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OutOnaLimb said:
Ummm, Whats the population difference between the US and Canada? Maybe thats has something to do with your statistics.


This is using comparable cities I put them at the beginning of the thread. Yes the Canadian city is a little smaller but not that much.

I would be curious to know a total of each country and then go to a per capita figure.
clearance said:
Stihlatit is wrong about the way it is in Canada being better, people that mean to rape or kill that break into your house deserve a bullet. However, the U.S. has a homicide rate (per 100 000, nothing to do with population size) that is far, far above any other civilised western country. Some want more gun control and confiscation of guns, that will never happen in the U.S. because your founding fathers put it in the constitution, a genius move. Guns don't kill people, people kill people, it's true. In Switzerland every house that has a man of military age in it has an automatic assualt rifle provided by the Swiss Govt. Switzerland has a very low homicide rate, lower than Cananda where fully auto guns are stricly prohibited along with some semiauto guns too. Every other gun is supposed to be registered and controlled in some way, same with ammunition. All this is a joke because people who use guns for crime couldn't care about the law.

I never said that they did not deserve a bullet, I merely said what would happen if you administered the bullet.

Clearance I agree with what you said about Switzerland. Like I said it is the ideology that you are raised in. Let me ask you how many wars have the Swiss been in? (none) Yet they have a crack army. We in Canada have not been in too many wars and with very few exceptions have been there as a peace keeping force not an agressor. Both countries are peace loving. Switzerland claims to be totally neutral. On the other hand the states has been the agressor in many word conflicts.
You are also correct in sayin that the crooks dont care about gun laws. That is for our law enforcement to deal with. It does however take some guns away from a domestic dispute or where a person murders their whole family and does a suicide. Yes people kill people and they use guns to do it. Ask a cop how many domestic disputes they are called too. It is their most dangerous and most hated call. Not only crooks and thugs have guns. By the way I have 4 rifles. They are all registered, trigger locked and in a locked metal cabinet. The key and ammo are hidden at the other end of the house.
bwalker said:
The gun registry will go down with the liberal government.

Actually it wont as we will probably have another minority government. It is a election issue to expand on it, as due to the recent shootings in Toronto, but very little will be accomplished there as the Conservatives will come under the scrutiny of the rest of the house if they try to touch it. If they do anything they would expand on it to gain popularity.

Stihl-When I was a kid back in the 70s I lived 30 miles from town in central B.C., my parents had no guns, but all our nieghbors did. They were all ranchers or loggers, they all had a loaded rifle leaned by the back door (loaded but you had to cycle it to fire). Any stray dog or predator got blasted, no questions. My parents had the brains to see to it our nieghbors taught me some gun safety, they are really just a tool, similar to a chainsaw in many ways. Our violent crime rate rises from east to west, murder is very rare in Newfoundland yet they have high gun ownership. The high murder rate in the U.S. is not just because of the usually given reasons (poverty, racism etc.) but also because they are proud, individualistic and think in more black and white terms. In Canada we are apathetic. How do you get Canadians out of a swimming pool? Excuse me, could you please all get out of the pool. As far as Canadians been historically peacefull, I have to disagree. We were in South Africa in the 1890s fighting for the British, WW1 1914-18 WW2 1939-45, Korea 1950? with over a 100 000 dead from a county with a pretty small population. At the end of WW2 the Canadian armed forces were huge compared to our population, well equipped and had a really good reputation as fighters. The gun registry here has been a complete farce, I really hope Paul Martin and his gang of lyin,stealing culls get turfed.
clearance said:
Stihl-When I was a kid back in the 70s I lived 30 miles from town in central B.C., my parents had no guns, but all our nieghbors did. They were all ranchers or loggers, they all had a loaded rifle leaned by the back door (loaded but you had to cycle it to fire). Any stray dog or predator got blasted, no questions. My parents had the brains to see to it our nieghbors taught me some gun safety, they are really just a tool, similar to a chainsaw in many ways. Our violent crime rate rises from east to west, murder is very rare in Newfoundland yet they have high gun ownership. The high murder rate in the U.S. is not just because of the usually given reasons (poverty, racism etc.) but also because they are proud, individualistic and think in more black and white terms. In Canada we are apathetic. How do you get Canadians out of a swimming pool? Excuse me, could you please all get out of the pool. As far as Canadians been historically peacefull, I have to disagree. We were in South Africa in the 1890s fighting for the British, WW1 1914-18 WW2 1939-45, Korea 1950? with over a 100 000 dead from a county with a pretty small population. At the end of WW2 the Canadian armed forces were huge compared to our population, well equipped and had a really good reputation as fighters. The gun registry here has been a complete farce, I really hope Paul Martin and his gang of lyin,stealing culls get turfed.

The gun registry was a farce but it added to the attitude towards guns. I have been telling you it is about attitude. I wish you would read my post as I said with few exceptions we are a peace keeping nation you named the exceptions. I also got gun safety but that too was in the seventies. The attitude has changed since then. We used to keep the doors unlocked. I dont think we even had a key. I will support anything that keeps that attitude in check. I also support hunting by the way. We seem to be slipping in the atitude aspect and that is why we are getting more statistics.