teach me how to fell a tree

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ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 11, 2005
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OK i bought a wood burner recently and have to start cutting trees down for firewood. I am pretty decent with a saw and have felled some but am no expert by any means. Can someone show me the correct way to notch a tree to fell it the way you want it to go. I realize there may be many things that may change the way you fell a tree but try and explain the procedure as if there was only one tree in a field and i wanted it to go only one way.....not taking into account slope of ground and wind speed. I like to do things right and am not afraid to ask when i know someone out there knows the correct way. Thanks for any help you provide. :)
Thanks for the replies guys. I will read all completely later but i have already seen and learned that i do need to read them all the way thru. LOL. The pictures really helped in showing me how i have been doing it wrong. ]Thanks again.
There is a website called Forestapps.com and is is very informative.I attended one of their classes when they traveled close by and found the instructors interesting and they knew their stuff,check it out.
Try hooking up with another woodcutter type who has done it a bunch and near as you can figure out. That guy is safe and communicates well.
Book learning from a book like Dents is great but it’s like college. Takes you to where you are ready to learn. I think you need both.
Then occassionally don't be afraid to go with a gut reaction that says not this tree.
Buy some seasoned firewood for now. Then read all you can about this. Buy Personal Protective Equipment (You will be highly motivated to do so if you read enough).

Just one dead limb can fall down and hit you in the head. These suckers are heavy and come down with a *lot* of force. I know!:dizzy:

Here is a buch of good stuff to look at. The Sihl DVD will show you what to do and is excellent. Take your time and learn before cutting. Take lessons from a pro if possible...

Common chainsaw injury locations on body - diagram.
(1/2 way down page)...

Stihl DVD: "Chain Saw Safety, Operation & Maintenance"...

"Oregon Maintenance and Safety Manual" on-line book...

OSHA Logging eTool...
(Manual logging or mechanical logging)

Book: "Professional Timber Falling" By Douglas Dent

National Timber Harvesting and Transportation Safety Foundation
Logging Safety Web Site...

The Game of Logging...

Stihl Instruction Manuals...

Stihl - Guide to Saw Chain Maintenance...