The Newbs version of "Whadja do today?"

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Took 5 red pines down that had the top blown out and hung up in other trees. Teaching the new guy how to cut in that situation. He cuts a decent notch and when the top starts to come down what does he do? Runs under it. In the 0.4 seconds it took to reach the ground I went over everything I knew about head and neck injuries. He barely escaped. Young city guys I tell ya....
I don't remember a string of weather like this in New England.......I climbed a 40 or so foot (~14"DBH) maple and pieced it down, cleaned up the brush, cut, stack future firewood.....After 2.5 hrs. I had finished what I had set out to do but man I was smoked....Its like 80 degrees here and it being barely May I'm just not ready for this kind of heat!!! Now, where did I put that worlds smallest violin?????
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I sat in a truck this week listening to the radio watching water run out of fire hydrants till they clear up, shut them off, and off to the next.... repeat this two hundred plus times. Doing all of this while thinking of all the tree jobs and stumps I have lined up for after work and the weekend. The bucket truck needs a water pump, lights fixed on the trailer, glow plug controller on the old 7.3 Diesel, and all of the other stuff I really would rather be doing than sitting on my ass at this day job feeling like I am wasting my life and becoming dumber and dumber by the day. Thank God i have my side job to keep my mind stimulated. I have twenty five stumps lined up trees to remove, prune jobs, and backhoe work to do. I worked storm work the last two weeks of nights and weekends 25 miles down the road and grossed more in those two weeks than I did at my day job in four months. I have everything paid for, S-185 with lots of attatchments, 4100D grinder, F-350 dump, F-350 flatbed plowtruck, 1996 Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel,14,000 lb dump trailer, 95 F-800 with an AA600, 40 ft tripple Axle gooseneck, two snow plows, 555C ford backhoe extend a hoe. Lots of climbing and rigging gear. All this with lots of ambition. I work this dayjob thats supposed to be for a fat old 50 year old man that stuffs doughnuts in thier face. Its not for me. Im thinking pretty hard on going out on my own... Sorry about my rant Ha Ha

I feel the same way day job totally pointless and mind numbing look forward to the weekend tree jobs fun to do something interesting and productive.
spent the whole day in poison oak and poison ivy.. Washed off at home with technu. Will report if I can work next week or not. :sucks:
worked on removing a large and tall (for me/around here) ash tree ~ 26"DBH....Challenge was that it was growing through and above a beech tree that the HO wanted to keep. One big heavy limb in particular had to be coaxed down to the ground without damaging the Beech.....After I got most of the threatening limbs off I had to drop the main stem down slope and against a lean and against an occaisional puff of wind (thank fully the ash hasn't leafed out yet but there was still a good sail at the top of the tree) Had to go that direction to avoid crushing the HO house (and the coveted beech tree) - that all went well know I just have to winch/drag the wood back up to the top of the slope and make firewood for the HO.....So far I broke one small branch (2" diam) on the beech that is in the middle of a bunch of other branches....I can get to it to prune out the damage...HO was stoked. I was stoked but it took a wee bit longer than I had expected....Hoping I can make of the gap on the next few trees at the same site...

Got a call today lady sounded like it was a big tree emergency. I said I would b there after 5 she said ok. Then calls me 3 times in a row when u gonna get here. I went over at lunch just to get it over with. I don't know what the emergency was but I gave her a bid anyway and said I would b over the next day. She said do it. Then she calls back an hour later and cancels. She got my # from her sister 8 months ago and her sister told me exactly what the job was 8 months ago. I don't care about not getting a bid but it annoys me when someone cons me into wasting my lunch break to make themself feel special. It will not happen again. Her sister works at my bank so every week for the last 8 months she has told me(my sisters gonna call u) wonder what her she is going to say this week
Took the top out of a medium sized cottonwood and left a 10' habitat/hammock snag per the HO. I love climbing with an MS460:)
Friday- took down a big clump of Aspens with a coworker! Big fun! Both of us up in the tops limbin, toppin, and chunkin over a house but nothin too technical! First time swinging from spar to spar! Now THAT was fun! Put a high TIP in the biggest of six and swung like Spidey! :msp_biggrin: