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Clearance, believe it or not...

You CAN practice good (or at least decent) arboricultrue AND do effective line clearance.

Coming here spouting off the "mile in my shoes" doesn't cut it with me, because I HAVE walked in those shoes, bro. From the yuppie neighborhoods to Ice Storm '98, i did my time in bucket and on gaffs keeping the juice-a-flowin'...

and STILL followed PROPER pruning practices nearly 100 percent of the time.
Netree-never once have I advocated improper pruning practices, only that I climb with spurs. I only top trees when I have to, make proper cuts and I don't leave stubs. I sure hope that you were not trimming using gaffs! Tophopper, is that the best you could do? Guess you couldn't find fault with what I said. Topnotch kind of thinks my way about cottonwoods-why don't you guys whine at him too?
I don't know why you insist on arguing such an obviously flawed case. Cripes, I'm a landclearer and have more respect for trees than you do.

You might have better luck spouting nazi propaganda in a synagogue. Get a real clue.
Newfie-thanks for your support. You guys feel very strongly that trees are #1, so here is a suggestion. I.S.A. arborists work for our utility (B.C. Hydro) and also work for municipalities and cities around Vancouver. I have never, ever seen anyone spurless climb in front of them, ever. I am not talking about removals, just trimming. They advertise the fact, and probably got these easy jobs they have because they are I.S.A. certified. As we all know, the I.S.A. is the authority on tree work and they rank spurring trees along with devil worship. Why don't you guys lean on your fellow tree huggers here to make sure hacks like me do the right thing, I'd love to see them ask us to spurless climb. C'mon-do the right thing-put your money where your mouth is.
Why do you hate the ISA so much? They have no authority to enforce anything. Don't get me wrong, I'm a life member and proud of it. Your anger seems misdirected. Are you mad at the organization or some of it's members?

Sounds like a new -ism forming. Would it be ISAism or maybe organizationism? Whatever it is, don't worry about getting a visit from the Champaign Cops. Do the right thing, keep spikes out of pruning work.

Here's a put up or shut up bet Clearance. You claim that spiking doesn't hurt trees. If we were face to face you'd be presenting a stack of papers, articles or any written material that "proves" your point. Go to professionals to get your answers. Scientific literature, trade journals, heck, even websites. Then, I would be gathering my info about why spiking is harmful. In the end, we'd weigh, literally on a scale, the stack of literature that we both collected. The winner talks the loser walks.

Care to take the bet?

We can do it via forums too. We can count webpages. I'll chum your water for you and give you the infamous McPeak :)

If you dare pick up the gauntlet, I'll let you set the time when the gathering period ends. You can have as much time as you need, I only need a few minutes to bury your arguement. If you choose not to take the challenge I'll let the rest of the people in this thread pass judgement and impose a penalty, or not.
I go spurless on removals, too, whenever I can. It's just so much more comfortable!

Try it!
Couldn't really care less what you think about me, climb how you want. Everyone that climbs with spurs is lazy?, call me a hack, uneducated but lazy? Incompetant? I get the clearance, the utility supervisor and my boss are happy with me and they are both i.s.a certified. At the very beginning of this thread I said it was o.k. for you spurless types to use spurs once in a while, thats all.
clearance said:
At the very beginning of this thread I said it was o.k. for you spurless types to use spurs once in a while, thats all.
You would have done very well to have left it at that...
Tophop-I have been called worse by better people. Anyways thanks for all the love and support you people have showered on me.
Probably right, I think i.s.a. people here don't believe all that stuff, they just use the i.s.a. tag to sound important. I am sorry, not being very good on a computer, I can't make a website come up on my post. Here is the local utility website, I think you could find out who to ask for a policy statement on what we are so pleasantly discussing here.
Thanks Glens-guys-instead of taking it out on a lowly, lazy hack, go right to the top right hand corner of the site and question away at the evil ones who are letting these spur atrocities happen. Who knows-maybe you can change our evil ways, or maybe even get me fired for bringing heat on B.C. Hydro.

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