Should I bother

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May 8, 2007
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Yesterday I went to look at an estimate for a removal of a "very large tree". Its the typical scenario where there is moss all over the roof and they thought maybe remove this allready stripped out cabled up Sugar Maple - mostly because of the roof. Tree is about three feet from the house, definately effecting the roof. Anyway on my way around the property trying to figure out access I notice an actual "very large tree", Sugar Maple with about three leaders, all with included bark type bad crotches. The two leaders that make up most of the two halves of the tree (classic wishbone type codominate) are split apart like 3 - 4" with one half going twards the house. The tree appears to be hollow inside the split and the split runs down the trunk maybe 6' or so on one side. There are also some of those roots that grow up into those cavities sometimes (sorry for the bad explaination) on one side. The tree is at least 40" DBH and the two halfs are very large and heavy - and leaning. Other than that the tree is beutifull and "thier favorite tree", "it frames the whole backdrop, etc. etc." - admittedly the tree does look nice to a novice and really does have a huge importance - for a piece of crap, lol. Now after talking it over with the customers my friend and I (another treeguy) decided to come-along this thing together as best we can, install cables and through rods and also prune the tree and thin to reduce wieght. The problem is I would rather just cut it down as I feel it will just create a future deathtrap - I mean those two leaders are HEAVY, its a big tree! And worse yet I dont think I'll be able to close that crack up much at all with a come-along or my GRCS. I thought about putting a big false crotch block up about 2/3 or so in one lead and running my big 3/4 bull rope through that and then over to the other side with a bowline, then down to the base and into another pulley - and then onto my tractor winch. Then MAYBE it would pull together. All this and is it safe then really?? Or should I just reccomend flopping it in the field thats right behind it, lol. Oh, and the other problem is I cant say I've ever tried to use a five foot timber bit while climbing and I dont think I can get the bucket in due to acres of wet lawn and septic. Hense the question : should I bother?? Would you guys? Is it even ethical?
Oh, and it does appear to have been like this for awhile, probably years as there is callous growth along the split - but it still looks hairy as all hell to me. Sorry no pictures, maybe I'll try and get some.
Ethical - yes, to try and save the tree if it can be saved and is an 'acceptable risk' (ISA terminology). Ethical - no, if the tree will pose an 'unacceptable risk' (ISA terminology) even after cabling.

From a liability point of view - probably not worth the liability you might face should it fail unless they would agree to sign off on a very very detailed liability waiver which I would suggest you have drawn up by a lawyer and you have a lawyer of their choice review and agree to. Of course, by 'detailed' the waiver would have to be very descriptive in what materials you are going to use and why and exactly where you are going to locate them. Trust me, if the tree fails and falls through their house, they will look for whatever loopholes they can so it has to be detailed.
Arbor pro I hear you.. but I probably wouldnt bother with all that as I'm really just not all that into lawyers. But yer right. I tried to explain to these people just how bad this thing is but they dont care because all they see is a full green canopy and thier precious tree. Just to add: it doesnt look like the tree would hit the house, just the tips might, but it would hit thier patio/stone wall for sure.
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Offer removal only then. Without a detailed waiver in place, you put yourself at too much risk to cable it. Get your local city forester or university forestry professor to give you a second/third opinion if available. That way, you can show the homeowner that you're looking out for his best interest by trying to do what's 'ethical' not only for the tree's sake but for their safety.
What about closing the split up? If I couldn't close it should I still use through bolts? or is that not acceptable practice? I wouldn't think it would be. So then would that be cause for a definite removal?
You know it's a POS, take it down. Not like you didn't know that was comming, lol.
Sure did nails, lol. I dont know if they would go for it though... still I can see the thread now "395xp hard Maple bonanza", lol. That should have been a lock on that takedown - and then onto thier other tree! but no, I think they even said the tree was the whole reason they bought the property. I did talk them into saving the other tree and just elevating it over the roof and installing an additional cable - at least that way I wont look like such a hater. Thinking about that tree and all the pita it would be to try and save it - and what it will be after all that - I think I'm just going to reccomend removal, hell anyone else would! Its alot of wieght on a rotted split trunk. I think I fed into thier customer denial too easilly.
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Sure did nails, lol. I dont know if they would go for it though... still I can see the thread now "395xp hard Maple bonanza", lol. That should have been a lock on that takedown - and then onto thier other tree! but no, I think they even said the tree was the whole reason they bought the property. I did talk them into saving the other tree and just elevating it over the roof and installing an additional cable - at least that way I wont look like such a hater. Thinking about that tree and all the pita it would be to try and save it - and what it will be after all that - I think I'm just going to reccomend removal, hell anyone else would! Its alot of wieght on a rotted split trunk. I think I fed into thier customer denial too easilly.

