread went on I saw what your detractors were saying and wondered, but gave you the benefit of the doubt. There are plenty of people that rag on others for any number of reasons, I was hoping you would come through and show them all up, shut 'em up by proving them wrong.

That did not happen. Your saws are vapor-ware. I wouldn't have cared if they were fast, just a running saw would have said you were a player in the game of saw building, not a winner maybe, but at least finished what you started. But you got nothing, and snapping at people that call you on it just proves all your detractors right. It makes you look small.

Being fiesty and taking a swing at those that talk smack is ok by me, but you better put up or shut up at this point, it goes from defending your pride to throwing a little sheila hissy fit real fast.

Mr. HE:cool:

So just who are you ? ............ should i bow down and kiss your ass as well thats what the others want ..... it wont happen on my watch but at least you showed your mentality is the same as the others just plain old boring and without thought. ................. now go and cry somewhere else ...... i'm busy.

For those needing more attention than i can supply dial 000 and mention fire
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Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 4, 2007
So just who are you ? ............ should i bow down and kiss your ass as well thats what the others want ..... it wont happen on my watch but at least you showed your mentality is the same as the others just plain old boring and without thought. ................. now go and cry somewhere else ...... i'm busy.

For those needing more attention than i can supply dial 000 and mention fire

I ain't nobody at all and unless you're young, female, and hot, I'll spare you having to kiss anything except the ground I walk on.

All I'm saying is I think you're nobody too, I was prepared to think you at least could tinker with a saw and get it running, appears you aren't even good for that.

Mr. HE:cool:


Good ol' BP Zoom 25-1
Dec 9, 2004
NSW or is it QLD .. Australia
I ain't nobody at all and unless you're young, female, and hot, I'll spare you having to kiss anything except the ground I walk on.

All I'm saying is I think you're nobody too, I was prepared to think you at least could tinker with a saw and get it running, appears you aren't even good for that.

Mr. HE:cool:

Thats why everyboby wants to know it wont be the first saw i've built and it wont be the last one that you wont see and yes my saws do win races

So wheres yours ?

Being noboby doesn't bother me either
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