Tradin' Post gripe...

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Jul 12, 2004
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American West
I hate it when sellers use the Trading Post as a link to their Ebay auctions. If you list it here, then make it available "FOR SALE" here. If you don't sell it here, then throw it on Ebay. Ought to be a rule...:censored: :angry2: :angry:
I have never looked at "The Trading Post", as I would rather just sell it on
E-Bay, if possible. But I agree.

Moreover, I do not like the "Chainsaw Forum" to be a marketing tool
either, as I come here to have fun, and try and help people with their
chainsaw problems. But Lakeside usually puts up a good answer, so I
do not usually get to make a response, so I tend to just "instigate".

Anyway, I agree.
Good Point/Post

I learned something here a few months ago about selling saws. Put them in the Trading Post if you want to, but mostly you will get a lot of questions, and no offers. But if you post a question about how to sell a chainsaw, people almost take offense to you asking about selling a saw on Ebay.

That is when I learned, and was recently confirmed, that there are many Ebay businesses on here that simply inflate their own products to increase their own prices. When John "I need to clean up my giant Maple that came down, but don't need a tree service to do it" Smith looks on Ebay for a large chainsaw, he sees a bunch of large displacement chainsaws. Then Mr. "Smith" goes to a search engine and types in the model of saw. Quickly his search turns up a post from AS about the model. Case in point, the Stihl 090. Old saw, got one myself a few weeks back, don't need it, but this site has CLEARLY boosted up the worth of this saw.

Dolmar 5100/7900. Again, type in those models and you will invariably end up here in a post about one of these ADMITTEDLY fine saws. It is frustrating to find posts in the Trading Post with links to Ebay. A while ago, I saw someone have a set date that they would pull their trading Post ad and run on Ebay if it didn't sell. I think that is fair, but I agree that the links are not great, but then again, MANY people here have different names on Ebay, and that could reveal their identity.

Sorry for the rant, got to go search Ebay to fend off my withdrawl symptoms...

I would hold a reservation on this, as some saws are in better shape sold here, then the crap shoot your taking on slezzybay.

I bought a total turd of a saw here from a member here, but have had wonderful luck with Craigslist.

Why wouldn't a member here want get the best they could selling a saw here and listing it on Ebay?

Most here respect and protect there integrity, you could be sure that most here are just not passing junk off. But it happens.

With Ebay, you can also go by the sellers 'feedback'.
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I've bought a few saws on ebay and done very well. (2 Stihl 361s, 1 Dolmar 7900, and a Homelite 360)

I've sold one saw and have one on ebay right now. I don't use the same name as I do on this site but it is close enough anyone could figure it out.

I have no problem with the trading post but I agree it is much easier to put it on ebay. I honestly didn't know what a fair price would be on these saws and let the bidding set the price. I also try to tell the potential buyers any and all problems that I know with the item and I'm more than willing to answer any of their questions.

I think it is fantastic that some people are willing to sell their items here. Especially, those with experience and know these saws backwards and forwards. My problem is I'm always a day late by the time I find something on here that interests me.

As far as the items listed here recently that I think this thread is pointed towards, I don't have any problem with them. They have a buy it now price and it is shown in the trading post.
I can understand people putting their stuff on E bay. I like it when members point out a cool saw on E bay, alot of times I get to see things I otherwise would not have seen. If a member points out his own saw and its a member with a good rep, by all means point it out, that does make it worth more and if a person is a member here and has a good rep. Why should they not be able to cash in on it. That should be a bonus for being a member in good standing. Anything with a good rep is worth more saws, cars, people, ect, ect, ect A.S didn't start that its always been that way and always will be.


PS I'v never sold anything on Ebay.

This is something our mods could do. As soon as a link comes in on the tradin' post that sends the actual purchase somewhere else, it should be stomped out and deleted ASAP and the seller warned. Flea-bay DOES NOT contribute here and this site SHOULD NOT be used as a promotion for other sites to make a profit when Arboristsite isn't. Sell it here, or sell it there, NOT BOTH!!!! If enough of us chime in, it could really work...

+1 here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We all get warned here for quoting prices from non-AS companies, why should that place be any different??
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This is something our mods could do. As soon as a link comes in on the tradin' post that sends the actual purchase somewhere else, it should be stomped out and deleted ASAP and the seller warned. Flea-bay DOES NOT contribute here and this site SHOULD NOT be used as a promotion for other sites to make a profit when Arboristsite isn't. Sell it here, or sell it there, NOT BOTH!!!! If enough of us chime in, it could really work...

+1 here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree. One or the other.