Yes, yes, now were talking. Time for a good old fashioned double Maple Bonanza!
Oh, and it does appear to have been like this for awhile, probably years as there is callous growth along the split - but it still looks hairy as all hell to me. Sorry no pictures, maybe I'll try and get some.

Yeah! for chrisakes, Why don't you stop flapping your gums and get some pictures? Do you think I wanna read all that stuff. its to hard to understand.

Its sounds like you just came from the place I just did. A very old locust close to house, 8 foot trunk with pavers from the 1800's in the hollow. Tree broke and the whole thing cut bask to a diameter of about 24 inches with big suckers coming out from below.
The lady bought this farm 2 years ago and it is on a conservency plan. She has some issues but the main one is that she is SMOKIN HOT! Horse farm girl, came out in tight riding gear, I hit the floor.
Yeah! for chrisakes, Why don't you stop flapping your gums and get some pictures? Do you think I wanna read all that stuff. its to hard to understand.

Its sounds like you just came from the place I just did. A very old locust close to house, 8 foot trunk with pavers from the 1800's in the hollow. Tree broke and the whole thing cut bask to a diameter of about 24 inches with big suckers coming out from below.
The lady bought this farm 2 years ago and it is on a conservency plan. She has some issues but the main one is that she is SMOKIN HOT! Horse farm girl, came out in tight riding gear, I hit the floor.
dan I suck with the computer is the problem, I even got a sweet camera, I just dont know how to resize - or where to file anything - or any of that crap!! I hate it. Give me a chainsaw and I'm all good, lol. BTW, my ex is a BIG TIME horse girl, I can tell you from expierience they aint worth it! You might as well marry the FN horse, lol.
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dan I suck with the computer is the problem, I even got a sweet camera, I just dont know how to resize - or where to file anything - or any of that crap!! I hate it. Give me a chainsaw and I'm all good, lol.

Do what Nails told me to do. Photobucket. Just plug the camera in to the computer and turn it on a " wizzard" should help you. Do you know " copy and paste"?.

You upload onto your computor then upload onto photobucket then you will be looking as good as me. Like my trucks?
By the way the truck pics I had scanned and copied to disk. I have more coming soon and this morning I just had 100 digatal copies made itno glossy 4x6. I can say this: There ain't nothing like it.
It sounds easy when you talk about it now but I remember when you were struggling with it, it didnt sound so easy then. I'll figure it out soon though. I just dont feel like dealing with it today. I can at least take pictures for now so I'll have them.
It sounds easy when you talk about it now but I remember when you were struggling with it, it didnt sound so easy then. I'll figure it out soon though. I just dont feel like dealing with it today. I can at least take pictures for now so I'll have them.

I DO remember BUT PHOTOBUCKET! It is that simple. There are many ways to do it but this just did it. It should tell you everything you need to know, quickly.
Have yet to see Vintage Dan?
Get the vintage picture up Dan, no excuses. Get a shot of the horse girl too if you can swing it.

Is that tree 8' DBH? Get a shot of that too. Tell her to come out because you are doing a documentary on the tree and it's historical value........thats how you do it.
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whats the big deal lewis can handle it

paul have faith in your partime crew