Surprize when I got home tonight!

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1) .... the first step should always be a warning shot and then a leveled long arm at the intruders.

Firing a warning shot is a VERY stupid thing to do. There are VERY few places where you are legally justified in shooting to protect property. (Texas is the only one that comes to mind.) A warning shot is tantamount to assault with a deadly weapon in most jurisdictions, as is simply pointing a gun at someone. Learn to use that thing properly - which INCLUDES learning the legal issues - if you have any intention of using a gun to defend yourself. Otherwise, your one stupid moment may cost you the right to bear arms for the rest of your life, not to mention bankrupting you with legal fees even if you DO manage to stay out of prison.

For a while he had a sign on his gate that read: "If you not invited to be here, you will be shot."

Also very stupid. Exceedingly stupid. BRAIN DEAD 'WHAT KIND OF MORON PUTS UP A SIGN LIKE THAT' STUPID. It shows prior intent. IF you have such a sign, and you actually DO have to shoot someone, good luck finding a lawyer to defend you against the murder charges that will be filed. You have just given the prosecutor all the evidence he needs to convince a jury that you are a "gun nut whacko just itching for a chance to shoot somebody to feed your macho ego". Think it doesn't happen? You are dead wrong.

We don't live in the wild wild west anymore. Some of us might wish that we still did, but the fact is, we DON'T.

Do I like the way it is? Do I support the way it is? Not even close. But it IS the way it is.
Honestly, if it were me, he would be proned out on the ground with a bunch of manure in his drawers because I carry everywhere I go, and his attempt to slip around the car would have been seen as an attempt to do harm to me.

My advice, get a gun, get a carry permit/license/whatever your state calls it, and carry, EVERYWHERE you're legally permitted to. That way you're never stuck in a situation like this wishing you had your firearm on you, it always will be on you.
Mark is right, this is not the wild west. That said I will tell you what I use.
Gates-7' high, motion lights, motion activated cameras(Lorex), whole house alarm monitored by outside agency, Geese-nothing gets past them...nothing! And finally, a device made in Romania. I also make sure that someone is always around, even if I am gone, my brother will stop by at odd times to check on things.
When I am home, plan "A' - 12 ga. Defender - 3 "00" Buck
2 Brenike Slugs

When I am not home, plan "B" - His picture is below

Got hit once, the criminal justice system gave them a slap on the fingers and a pat on the a--

I will handle it the next time.................

Remember, Law Enforcement is there to investigate it after the fact, and call to have the scene cleaned up!!!!!!!!!!
Mark is right, this is not the wild west. That said I will tell you what I use.
Gates-7' high, motion lights, motion activated cameras(Lorex), whole house alarm monitored by outside agency, Geese-nothing gets past them...nothing! And finally, a device made in Romania. I also make sure that someone is always around, even if I am gone, my brother will stop by at odd times to check on things.
well hell that's like being in prison. and it shows potential thiefs you must have some really nice stuff to take. you fellas wanta live behind fences and gates? If they want it bad enough, they'll get it. I agree a warning shot is dumb and not to mention a waste of ammo. One shot, one kill. Hard for dead people to testify. Population control at its finest.
Gate operator

I would look at the gate operator. We did the manual swing gate until we grew very tired of getting out in the rain, etc.

I built the gates and hired a control company to install the operaotrs. The price was $4,200.00 and that was 15 years ago. It was money well spent IMO. I have a programmable timer that is opens and closes them automatically. Dad operates a campground and I have metal fabrication business.

With the economy like it is in NC thieves has come from everywhere. If it's not chained it's game for the thief.

I agree too on how a thief changes you. We had an attempted theft take place 2 years ago while the gates were open. Dad came upon a fellow sitting at our shop and when questioned he said he was "looking for work" dad was puzzled as to why his lift gate was open so he pulled around to take a look at find all of our Husky saws plus a Partner cut-off saw. Dad pulled those out and tried to wrestle the keys away from the guy in the car.... the guy drove away and dad looked over to see another guy exiting our tool shed with two other saws. :censored:

Long story short they were caught and are still in jail. We both now are very cautious as to who comes to our place of business. We both are conceal carry equipped. And we ended up spending $3,800.00 for 2 burgular alarms systems for both shops!

The next route of a closed circuit camera system to a tune of $4,000 +.

Maybe things will get better but for now we're on guard!

I'll be interested to hear what your sheriff has to report!

Honestly, if it were me, he would be proned out on the ground with a bunch of manure in his drawers because I carry everywhere I go, and his attempt to slip around the car would have been seen as an attempt to do harm to me.

Yep. Followed by a 911 call. "A man is on my property threatening me. I am holding him at gunpoint."

No threats. No "promises". If you are the type to go after him yourself, KEEP it to yourself. Shut your big mouth.

Otherwise, you are just advertising your stupidity.
Honestly, if it were me, he would be proned out on the ground with a bunch of manure in his drawers because I carry everywhere I go, and his attempt to slip around the car would have been seen as an attempt to do harm to me.

My advice, get a gun, get a carry permit/license/whatever your state calls it, and carry, EVERYWHERE you're legally permitted to. That way you're never stuck in a situation like this wishing you had your firearm on you, it always will be on you.

This is what I do. I carry everywhere I go. My wife has concealed carry also. I hope I never have to shoot the thing. But if I ever have to at least I have it.

A good dog helps alot they usually know when someone is up to no good. Also those little signs at the end of the drive with a security company name on it (even if you dont have a security system) I think helps. I look at it this way if you make your property more challenging than the neighbors they will probably go to the neighbors. Oh one more thing when we built our new house we put a few cameras that record anytime they see motion.
My wife calls 911 and tells the operator that there are 2 people in our work shop. Operator tells my wife to stay in the house and the sherriff will be there after he raps up a traffic accident. Wife asked for him to come NOW! Dispatch tells her he's busy.
I call back 2 minutes later...tell dispatch I just shot both of no hurry.
Sherriff was there in 90 sec. Found out I didn't shoot them.

He said I thought you said you shot them? I said thought you said you where busy?
Firing a warning shot is a VERY stupid thing to do. There are VERY few places where you are legally justified in shooting to protect property. (Texas is the only one that comes to mind.) A warning shot is tantamount to assault with a deadly weapon in most jurisdictions, as is simply pointing a gun at someone. Learn to use that thing properly - which INCLUDES learning the legal issues - if you have any intention of using a gun to defend yourself. Otherwise, your one stupid moment may cost you the right to bear arms for the rest of your life, not to mention bankrupting you with legal fees even if you DO manage to stay out of prison.

Hey man I did not say I supported his judgement. I got a chuckle out of it thought I'd share some slightly amusing information, sorry I should have stated I did not suggest it.

Probably why the Sheriff told him to pull down the sign; as you said sign showed he had intent to shoot someone. Probably bad call on my part to post something I found amusing.

Apologies to all, in no way do I support shooting someone, I do support defending yourself if hostile/life threatening action is taking against you.

on one of the posts that the chain is connected to at the end of the drive i wrote" dont fawkin touch" and some one went as far as writing azzhole below i got a good laugh outa it but at the same time i was pissed that some one went to try and open the lock and then wrote that on the post....
I had almost new skid steer trailer stolen a few years back and the guy and his truck were caught on my camera's for 20 minutes. I have 8 camera's recording 24/7. Cops took 2 weeks before detective would look at video. What a joke.
Never got nothing. Last year, I had 10,000 Bobcat attachment stolen from same yard and same camera's saw entire thing. Cops took video and never did a thing.
Both were done in middle of work week but no one noticed a thing in the 50 acre truck terminal. The owner of the property now had a professional install licence plate camera's at the only gate and they do work. You have to protect your self because once they take it, you are on your own and mercy of insurance co if you carry insurance.
Hey man I did not say I supported his judgement. I got a chuckle out of it thought I'd share some slightly amusing information, sorry I should have stated I did not suggest it.

Probably why the Sheriff told him to pull down the sign; as you said sign showed he had intent to shoot someone. Probably bad call on my part to post something I found amusing.

Apologies to all, in no way do I support shooting someone, I do support defending yourself if hostile/life threatening action is taking against you.


No problem - I was just making sure the correction was out there. There are too many gun owners who don't understand the realities of the legal situation, and they make the rest of us look bad.
Old friend of mine had someone blocked in his drive. He didn't approach him, he went straight into the house and dialed 911. He said I have someone in my driveway threatening my family and I. I am unlocking the gun safe as we speak and will defend my family. There were cops there in minutes.

