Poison Ivy

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ArboristSite Guru
Dec 18, 2007
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Does anyone know of a proven method/vaccination I can get for poison ivy? I thought that I had just about grown immune to the stuff (I've been getting it since I was a kid) but recently got a pretty good dose. To make matter worse, I was just in the woods whre I bought a bunch of tops for firewood and the suff is on almost every tree. It is choking some full sized tree out. I have heard of some old wives tales but I would really rather rely on some modern medicine. Anyone with some advice (don't give the "stay out of the woods" advice, it's not an option this summer.
Does anyone know of a proven method/vaccination I can get for poison ivy? I thought that I had just about grown immune to the stuff (I've been getting it since I was a kid) but recently got a pretty good dose. To make matter worse, I was just in the woods whre I bought a bunch of tops for firewood and the suff is on almost every tree. It is choking some full sized tree out. I have heard of some old wives tales but I would really rather rely on some modern medicine. Anyone with some advice (don't give the "stay out of the woods" advice, it's not an option this summer.

Ok,here is some real world advice wear long sleeves and have on hand
a bucket of water and soap! Wash many times during the day and shake
the shirt a time or two per day. I don't get it much only if it gets it a scratch or on tender skin. I however know it can be washed off if done soon after contact. If you get a dose take the hottest shower you can as heat stops itching for a while after a hot shower! I hope this helped!
Ok,here is some real world advice wear long sleeves and have on hand
a bucket of water and soap! Wash many times during the day and shake
the shirt a time or two per day. I don't get it much only if it gets it a scratch or on tender skin. I however know it can be washed off if done soon after contact. If you get a dose take the hottest shower you can as heat stops itching for a while after a hot shower! I hope this helped!

I'll try anything. I wasn't sure if everyone around the country even had poison ivy but we sure have it in Michigan. It is a real #####! I have no real choice but to work in it this summer.
I tried shots for one summer (it's a series of them). Was hoping for the best but I guess I'm REALLY susceptible to it. The highway guys get the shots and that's where I heard about it.

Currently, I wear a long sleeve cotton shirt. That plus the chaps in summer really gets me a sweating but ....

Good luck and I sympathizes
I generally get a bad dose of it once a year. I've become fairly good at identifying it and try to stay away but when you're covered in scratches and your pores are wide open, it's hard to not get a reaction from the ivy. A couple weeks with a bottle of calamine lotion and I forget about it till the next incident.
I have'nt seen it yet but I heard of a over the counter pill that is supposed to either prevent it or treat once you get it. Its somewhere between $30-$40I try not to take job with lots of poison ivy. Not worth the itching and blisters.
I don't know about poison ivy but I've had way too much experience with poison oak.

I've tried pills, potions, and shots...nothing works. A dermatologist told me that some people are more susceptible to getting it than others. He also said that the degree of tolerance can vary with time of year, general physical condition, affects of diet...dozens of things.
In other words, you might get nailed bad one day and have no problem with the stuff a week later.

That's my problem. Some years it doesn't bother me at all and other years all I have to do is look at the damn stuff and I get the whole routine...boils, blisters, and Calamine Lotion by the case.

Have I helped you? I doubt it. Just letting you know that there's other people in the same boat. You'll get a lot of good advice here but since you're messing with stuff that could really hurt you (think poison oak in your eyes) I'd check with a good dermatologist.

And please, please, please, let us know what he says. Mine basically said that there isn't anything he can do and I don't think I'm willing to accept that.

In the meantime Ropensaddle said it best....wash a lot.
hope this settles it once & for all

get the stuff out of the Sherrill catalog. It really works! Use the drops like the bottle says, put the "block" on exposed skin, go home & shower down with the Tecnu. It works!

