Properly pruned Big Silver Maple.

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Correct topping procedure.....:D

HO wanted it, he got it.:msp_wink:


Now thats what I call Vista pruning , great job ... It should come back real pretty like this may ....
around here, many guys consider that tree good advertising :frown::frown:

Same here, I just drove past a farm yard the other day that had 14 slvr maples freshly topped, I didn't have my camera though. So i can't share the carnage. To say the least it was depressing and funny at the same time:dizzy:
waiting for dry ground, Raj.

You getting any calls? I finally got the paper straightened out, (I hope) my ad starts tomorrow. God, I need some jobs to finance the Philly/VA trip next week. call me later, I got a new phone, I need your # :cheers:
Yeah work has been trickling in slowly, I should be balls deep in a silver right now but the rain is giving me the finger. Oh well it is an easy drop in and out in four with stump tomorrow. Good to hear you got your ad straightened out. I looked at a HUGE HAIRY cottonwood that I'll be giving you a call on if we get it. It is going to be a crane removal for sure, no doubt, but hairy! It is over two garages and two houses plus uts and no room to work.
Dont use your phone for a coffee stir and you wont have those problems. Did someone delete a post? That tree was in the middle of boonie-ville a town with a population of less than a thousand, and hour from anywhere even remotely populated. Its the kind of town where IF THAT WAS A TRIM, most people there would expect that kinda work. Some cant take a joke, or just dont get it. The customer wanted a drop and leave, and didnt want to deal with a huge mess all at once. Its a joke thread, get over it. Oh, and for the record, Im the one who raped the Maple! (he made me do it:hmm3grin2orange:)
If it comes down to it

If if comes down to putting food on my table or marking a tree for death well guess what, im hungry and my kids are too! I love trees and give a HO 10 good reasons for NOT topping the tree then if i cant change there mind i top the tree. In the occasional very nice old beautiful tree i certainly won't do but someone will. In closeing IF you gonna hack a tree HACK a tree looks good slayer!
if somebody else already topped some trees and someone asks you to top it lower does that still make you a bad person? well cause thats what I did today HO wanted them at 12' but the company he hired last year cut them at about 25' and they exploded with new growth and he cant reach with his pole saw...
If if comes down to putting food on my table or marking a tree for death well guess what, im hungry and my kids are too! I love trees and give a HO 10 good reasons for NOT topping the tree then if i cant change there mind i top the tree. In the occasional very nice old beautiful tree i certainly won't do but someone will. In closeing IF you gonna hack a tree HACK a tree looks good slayer!
IT IS THE FIRST PHASE OF A REMOVAL !!!!! The title was sarcasm.
Slayer, u in town again!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::hmm3grin2orange:

Just in case anybody is wondering, I know he does not do this stuff, just playing around, so cool the jets!
Here's an example of my work. I like to call it Toppage' and I charge extra for it. I name each "toppage'd tree. This one is called:
"Reach for the sky. A tribute to Bob Steele and the old Hollywood cowboys". I'm thinking of franchising the name and process.
Tell me what you think,
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