Some people

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Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 1, 2009
1. City Slickers Handbook - Classic!

2. What does her forum sound like? Lets have someone give it a guess? I'm sure it is convincing.... :clap:

Recently I have been noticing that people's opinions of a situation are extremely biased in favor of the first person that tells the story. Very hard to overcome first impressions. Just my observations.


Doesn't play well with others
Sep 13, 2011
Mid Mo
I'd say you've likely got that pegged correctly.... the thing is, unless you screw-up, she can't do anything. I'm bettin' when she finally comes to the realization there ain't anything she can do in a legal, or civil sense, she's gonna' try to really pizz-you-off in hopes you do something she can pounce on. Look for it, get ahead of it, keep your eyes and senses sharp... and above all, don't lose your head. Don't play her game; when you find roofing nails spread on your drive don't get pizzed-off and throw 'em on hers... just call the sheriff and report roofing nails on your drive. Don't mention names and point fingers (unless a deputy asks if you have an enemy), just report someone spread roofing nail on your drive. She's already shown her colors to the sheriff's dept... she'll make her own bed if you stay calm, cool and keep breathing.

Spoken like a true master.
I've dealt with her type in the past. They have no problem violating the rights of others and are the first to complain when the same is done to them.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 1, 2009
Spoken like a true master.
I've dealt with her type in the past. They have no problem violating the rights of others and are the first to complain when the same is done to them.

I've found that NO ONE wants to or will take what they dish out. Try not giving a doctor a warranty in construction. :msp_ohmy:


Doesn't play well with others
Sep 13, 2011
Mid Mo
Unfortunately i've seen these things play out before and you have not heard the last of her. These people have a "city slickers handbook" and the next move will be her attorney filing motions and contacting the local politicians and trying to influence you local plannning or zoning board, I would preempt such moves by finding out who the shot callers are and where there heads are at. I would also not have another conversation with her without a witness present, she has already proven to be a couple sandwiches short of a proper lunch, no telling what stories she might cook up to neutralize you.

Agreed, it's time to circle the wagons and prepare for the attack.
lone wolf
Oct 5, 2009
Prowling The Pine Barrens
She doesn't' live here full time, this is weekend place for her.
The sheriff's department has been involved.

Cant even get along with her neighbors 2 days a week! What does that say? I have been getting along with mine for years and I guarantee I make as much noise as the OP. She should have tried a much more friendly approach from the start. If you help your neighbors and they are decent people then they return the favors and are good to you. This woman can't be reasoned with I am sure!:msp_ohmy:
Nov 17, 2010
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa have not heard the last of her. ...the next move will be her attorney filing motions and contacting the local politicians and trying to influence you local plannning or zoning board...


She may want her attorney to file motions and such... but I seriously doubt he'll go along with her because there's zero chance it could work, and he'd look like an idiot to his peers. The OP lives in Missouri, not New York... Midwestern folk just see things differently than Eastern dwellers. The property is rural and that's how it's zoned, it won't be changed... it can't be changed without upsetting the whole apple cart. The people living, and making a living in those rural areas are the same people who vote-in the County Board Members (who normally are rural dwellers from the same county) and pay taxes. Out here in fly-over-country, it's the people-of-the-county who make the policies... the county politicians (the County Board) just keeps it all organized.

There's a chunk of wooded property on the river, down the road 'bout a half mile, owned by a police officer in New York state (a inheritance/marriage thing). Anyway, a few years ago he wanted to develop the property, divide it into lots, put in a bunch of driveways off the road, wells and septic systems, and then sell them off. Before the county board would give him the necessary permits they held an open forum, everyone in this area (and a lot of other county folk) showed up and said, "NO! AND HELL NO!" He tried the lawyer thing... didn't work... the board pretty much laughed his Des Moines lawyer out'a the county. Ain't anyone in this county who wants a bunch of city-slicker sub-divisions retirement homes popping up all over the county messin' up our way of life... and if ya' let one in you've set the precedent.

Now she might could try and get a county noise ordinance voted in (but the people of the county would be doing the voting). Even if she succeeded it wouldn't be in effect during farming/ranching hours, maybe she'd have "quiet" time from midnight to 4:00 AM... and even that would be suspended during planting and harvest (many run 'round the clock until it's done). Her other option is a civil suit, maybe try suing for aggravation... but, like I said before, if the OP ain't running equipment right next to her at 2:00 AM... she ain't got the equal to squat from a Missouri mule... and if she ain't a resident of the county she has less than that.

