Tools for amateur saw mechanic?

Arborist Forum

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As promised!
This saw bench has taken me forever!!!!! (keep in mind it has 8'X8' saw storage as well on the back!!!
This is a picture of the peg board set-up I decided to go with. I left the sides straight ply wood to add shelves for the cool stuff(will build those as the specifics arise.)

This thread was perfect timing for my saw bench build!!!

Yes, it has all that was mentioned through this thread!
Check this, check that! (torx, zip-lock bags, picks, cleaner, ect. ect.!!)
This is going to be fun!
Now I have to learn how to work on saws!!! LOL!!! SERIOUSLY!

(gotta dig up my old saw bench thread and post the finishing pics of it in it's entirety!)


Dang, this bench looks even prutier than mine....good work !!