I have a couple of 4 in pvc pipes with a 1 in pipe with nails welded all through it. When I chain off the drive and lock it, I throw those out and throw some leaves over them. I can jump up and down on them, but if something drives over them it breaks the pvc and nails the tires. I really only use that when the chain is locked and I am away. If they want to cut the chain and drive down, then they will have some tire issues.

Wish you were closer, I have a remote controlled gate opener that I would let you have. My drive is too wide for a gate without it looking a little too much like Fort Knox.
Update: Sheriff stopped by. I am going to have to take back every bad thing I've ever said about cops, except one, and that's a whole different story about a deputized pair of old ladies writing parking tickets. Anyway, they (two cars, they back each other up, even when talking to me last night) found the guy at home last night. Said he had not been anywhere but his truck was warm. Description was on; of him, the truck, and the dog. Said he was very nervious, and has prior B&E. Said my area is getting hit quite often recently for electronics; that theives google houses, get road front views/areal views too. A good deterent is driveway lights on sensors with a bell in the house as well (and dog house). Another he mentioned is the hunting cameras. Oh, had my woodsplitter welded at a family machine shop down the road and just now picked it up. He had a clients trailer stollen this week.

What if my wife or daughter were home sleeping? Or they came home instead of me and surprised someone? Or, if I had come home later and been ripped off? It is like I'm not mad about it, it is almost expected, it is so common. A kind of, "Well, I've been lucky up to now!" I don't want to let someone change me. I used to be mad and angry most of the time and have worked hard to go the other way. I think what many of you are saying is that respect is earned, and a thief gets what he earns. Some are saying just do what you can to protect yourself without crossing the line. The violent pray on the non-violent however. I would say stealing is certainly violence. What if I would have rammed that truck and shoved it half way through the garage door? Would I be in jail? There would be no question he was there. The sheriff last night was obviously wondering who I was, and checking my story out, probably wondering if I knew this guy and was just pissed at him.

My son is getting married Nov. 20th, and my sister from CA is going to come. She teaches handgun safty classes, and is in a HAM radio club that volenteers for bicycle races, runs and such, for emergency situations. It will be good to see her and talk at length.

Today I'm ingraving my MI drivers licence number in everthing so it can be traced, and calling an electrician tomorrow about driveway lights.

My son and I crossed the Atlantic on friends 44' sailboat. They spent a lot of money on equipment they hoped they would never have to use. I guess secuity equipment is the same kind of thing.

Be safe... Crane
You Do Know Why He Was There?

I would have walked up and shot the Mother ####er in the Head. Than stripped his truck for parts.

My wife calls 911 and tells the operator that there are 2 people in our work shop. Operator tells my wife to stay in the house and the sherriff will be there after he raps up a traffic accident. Wife asked for him to come NOW! Dispatch tells her he's busy.
I call back 2 minutes later...tell dispatch I just shot both of no hurry.
Sherriff was there in 90 sec. Found out I didn't shoot them.

He said I thought you said you shot them? I said thought you said you where busy?


LMFAO......that would pretty much take care of the problem, yup.

Old MufflerBearing got an answer for every problem......hahahah:cheers:
Sandhill, You seem like a level headed ordinary guy who would be eligible for a handgun and permit to carry. My suggestion would be to do so ASAP get the training you need for it and the permit then protect yourself. Stay away from the NRA training and try to find some real life scenario based hands on training. You owe it to you and your family to protect yourself. If the unthinkable ever was to happen and you had to use it you would be glad you had the capability just like a fire extinguisher or first aid kit! Remember that the average response time of a 911 call is about 9 minutes while the response time of most handguns is 750 feet per second +.

I would also recomend that if you can get your wife onboard for CCW than it is even more important that she have and know how to use a firearm. In the home there should be access that is quick enough to use and disabled enough to stop any prying little minds or fingers. My in home guns for instance never have a shell in the chamber I have a 3 year old that can't rack the slides and the rest of my family knows how and have practiced and know how to quickly and safely put one of the guns in service. In my home if I am home you could probably sneak around a bit outside before I shot you
but my wife is a different story I don't play the little knock on the door and try to scare the wife games cause she will have a gun before you know it. many times if a car pulls in at an odd hour She is actually a better shot than me and my 17 year old daughter is a crackshot I actually believe if she wanted to she could have a shot at a career as a proffesional hunter or shooter of some sort.

People often think I carry because I am paranoid and I say that is rediculous I have a gun what the hel do I have to be paranoid about!

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