Her only real chance is if the OP loses his cool and screws-up...
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Jan 8, 2011
Newville PA
I had the same type of thing here. Some new folks moved in and wanted to put a new lane/driveway in. One of the neighbors had a mailbox along the hard road where the lane was to start. Instead of asking the neighbor about moving the mailbox a registered letter was sent from their attorney giving 30 days to move the mailbox. NOT how we do things around here!

Over several years these people (mostly the wife) complained about a lot of different things including cutting wood "near", not on, their property. Bad relations all around. Fast forward several years. Husband dies from cancer. 42 years old, leaves behind a 12 year old son and the wife.

I decided to bury the hatchet and went to see her and offer my services for whatever she might need around her place. We still are not "visiting" neighbors, but the complaining has ceased. She has even allowed me to clear some of her land along my lane and keep it mowed. Recently she called me and said there were a lot of dead trees on her property and would I like to have them.

Situations change. Someday the "crazy lady" may come to her senses. Don't burn all the bridges...people can change, even "city slickers".


Doesn't play well with others
Sep 13, 2011
Mid Mo
1. City Slickers Handbook - Classic!

2. What does her forum sound like? Lets have someone give it a guess? I'm sure it is convincing.... :clap:

Recently I have been noticing that people's opinions of a situation are extremely biased in favor of the first person that tells the story. Very hard to overcome first impressions. Just my observations.

All valid points.
My purpose here is not to trash someone else in a public forum or drum support against her, or for myself.
You don't know her, she doesn't know you. I seriously doubt that she, or anyone she knows reads this forum.
I was simply sharing an experience I had, with this community, nothing more, nothing less.
I wasn't looking for advice, although I've gotten a lot, much of it very good and appreciated.
If she's sharing her experience with others, good for her, maybe someone will explain to her that she's a total B***h.
The title of the thread, some people, sums it up. All of us, at some point have dealt with a Katherine, I was just sharing my experience.
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Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 4, 2009
Agreed, it's time to circle the wagons and prepare for the attack.

Find the weak link and weld it up before it breaks, every town has a councilman that can be bought or influenced in a way to make things tough on tradition, sad but true. I have seen things get approved and changed in ways I could have never imagined.


Doesn't play well with others
Sep 13, 2011
Mid Mo

She may want her attorney to file motions and such... but I seriously doubt he'll go along with her because there's zero chance it could work, and he'd look like an idiot to his peers. The OP lives in Missouri, not New York... Midwestern folk just see things differently than Eastern dwellers. The property is rural and that's how it's zoned, it won't be changed... it can't be changed without upsetting the whole apple cart. The people living, and making a living in those rural areas are the same people who vote-in the County Board Members (who normally are rural dwellers from the same county) and pay taxes. Out here in fly-over-country, it's the people-of-the-county who make the policies... the county politicians (the County Board) just keeps it all organized.

There's a chunk of wooded property on the river, down the road 'bout a half mile, owned by a police officer in New York state (a inheritance/marriage thing). Anyway, a few years ago he wanted to develop the property, divide it into lots, put in a bunch of driveways off the road, wells and septic systems, and then sell them off. Before the county board would give him the necessary permits they held an open forum, everyone in this area (and a lot of other county folk) showed up and said, "NO! AND HELL NO!" He tried the lawyer thing... didn't work... the board pretty much laughed his Des Moines lawyer out'a the county. Ain't anyone in this county who wants a bunch of city-slicker sub-divisions retirement homes popping up all over the county messin' up our way of life... and if ya' let one in you've set the precedent.

Now she might could try and get a county noise ordinance voted in (but the people of the county would be doing the voting). Even if she succeeded it wouldn't be in effect during farming/ranching hours, maybe she'd have "quiet" time from midnight to 4:00 AM... and even that would be suspended during planting and harvest (many run 'round the clock until it's done). Her other option is a civil suit, maybe try suing for aggravation... but, like I said before, if the OP ain't running equipment right next to her at 2:00 AM... she ain't got the equal to squat from a Missouri mule... and if she ain't a resident of the county she has less than that.

Her only real chance is if the OP loses his cool and screws-up...

I think this might be the best post in the entire thread.
It sums things up perfectly.
Folks who have not lived in the country just don't understand that things work differently, much differently.
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Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 9, 2011
Fife lake,Mi
Throw a bucket of water on her she will just melt. I seen it in a movie so it must be true.

