Surprize when I got home tonight!

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Some good posts here but without reading all of them yet I'll post myself....

I have a camera 15 feet high.(3 of them) Its hooked up to a software that I can view on computer, tv, or smart phone. Records digitally hours on end. Anything missing,... I rewind.

See the camera? lol Its wireless...Just needs to be plugged in, thats all.

Sandhill, You seem like a level headed ordinary guy who would be eligible for a handgun and permit to carry. My suggestion would be to do so ASAP get the training you need for it and the permit then protect yourself. Stay away from the NRA training and try to find some real life scenario based hands on training. You owe it to you and your family to protect yourself.

:agree2: :clap:

NRA training is better than nothing. For a non-shooter, it's a good start. For a self-taught shooter, it can be a place to get some bad habits corrected.

It is NOT good defensive handgun training! It's BETTER THAN NOTHING. But it's NOT "good". It's just a lot better than NOTHING. Of course, some instructors are better than others.

Here's one good source.

He travels around, so might come near you some time. He's one of the top trainers in the country, yet his classes aren't very expensive, compared to some place like Thunder Ranch.

Remember that the average response time of a 911 call is about 9 minutes while the response time of most handguns is 750 feet per second +.


I like that line!

I would also recomend that if you can get your wife onboard for CCW than it is even more important that she have and know how to use a firearm


People often think I carry because I am paranoid and I say that is rediculous I have a gun what the hel do I have to be paranoid about!

Yep. It's paranoid like wearing a seat belt or motorcycle helmet is paranoid.

A better word for it is "smart".
Some good posts here but without reading all of them yet I'll post myself....

I have a camera 15 feet high.(3 of them) Its hooked up to a software that I can view on computer, tv, or smart phone. Records digitally hours on end. Anything missing,... I rewind.

See the camera? lol Its wireless...Just needs to be plugged in, thats all.


What are the specs, and costs?
Originally Posted by sawkiller View Post
People often think I carry because I am paranoid and I say that is rediculous I have a gun what the hel do I have to be paranoid about!

Yep. It's paranoid like wearing a seat belt or motorcycle helmet is paranoid.

That's hilarious!
Some good posts here but without reading all of them yet I'll post myself....

I have a camera 15 feet high.(3 of them) Its hooked up to a software that I can view on computer, tv, or smart phone. Records digitally hours on end. Anything missing,... I rewind.

See the camera? lol Its wireless...Just needs to be plugged in, thats all.


What is the brand name of the cameras and where can a person find them?

Oh dear. I would have checked to see if he was OK. Then offered coffee.

A local woman tried to keep some trespassers "captured" and was told to let them go or she'd be busted for kidnapping.

They were hunters, which are the main trespassers around here, this time of year.

Also, make sure it is YOUR road that you spike. Another city dweller who decided to move into "the country" immediately posted a road, that had a county easement on it. He got stuck with a nice bill for replacing tires on a neighbor's truck. The funny part is, the neighbor stepped on one of the spikes and it stuck in his foot, his wooden foot.

I do not like to live in an area where I have to have a fortress. If it comes to that, I'll move.

So, what do you do to help your neighbors? The food banks will be collecting for the holidays. Warm coats are needed for kids. Some folks who can't cut their own, or pay for it, need some wood to keep warm with. Help some folks out if you can because work is hard to come by right now.
Oh dear. I would have checked to see if he was OK. Then offered coffee.

A local woman tried to keep some trespassers "captured" and was told to let them go or she'd be busted for kidnapping.

They were hunters, which are the main trespassers around here, this time of year.

Good point, slowp. If anyone doubts this, do a search on unlawful restraint laws in your state. If you use a weapon, the crime often escalates to something very serious.
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i dont think i could have resisted kicking the side of his car/truck in as he tried to go around me like that.. if he has any balls then hell stop the truck and get stomped ... how is he gona explain being at a strangers house at almost 9pm..your story would win in a second.
at the very least hed be left driving a truck/car with the side dented in, and evertytime he looked at that dent, hed remember

Google up X-10 systems and take a gander.

Wireless driveway and motion sensors with remote notification isn't a pain anymore.

Consider the "Refuse to be a victim" course for yourself and the gals.
It's common snese oriented and goes as far as less lethal confrontation with the emphasis on mindset, deterrence, and avoidance.
If you need help finding an instructor, holler.

On the CCW side of things, if you choose to go that route, also gimme a shout.

Keeping a blunderbuss around the house is a smart thing to do, but only if everyone in the house is on board and has the mindset and REAL world training to use the thing.

Allegan county is slipping back to where it was 6-8 years ago with deputys stretched thin. Heed that good Deputys advice.