End of discussion.
FYI, the active ingredient in the Tecnu soap is odorless mineral spirits (to remove the urishol oil). I expect (although I've never done it) that you could mix some mineral spirits with any good liquid soap or dish detergent and achieve the same effect.

i got a mild first time ever case of it back in early may
a nurse gave me a shot in the backside
and away i went

cleared up in three days
I am sorta wandering if my tolerance to it has anything to do with
me getting spanked for chewing the leaves as a kid:confused: I
used to get spanked for eating all sorts of **** even them durn widow panes:laugh:
My brother-in-law the GP says to wash in cold water after contact (to close your pores), then wipe off with rubbing alcohol (to remove the oil). His only malpractice case was a poison ivy shot (the preventative one) where the kid had a bad reaction to it and lost his arm. The shot you can get after an outbreak is steroids- a magic bullet. I've found Fels-Naptha soap in a warm bath relieves the itching and Ivarest lotion helps dry it up.
My dad seemed to develop an immunity to it, and so (knock on wood) have I. But the 15 year old kid I just hired got covered with it after his 2nd day!
No help from me as we don't have any to my knowledge here but I saw an interesting article on it the other day in the paper. Apparently because of increased CO2 in the atmospere there is more poison ivy the ever and the potency of it is increasing. Now doesn't that make you feel better.
My dad, brother, sister, and I don't get poison ivy or oak. We can rub the any part of the plants on us and never get it. I have three kids and they don't seem to get it either.

I have an adopted sister and poison ivy will kill her the next time she gets it, the doctor said. She quits breathing and swells up to a basketball sized head.

My blood relation could alway handle it without gloves, I was rather old before I knew people got itchy from it, LOL.

Does anyone know of a proven method/vaccination I can get for poison ivy? I thought that I had just about grown immune to the stuff (I've been getting it since I was a kid) but recently got a pretty good dose. To make matter worse, I was just in the woods whre I bought a bunch of tops for firewood and the suff is on almost every tree. It is choking some full sized tree out. I have heard of some old wives tales but I would really rather rely on some modern medicine. Anyone with some advice (don't give the "stay out of the woods" advice, it's not an option this summer.

I had a bad case of poison oak a week ago , seemed liked it lasted for a month :( . I was working with long sleeve shirt, Levis boots and gloves. it started on my wrist, than my forearms, chest ,stomach, hips, legs, and finally tops of my feet. I am 48 and this is the first time I remember ever having it. :monkey:

I went to the VA a few times I used hydrocortisome 1% all over my body and Prednisone [ steroid pills ] also some calamine lotion.

Hope not to get it again, I ordered those arm chaps hope they help:confused: David
The Tecnu stuff really works for me. You can trial it by purchasing a small 4 oz. bottle at Walgreens/CVS/etc. locally and if it works for you then buy by the quart from Bailey's or other - much more cost effective.

The homebrew suggestion was interesting. I'd be more tempted to try it if all I could get were the dinky little bottles but the quarts @ $12-15 aren't too bad.
My dad, brother, sister, and I don't get poison ivy or oak. We can rub the any part of the plants on us and never get it. I have three kids and they don't seem to get it either.


I don't get poison oak, ivy, or sumac. I've rolled in the stuff as a kid. I've held it out of the way so friends (who are very susceptible) don't get it (and they still do, even on their tongues).

I hate itching, so I guess I am lucky.

Oatmeal baths are supposed to be soothing.
Growing up I barely got it until about 30 years old and then each case semed to get worse for about 5 years so i became cautious working around it. Haven't had it bad for about 15 years and I seem to tolerate working around it with gloves and long sleeve shirt with no problems presently. I even sometimes pull the vine off wood with a gloved hand.
Don't have the known cure. I do not recomend it but I heard at the restaurant a couple days ago that nail polish remover takes care of it.
I also heard to take a cold shower with soap if you been working around it so as not to open the pores of your skin is best. Just hear say, I don't know all the facts.
Here's another "after infected" remedy. A friend of ours said he used bleach on the infected area (after the break out). He swore by it but I have never used it nor witnessed any results.
I know that you're looking for modern medicine advice and not folk remedies, per se, but I've found that this really works.

There's a common native plant in the Northeast - you probably have it in MI, too - called jewel weed. It goes by other names in other regions. It thrives in moist, shady conditions, especially around the perimeters of fields, NW exposures of houselots w/ample shade, etc.

Jewel weed's stalk is extremely moist and an application of the plant's moisture really takes the sting from a sunburn and relieves poison ivy rashes.

I'm very much a sceptic with regards to natural cures, etc. myself but have found time and again that it does wonders for me.

There was a thread on "Off Topic" titled "Trees that Heal" recently. A poster noted the plant there. You can also find pix to help you ID the stuff. Best to be certain before applying plants to a rash!

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