I have dealt with these types before also. Just keep it legal and thing seem to work out better. Don't let it get too far out of hand before you seek legal help.


Tree Freak
Nov 23, 2010
North Georgia

She may want her attorney to file motions and such... but I seriously doubt he'll go along with her because there's zero chance it could work, and he'd look like an idiot to his peers. The OP lives in Missouri, not New York... Midwestern folk just see things differently than Eastern dwellers. The property is rural and that's how it's zoned, it won't be changed... it can't be changed without upsetting the whole apple cart. The people living, and making a living in those rural areas are the same people who vote-in the County Board Members (who normally are rural dwellers from the same county) and pay taxes. Out here in fly-over-country, it's the people-of-the-county who make the policies... the county politicians (the County Board) just keeps it all organized.

There's a chunk of wooded property on the river, down the road 'bout a half mile, owned by a police officer in New York state (a inheritance/marriage thing). Anyway, a few years ago he wanted to develop the property, divide it into lots, put in a bunch of driveways off the road, wells and septic systems, and then sell them off. Before the county board would give him the necessary permits they held an open forum, everyone in this area (and a lot of other county folk) showed up and said, "NO! AND HELL NO!" He tried the lawyer thing... didn't work... the board pretty much laughed his Des Moines lawyer out'a the county. Ain't anyone in this county who wants a bunch of city-slicker sub-divisions retirement homes popping up all over the county messin' up our way of life... and if ya' let one in you've set the precedent.

Now she might could try and get a county noise ordinance voted in (but the people of the county would be doing the voting). Even if she succeeded it wouldn't be in effect during farming/ranching hours, maybe she'd have "quiet" time from midnight to 4:00 AM... and even that would be suspended during planting and harvest (many run 'round the clock until it's done). Her other option is a civil suit, maybe try suing for aggravation... but, like I said before, if the OP ain't running equipment right next to her at 2:00 AM... she ain't got the equal to squat from a Missouri mule... and if she ain't a resident of the county she has less than that.

Her only real chance is if the OP loses his cool and screws-up...

the thing with the cop though..going against the "my property, I should be able to do with it what I want to do" deal that a lot of country people espouse. In fact most rural people I know believe this..until something like that starts to happen, then they change their minds because what the other property owner wants to do isn't to their liking.

I see no clear cut winners here. Which is it, allowed to use your property, or not? See the hypocrisy there?

I am more in favor of being consistent, even if it means the other guy gets to do stuff you might not approve of. I am way more consistent Libertarian/Constituionalist about things. It is not my call to tell other people what they can and can't do, and it is not their call to try that on me either. As long as they aren't committing clear cut obvious crimes, I believe people should be allowed their born with freedoms consistently across the board.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 1, 2012
geneva, ny
Bark up when it's raining, and down when it's sunny. Rounds get stood on end. Doesn't everybody know this?:msp_lol:
OP, keep your chin up and your head cool! You're on the side of the angels.


ArboristSite Operative
Nov 4, 2012
Bark up when it's raining, and down when it's sunny. Rounds get stood on end. Doesn't everybody know this?:msp_lol:
OP, keep your chin up and your head cool! You're on the side of the angels.

Those intermittent shower days are BUSY. Flipping wood back and forth all day. And I wonder why I can't get anything accomplished.

Seriously though, I'm glad things have cooled off in your neighborhood for now, OP. Hopefully, she realizes either blend in(doubt it) or just sells and moves along. It bothers me that people leave the city, and then want to bring it with them. If they like it so much they should stay there. There is a reason I don't go to the city, and never will. There aren't enough corn fields or tractors there. That and they won't let you shoot those bushy tail rats that they have an over abundance of.:laugh:


ArboristSite Guru
Apr 4, 2009
Recently I have been noticing that people's opinions of a situation are extremely biased in favor of the first person that tells the story. Very hard to overcome first impressions. Just my observations.

And that is why numerous people suggested he contact the Sheriff immediately when she first trespassed. The same is true with the law, often the first person to complain to the law is seen as the victim. Luckily in this case the woman has already shown her true colors to the Sheriff.


ArboristSite Operative
Feb 4, 2008
NW Vermont
A more appropriate name for this thread should be " My Dirty Laundry." Normally not something to be aired in public. But, I suppose it's generating clicks therefore generating money for the hosts of the site.

Have fun.