VIDEO: Topping and dropping a 58" DBH Oak tree

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LOL. I had my Dad beside me when I was refueling, telling me to calm down, slow down, and take it easy:) The saws were fatiguing me fast and nerves were running high with a whole crew of guys watching me. I'm sure the BP was up there:)

Was good to see your Dad on the vids too...Looks like he was enjoying himself....
Was good to see your Dad on the vids too...Looks like he was enjoying himself....

You don't know how big of a deal that was! Dad had a 4 hour heart procedure done about two weeks ago. They went in and cauterized nerves in his heart to correct an A-Fib and flutter problem he's dealt with for years now. It was just getting a lot worse lately. There were times when he was winded just from walking across the room. Yesterday was the first time he really tried to get out and work since the procedure. He went all day long and did great! If Dad can't work, he's not a happy man. He's actually dealing with a fair bit of depression himself, largely related to his health I believe. I think yesterday was very therapeudic for him!
You don't know how big of a deal that was! Dad had a 4 hour heart procedure done about two weeks ago. They went in and cauterized nerves in his heart to correct an A-Fib and flutter problem he's dealt with for years now. It was just getting a lot worse lately. There were times when he was winded just from walking across the room. Yesterday was the first time he really tried to get out and work since the procedure. He went all day long and did great! If Dad can't work, he's not a happy man. He's actually dealing with a fair bit of depression himself, largely related to his health I believe. I think yesterday was very therapeudic for him!

I'm glad he enjoyed the day....Bet he was proud to run your saw you built....You can tell on his face....He didnt feel like a old man anymore...
Bro...Ecclesiastes 11:9 ......
I'm glad he enjoyed the day....Bet he was proud to run your saw you built....You can tell on his face....He didnt feel like a old man anymore...
Bro...Ecclesiastes 11:9 ......

He's actually very healthy yet. That's why the a-fib condition bothered him so bad. He wanted to go but just couldn't a lot of the time. He's 69, still trying to be 39, lol:)
Not to hijack,

but close to 7 years of fallin & buckin equates to a #### ton more thees that even a alot of thousands.

im just wondering too not, picking..

I'm not production, but I would guess if I was I would be way up in the thousands by the way most you boys talk about how many trees you fell. I honestly don't know how many i've dropped. I know its been a lot and a lot of learnin.
LOL. I had my Dad beside me when I was refueling, telling me to calm down, slow down, and take it easy:) The saws were fatiguing me fast and nerves were running high with a whole crew of guys watching me. I'm sure the BP was up there:)

Gotta be careful, "Hey!! Y'all watch this...!!!!" (the essence of this thread), is how people get hurt. Job first, show second.


Gotta be careful, "Hey!! Y'all watch this...!!!!" (the essence of this thread), is how people get hurt. Job first, show second.


I think Brad did a good Vid....Not Dissin your coment what so ever my friend,,but with a long bar....Now how many of us trown one tru a tree that big....Me,,biggist bar I have is a 28 incher,,but thats all I ever need around here....It's fu*ked up cause you cant,,I mean cant find a bar over 20 inches here in this area unless you special order or call within a 50 miles radius around....Nowdays,,they always say,,,we dont have much call for em,,but we can order ya one....
The bar Brad was using....Nothing like the old school bars years ago...Back years ago...Heavy as hell....sag none,,,,twice as thick,,and more bar width... .404 + chains,,the old Oregon roller nose bars...Diffrent world my friend...back when Mcc"s was the sh*t with men that worked the woods...Cutting down tree's in the PNW we see pictures of and dream of just once gettin to jam down on one that big....It just dont happen everyday...
I'm glad Brad posted that...Thats something you just get to do everyday...Just glad he had fun spending a day with his Dad and friends....
I for one am glad Brad decided to post the video using his 72 incher. I've never before seen one in action and have long wondered how it would fare in any tree, big or bigger? Now I know and I am much less tempted to buy my own 72 incher (or even 62 incher) just because I've seen one in action and I seriously don't have a need - but I still wanted to see one in action.:biggrinbounce2:


Thanks for posting Brad - you probably saved me several hundred $s.