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Yeah, I'm not much of a chopper either. My son took it up after coming back from Aus. last year, and is having fun with it. He's really just trying to stay in shape in the off season of logging. You know winter pants, summer pants! I mostly just watch and coach. Chicks dig woodchoppers. Just ask Dale Ryan!
To be honest,
I was to build Paul Cogar a saw but was told that Benny was building him one and it pissed me off , so i just kept the saw here so when Paul found out he was not a happy camper so he went to Helshel for him to build a saw. I made the pipe and carb for the saw and they tried to keep it a secret from me but come on do you not think that i would not know my pipe from someone else so Kirt went to them as far as price i am less than him because he has to hire everything out , he does only the porting and bar .chain so it is costly for him. Kirt is a good operator and will be hard to beat. Also when you give Melvin his saw he will be hard to beat. I guess for what i have been told i am like you thj,
i get pissed very fast and i am not nice then to put it mildly.
So for awhile i was quite protective of my stuff. Nobody got anything just my guys that run with me, i know it must of happened to you when you hear though the grapevine that one of my chains was cutting like crap and the guy is telling everbody they are junk so you go over to see what happened and it is not your chain at all it is his chain . He jump your chain playing with it, stuff like that, i think you are filing for that guy now , no one out here will file for him period.
Now if i can tell you about those west v. boys , it could help you alot because they like to add nitro to the fuel, we seen this last year and this year , you set the saw up to run 20 %nitro and they will add another 10 to 15 % on top of the 20% so no way will it run passed the first cut
Tom i am not sure if you are using a wide skirt piston but you need to .on a 60mm bore the skirt is 47mm wide that gives you a wide enough skirt to make the ports wide enough to make power
Not sure but someone had wiseco make a bunch of pistons , not sure if Adrain James has any but i know they went down there somewhere
that is the reason for those ports outsidethe jug , with the wide skirt there is no room to put the transfer ports inside because you make the intake so wide now
Yes i know what i cost them for pistons plus i donot like them either , the spacers on the rod pin is not a good idea plus they are still narrow than mine , so what is the reason for that
Nitro is a great fuel but you cannot go way overboard on it . I built a 371 that ran on 40 % nitro , it was a little bit faster but not worth the danger for sure so i raised the psi and went back to 20 %
Ha Tom i cannot PM you or email you so i emailed his name to your partner in crime, just as soon not let everybody know but out here everybody in the saw world already knows
And the thing is that i have made him 20 or 21 chains and he was happy with them, hell he was winning most of the shows but he was pulling my chain and that doesnot work here at all.
In alot of ways i wished Marcel had not come up with the wide skirt pistons, because it does add alot of cost to your motor but out here if you donot have it you cannot win or place even
so i take forever and make my own
what i mean is he would say he would pay you then not pay
he felt that he was god and you should work for free plus he would talk behind your back and say he did this and that but he does not have the first idea on anything , hell he will let anybody try and set his jets now. i have to say his rotax is running better sense he took the nitrous off it and have you done another chain for him , he blew that chain off at parry sound show in the warm up
No i didnot make him another chain, i figured you would be because no one out here will. Im like you , i was not happy with what i had so i started to change stuff until i was happy, so people start calling you to get stuff and the money looks good but once you get into it it is not that good. Alot of guys think that i charge way to much but once you sit then do and tell them all the cost they understand, these saws are not a one day project.
As far as your chain cutting , i am sure it cut real well but we could not tell because he had nitrous on it and it was not even close to be set up but once he took it off he got second up at Kap.
out of all the bike saws there only 4 started. The next show was parrysound and he held the thing wide open in his warm up and bye bye chain it broke from the chainspeed, but knowing him he will just fix where it broke , put her back on and say that she just is not cutting as good as the other guy , how come ?
The first guy i built a saw for was Woodland , he is a good guy never goes else where because i may not be the smartest bulb on the tree but if he is losing to someone , we will figure it out on why he is losing, and he had one of marcel cranks break it was no big deal just fix the saw and get him back out there
The guy i use now for crankshaft work is very good ,i have never had a crank break from him
Wide Skirts

I have a dumb question.
What's up with you and your wide skirt fetish. Most of the people in this area like the rather narrow or slim skirts but you seem to prefer the wide ones. Do they keep you warmer at night? Maybe that is why the local Amish tribe like the wide ones.
Don't worry, its all good and we all like to play games. One of my favorites is when my wife dresses up like Little Red Riding Hood and I dress up like the Big Bad Wolf. I then jump up and down on one foot while I sing the Howdy Doody song and strip off my outfit at the same time.
Now were loggin.
It is quite plain and simple.
You can only go so high on your porttiming , if you raise your ext. port to high it will not cold start,
so for a stock 3120 your port can only be 37 mm widebecause your stock piston is only 40 mm wide on the skirt so you are very limited on your port size , this is not just on pipe saws but your fastest muffler saws are way faster with the wide skirt .
Now a wide skirt is 47mm wide so now you can make your port 44mm wide. that is alot bigger than 37mm without raising your port height. Dan i donot think most of you guys understand how much fuel i but through these motors, the 346 of nitro burns over half it's tank in 4 cuts of 11 inch wood so a tank would last less than 15 seconds if you could get the motor to run that long
You have to burn fuel to make power . Out here i donot know of one stock piston saw placing here at the big shows. Even in the small 0 to 5cu class we use wide skirts , the 272 gets a wide shirt with a L ring on it. It is the fastest of the 0-5 cu. saws but not made anymore for sometime.
I guess to but it plain and simple the wide skirt piston is 20 to 25 % faster in the wood and that is what counts

I think I understand. Bigger valves in a 4 stroke=more fuel flow=more power.

The skirt is basically a valve. Wider skirt=wider port available=more fuel flow available=more power(with correct porting).
so in a nut shell, since you can't enlarge the port up or down in the cylinder, you go for side to side with a wider piston!
Yes you are right
The up and down part of your port is your port timing,
So lets build a motor with 90 degrees of port opening on the ext. side for one motor and one motor with 110 degrees of opening on ext. side
The 90 degree motor has a wide skirt with a opening of 44 mm wide
The motor with 110 degrees open hasc a stock piston in it so it has 37 mm wide port
Now what is the difference in power between the 2 motors
The 90 degree motor will pass as much air as the other motor
have alot more torque and will cold start very strong and will run on a muffler
the 110 degree motor will not cold start because the porting is to high plus will have no torque at all and will have to turn a very high rpm just to make some power, it will be very lazy .
so what i am trying to show you that with a wide skirt piston i can pass the amount of air i need to without going over on my porttiming where with the narrow skirt you have to go high on your timing to pass enough air and take a chance on your motor not running right.
these are not porting numbers , i am just using them to show you
wide skirt = top fuel dragster
narrow skirt = ford pinto
I understand why you use the wider skirts.
I was just joking on my last post.
With all of this wide skirt talk, I thought that you Canadians prefer your ladies that need the larger skirt size.LOL

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