I hear ya on the Citiots and Yuppies moving in and destroying things.
You're in for a treat when they start begging for city water and sewer to go with the Gas lines. The good thing is the Citys are all too broke to float the idea for a while.

Saugauck/Fennville/Pullman used to be tight knit country folks.
It's sad how things have "Improved".

Stay safe!
I do not like to live in an area where I have to have a fortress. If it comes to that, I'll move.

The whole post was good Patty, but this is the part I really agree with.;)
i dont think i could have resisted kicking the side of his car/truck in as he tried to go around me like that.. if he has any balls then hell stop the truck and get stomped ... how is he gona explain being at a strangers house at almost 9pm..your story would win in a second. r

Guess again. HE has committed no crime. None. Does it look fishy? Of course it does. But the fact remains, he has committed no crime, and an officer doesn't even have probable cause to arrest him.

When you kicked his door, YOU committed a crime.

If the cops get involved at this point, YOU go to jail, not HIM.

Is that right? No, but it's reality.
Good point, slowp. If anyone doubts this, do a search on unlawful restraint laws in your state. If you use a weapon, the crime often escalates to something very serious.

Yep. Just pull back your coat to show him your gun, and you have committed the crime of "brandishing a weapon". That can be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the mood of the prosecutor. Either way, you'll lose your permit and probably all your guns. If they push it as a felony, you'll lose them all FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Misdemeanor? The judge may bar you from touching a gun for a year or something like that.

Point a gun at someone? That's "assault with a deadly weapon".

Yep. Just pointing it.

If you need to use a gun to protect yourself, you'd better be able to articulate a credible threat.

Unless your state recognizes "citizens arrest", you'd better not try to hold anyone. It's called "unlawful detainer" in some places, "kidnapping" in others, and it's always a very expensive hobby.

Funny- seems the crooks have more rights than the hardworking home owner- am I the only one having trouble with THIS LOGIC?
Good analysis Mark of the options. Like saws, handgun training FOR DEFENSE is never optional: for legal and practice.

Even here, a mile in from a rural road, with no one living full time with the mile, we have "visitors". They always seem to drive pickups, are of the male species, peel off if they see you. When possible, I'll always stop them and ask politely what they'd like; no show of concealed, no threats. Always get the plate and report it. Most are fine , scouting out for deer or bear or turkey.

Ironically, our "from away" neighbors with the two vacation homes on the mile road, find that my sign " GAME CAMERA IN USE" silly, and could insult some 'people'. Ideology not based on experience.

Our law enforcement is in a town 45 minutes drive from here. The only real crime so far, so far, are home burglaries, usually expensive wood stoves from the vacation places.

Violent crime is low in Maine. Could it have to do with the fact that we have the highest percentage of Concealed Carry Permits in North America?:yoyo:
This time of year leave some lights on in your houses. Seriously, I drive home this time of year and I pass house after house after house that have ZERO lights on inside. Nothing screams "come break into me" more than a dark house. A radio left on is also a good thing.
You Do Know Why He Was There?

I would have walked up and shot the Mother ####er in the Head. Than stripped his truck for parts.

That's a little aggressive don't you think? Or are you just trying to come off as a tough guy? I hope it's the latter. There's absolutely no proof, still, that he was up to anything bad. Shoot someone because they were in your driveway?
Motion activated camera / floodlight combo:

+ video receiver:

+ expensive software and PC TV board:

+ your PC and broadband internet


You get an email to your Crackberry when your motion activated camera goes off.

If you're really paranoid and geeky, you make a deal with a neighbor so your old PC uses HIS wifi to send the email, just in case the thieves cut your cables first :D

I have a 500' driveway, you could back a U-Haul up to my front door (or garage) and no one would notice except when pulling in and out of the driveway.

Folks who irk me the most are the up nominally selling steaks or something out of a freezer strapped in the back of a pickup, when you know darn well they're actually just casing places. Working from home quite a bit over the last few years, it's amazing the oddballs who show up in the middle of the day.
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Funny- seems the crooks have more rights than the hardworking home owner- am I the only one having trouble with THIS LOGIC?

Who said anything about it being LOGIC? It's not logic and it's not justice.

Sadly, it's reality. No, I don't like it, and I don't support politicians who appoint the kind of judges that have brought us to this.

But it's still our present reality.
a different type of theft

two years ago my office was broken into all that was taken was a random check from the check book. the thieves made the check out for v$2,500, signed it with a first name only and the boa cashed it!! I own the company, I'm on the account, the bank knows me and I could not do that without showing ID etc. The bank would not release survelance tapes to the police and replaced the money the next day. It had to be an inside job with one of the tellers. If I want to take out more than 1k I have to show id and talk to a manager. as usual p--- on the little guy. I'm still venting.

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