I will be plainly honest in the fact that I will list some stuff with eBay in the hopes of finding those "crazy" bidders who will pay too much for a saw. I hope no one on this site would ever pay what some of the saws I have seen on eBay sell for, but more power to the honest seller that finds that "crazy" person. However, I will NEVER reference my eBay listings(when the time comes to sell) because it is not fair to AS. I feel that if someone mentions an eBay link in a thread about a neat or old, etc. saw, than that is different. But, to mention it in the trading post just to get more traffic is not right(IMO).
I have no problem with someone selling their stuff on fleabay. The problem is that the Trading Post here is not a free advertisement service for your listing. If you list it here it should be for sale here. If you don't want to sell it here fine list it on fleabay or Craigslist, just don't use the Trading Post or the Chainsaw forum as free advertisement for your listing.

Now for another pet peeve of mine concerning this site and fleabay.

I hate it when people list, link, or mention an ebay listing here.:chainsaw: Most everyone here knows ebay exists and I'm pretty sure we all know they sell saws there. A lot of us here troll ebay all the time looking for that "great deal" ya know that 090 with the odd listing that you've been watching for the last six days and no one has bid on it and with a $1.00 starting bid no less, and then some dillweed goes and plasters it in the chainsaw forum. :dizzy: :bang: :angry:

If folks are to lazy to do the work to find these deals then they should miss out on them and the people that have been watching and waiting for the last year for just such a deal should be the ones to get the deal....... If you don't want it fine don't bid on it but don’t make me have to pay more or miss out on the deal of a life time by posting it here.

I can't tell you how many times I've been watching an 090 or a SP125, and thinking hey this just might be that deal I've been waiting for and then BAM someone goes and post's it here "hey guy's just thought someone might be interested in this"........:censored: :bang: ....... someone was interested and you just made sure every saw nut in the world knows about it now :dizzy: not just the members but every other yahoo in the english speaking world who likes saws. THANKS........ now that 090 deal for a dollar that I was really hoping no one else saw is selling for $1900.00 :bang:

Now maybe I would have gotten that saw for a dollar and maybe not. Maybe it would have cost me $300.00, but it probably wouldn't have sold for the $2100.00 it just did, guess we'll never know now..... will we.


If you know someone here is looking for something by all means shoot them a PM and let them know what you found, but don’t post it in the forum. It's bad enough when you have to gamble on fleabay in the first place it's even worse when you have to pay top dollar to do it.

Okay off my soapbox now.
It's hard to sell a small saw on here that's not an MS361. I had two 038's sold recently one was as slick as a pin. I offered it for a reasonable price ($300) and not a single offer from AS. That same saw brought $445 on ebay. My only gripe on the trading post is people put "want to buys" in the chainsaw section & not the "want to buy" section.
You have some valid points Erick, but I've got to tell ya that nothing flys under the radar on e-bay anymore. Nothing. There's always a sniper waiting.:chainsaw:
You have some valid points Erick, but I've got to tell ya that nothing flys under the radar on e-bay anymore. Nothing. There's always a sniper waiting.:chainsaw:

Sadly, this is 99.99999999% true.
nothing ever seems to go for a decent price anymore. I have given up on ebay. No point in wasting my time anymore scouring ebay for a deal, waiting till the end to get blown out of the water. Or, wait till the end and someone here posts a link to it. (this has happened to me) Oh well, besides, ebay is really getting weird recently, with the new fees thing, and their customer support is pi$$ poor. Ebay needs some competition in order to get things a little more under control.
I disagree about posting the links. If it is done with the intention of asking a question or a member thinks it is cool, then so be it. There is no way to prove that posting the listing caused the sale to go "sky high". There are other forums that may mention the same listing and others that snipe and don't reveal themselves until the end.

The eBay hayday is over(IMO), but if you wait long enough, you can still get some deals. It is just much harder. I am worried about the new listing fees. I would bet you are going to see parts sold in lots in order to avoid the highest fees. For those of us who go after the small stuff, it will get tougher to keep within a budget.

I also agree with competition. Hard to compete with the eBay monster!
Any of the deals that I've hit on ebay recently have been BIN prices. Decide it is a good price and I don't want to wait to see how wild an auction will get. I sold on ebay for about 5 years and quit 3 years ago due to increased competition and falliing prices. I was selling books. That market tanked. The chainsaw market seems crazy to me on Ebay.

On the Tradin Post, I would rather see it used as a sale tool for offer here only. Not a link site to ebay. An ad with 7 days then it goes on ebay is fine. I sold some chains through the Tradin Post and it worked out well.

There is one point that no one has metioned!!!!!!!!!

Many people have gotten burned on ebay buying chainsaws. I bought a 036 "new p/c" It turned out that someone had straight-gassed the "new p.c"
I always liked seeing ebay auctions in the trading post because i knew who i was buying from.
I would trust a AS seller to tell the true condition of the saw a lot more than some random ebay seller.
even though for most saws the seller prolly will not get any more for it from posting it here (maybe not ported saws)

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