PPE confrontation!

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bob you forgot the ergonomics police,lol.

For those of you reading this and don't know what "ergonomics police" means means it refers to CS milling. On the CS milling forum I was often the first one to jump onto people (usually newbies) that posted pics of themselves milling on their knees (sometimes in mud and snow). Some posts show pictures of millers straining and huffing and puffing way more than unnecessary esp if the logs or cants are set up right. I also nag and rabbit on about stuff like mill handles and throttle location, moving slabs, and chains chains chains, yadda yadda. . . .
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bob you forgot the ergonomics police,lol.

unfortunately some people are very hardheaded and wont listen to any thing,they know all,been there done it have the scars to brag about it.some people also cannot take ctitisism whether helpful or not they just get defensive and hope some other cool kids jump on with them.
to you (the loudest one posting here), and to others fine your right it is your life,hopefully you will live long and come through it with all or most of your parts.if not ,well if someone said i told you so ,you may or may not hear them cause of your personal choice about hearing protection.

btw this is an open forum,when you post something, you should fully expect a policeman of sorts to post on your thread ,like it or not.

Man,,you ARE a slow learner arent you ??
good thing your only "mildly" annoying :)
mildly?!, i was shooting for full nag,lol

Ok,i gotta give ya one for that !! LOl !!
a little more refinement and intensity with a touch more sarcasm and hidden inuendos and you will be there.. :)

maybe you should get a job as a nanny ??
(was that a good one ? )
I think yours and mine were runnin a close race on the dirtiest there.lol

Lol musta been freehands, someone bought a brand new pair just for the gtg lol

As I said I will wear them when I feel they may be needed or if temps permit if I remember to! However I have been known to forget my hard hat is on and be wearing it at home!
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Can someone explain to me how it is possible to be thick-skinned enough to not have to worry about PPE, but thin-skinned enough to get your panties in a twist when someone suggests you use it?
Can someone explain to me how it is possible to be thick-skinned enough to not have to worry about PPE, but thin-skinned enough to get your panties in a twist when someone suggests you use it?

Who says your thick skinned to not have to worry about PPE?
Who says your not worried if your not wearing PPE?
Who is getting their panties in a twist?
So if you respond to the PPE police your a #####? :dizzy:

Your post is more to incite than anything else.
Who says your thick skinned to not have to worry about PPE?
Who says your not worried if your not wearing PPE?
Who is getting their panties in a twist?
So if you respond to the PPE police your a #####? :dizzy:

Your post is more to incite than anything else.

Thick-skinned? PPE? Get it?

Can someone explain to me how it is possible to be thick-skinned enough to not have to worry about PPE, but thin-skinned enough to get your panties in a twist when someone suggests you use it?

ED,,i dint "notice" anybody get thier panties in a twist by someone "suggesting" they wear PPE..
now "TELLING" somebody they "HAVE" to wear it because it may affect "THIER" life or finances and nagging and demeaning,well yeh,but it aint panties in MY case !
if anybody can "suggest" to somebody to wear PPE ,why cant somebody "suggest" to whoever to mind thier own bizz without "them" getting thier panties twisted ??
the only time my "jock" ( i dont wear panties ) gets tight is when somebody tells me what to do when it does not concern them..
i think a LOT of people feel that way..why i dont know..maybe they feel personal freedom is threatened ??
I suppose if you get the feeling that a person is a bit of a newbie then a gentle reminder isn't a bad thing, but on the contrary if you get the general idea that the person is a seasoned vet who's been holding a chainsaw for the past 20yrs, then I'd say they've made their choice and leave them be.

The people who are going to use it are going to, and the people who aren't, won't. So I guess in my opinion I wouldn't be too pushy.

if anybody can "suggest" to somebody to wear PPE ,why cant somebody "suggest" to whoever to mind thier own bizz without "them" getting thier panties twisted ??

"They" can...and should. I would.

I wouldn't start a whole new thread about it though.
I have always understood the point of those pushing for PPE and I do appreciate there efforts. I hope those who do it realize how old and offensive it is after the 10th time.

I called my dealer today and he's willing making arrangements to get them in for me and our oldest son. As I've stated before
"Its been on the short list for a while."


Beware of the dealer that wants to measure your in-seam.
I have to agree that there is way too much nagging over PPE here.

Someone post a vid of them sawing a tree and they are not wearing any PPE, all of a sudden there's 10 posts in a row saying "where's your PPE", "man you better get some PPE", as old as you are you should know better than to be sawing without your PPE".

Then finally there will be one post saying, "nice job sawing that tree bud".

It should be the other way around IMO. If someone does'nt have it on and it gets mentioned thats cool. The other "policemen" should be able to read the earlier post about it (PPE) and find something else to say instead of beating the dead horse.

Now this guy (OP) starts a thread stating he's had enough "advice" and he gets bashed by the PPE police. Even after he stated that he will be buying PPE for him and his son, they persist. Not to be helpful, but to just keep nagging as they always do.

It gets old guys. Need to look before you post about PPE and if it's already been posted a couple times just leave it at that. No use being a nuisance just for grins and giggles.

And the talk about tax money...HEY! I pay my taxes too guys. As do most others here. It's not going to change and your money is'nt any better than anyone elses. We pay taxes to support people who need help. Now sometimes it goes to scum who don't deserve it, but there's a big difference between that "scum", and good people here. Don't complain that your tax money might go to help a good person, just because he was'nt wearing a pair of chaps!!! Thats just stupid IMO.

I wear PPE when I work. Sometimes I don't. My choice, not yours. Remind me, tell me about it sometimes, don't nag me to death like I don't know better or something. I'm a grown man, like most others here.

(stepping down from my stool now):givebeer:
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I think I agree, we're doing entirely too much nagging about PPE. I mean, our intentions are pure, we just don't want people to get hurt, nothing else. But, in the spirit of the OP, I'm going to quit #####in at people to wear their PPE.

I've decided to post pictures instead:



The guy did an excellent job of documenting the experience. You can read about it here: http://suerichardson.blogspot.com/2008/09/thats-gonna-leave-mark.html
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I suppose if you get the feeling that a person is a bit of a newbie then a gentle reminder isn't a bad thing, but on the contrary if you get the general idea that the person is a seasoned vet who's been holding a chainsaw for the past 20yrs, then I'd say they've made their choice and leave them be.

Humm . . . so are you saying that no one can say anything to a seasoned vet because they already made their choices and must already know everything? Seasoned vets usually know a lot but they don't know everything. I have a lot of respect for seasoned vets but I have even more respect for seasoned vets that are still willing to learn and try out new ideas. I learned a lot from seasoned vets but after while it was clear there were always a few gaps in their knowledge and skills. One thing I was able to show a seasoned vet was how to file rakers using progressive raker filing method and after he ran one of his saws with the new raker settings he called me up and said, ". . you just taught an old dog a new trick".

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