was i scammed on here ? sent $ now FS thread has dissapeared !!

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ArboristSite Member
Mar 30, 2012
Reaction score
just wondering guys - i sent money for a saw - now the FS thread has disappeared ?

ok - could be that someone just does not want to clutter up the FS section with SOLD ads,
but I am worried it might be something other than that.
I think FS threads shouldn't be able to me removed by the OP in order to provide feedback
to others down the road - if i can see someone has sold 87 saws on here without any negative
feedback or postings. the whole point is to have accountability and a sense of community, right ?

how long would you guys wait for a reply if the saw has shipped and a tracking number before you started calling people out and calling the local PD etc. ???

thanks for your replies.
well i do not want to point any fingers just yet - but i just sorted the FS thread by date to find the original FS post again
(it was posted for sale on March 23rd) and can confirm the thread has been deleted - which by the way for reasons posted above
I find disturbing - but in any case - i just do not want anyone else to get scammed !!!!

the same seller had other saws posted for sale as well and they were quite pricier then mine and i am just afraid
that someone is trying to pull a fast one on the AS community !!!

how long should i wait before i shout out so others are aware ????

maybe i am just being paranoid - the seller old me he would not able to send it before Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning,
which is fine, but i have not heard anything since then and have not gotten a tracking number - and i found the FS thread deleted !!
not since Sunday at 9:53 PM
that is when i received the last PM from him and today i asked him if the saw was shipped out.
like i said i am / was not in a hurry - however when i saw all the FS threads were deleted - that somehow raised a red flag.
i want people to see everything i ever tried to peddle on this forum ;-)
how else would i establish a rapport and people would know i am not here to rip people off ???

but like i said - maybe he just does not want to clutter up the Tradin Post and i am being paranoid.
i will give it until tomorrow morning then I will start asking people here for names and addresses.

unless someone else just sent money for a saw and feels the same way - in which case we should ring the alarm bell right now -
if you just sent someone money to the left coast and are not hearing back - PLEASE SPEAK UP !!
(at least send me a PM and let me know the member here so we can verify we are talking about the same person)

thanks !

PS: i hope I am just being paranoid. i will be patient.
Your options are limited right now. Say a prayer for a few more days and hope it works itself out by Monday.
How did you pay? You may be able to cancel your payment, I'm sure that would get his attention. Did you talk to him or just communicate thru email/PMs? It's easy for people to be dishonest when they aren't talking to you directly. I usually find that five minutes on the phone will tell you if the person is on the level or not. If it seems fishy, I just say no thanks. I've bought and sold a lot of stuff on different forums and Craigslist/eBay and have only been burned once, thankfully it was only for about $50 in car parts and not something expensive like a chainsaw. BTW, what part of the "left coast" is he located? I'm in NorCal

Good luck. Clint
thanks Clint.

paypal of course. and no - not the kind where you pay fees and are able to easily put a stop on a payment ;-(

only communication was via PM - but in his FS thread someone else chimed in saying he bought a saw from the seller and it was
described accurately and packed bomb proof. i should have gotten at least a phone number though you are correct about that.
and contact info - name and address is not too much to ask i assume.

he mentioned to be shipping from OR - the most northern part of the left coast.

someone tried to scam me when he bought a HD pocket watch from me a few months ago and then claimed
it was not as represented - but luckily a few stern phone calls with ebay customer support cleared that up
and they sided with me on that and released the hold on my paypal account.
with ebay fees on the rise i do most of my wheeling and dealing on CL and have had only good experiences as well.

and of course forums like this one - where i have been only burned once and stayed silent hence why
i am probably being paranoid now. Other than the one time i have only come across straight shooters here.
i figured as much - that whole thing about deleting FS posts is what has me riled up - i know there were other saws posted north of $500 and they
have disappeared as well - just want to make sure no one is getting scammed out of that much money (not that mine was cheap from my perception -
even though others here are sporting a real fortune in chainsaws - i am aware of that).
thanks Clint.

paypal of course. and no - not the kind where you pay fees and are able to easily put a stop on a payment ;-(

only communication was via PM - but in his FS thread someone else chimed in saying he bought a saw from the seller and it was described accurately and packed bomb proof. I should have gotten at least a phone number though you are correct about that, and contact info - name and address is not too much to ask.
I remember reading that sale thread, I can't remember the details, though. Seemed legit to me. Of course, he could have two screen names and was just talking himself up!

I once met a guy at Home Depot to sell him an old front axle, I think I was asking $60 for it. I had my wife and two daughters with me. As he was getting out of his truck I could see him shoving a handgun in the back of his pants! The transaction went smoothly, and he seemed like a great guy. I don't know if he thought I was gonna try something over $60, but it definitely caught me off guard! I guess it's a good idea to be cautious when it comes to cash transactions.
I remember reading that sale thread, I can't remember the details, though. Seemed legit to me. Of course, he could have two screen names and was just talking himself up!

I once met a guy at Home Depot to sell him an old front axle, I think I was asking $60 for it. I had my wife and two daughters with me. As he was getting out of his truck I could see him shoving a handgun in the back of his pants! The transaction went smoothly, and he seemed like a great guy. I don't know if he thought I was gonna try something over $60, but it definitely caught me off guard! I guess it's a good idea to be cautious when it comes to cash transactions.

That's why EVERYONE should have a gun on them at all times! God made man, Sam Colt made man equal.
I know if I sold something to somebody I would let them know what is going on. Like I got your payment, the item is shipped and a tracking number. Some people like me dont usually have alot of money and saved for awhile. I wouldnt want scammed out of my hard earned and hard saved money. I wouldnt do so to others because of how I feel if it was done to me.
I agree that nobody should be able to delete posts in the trading post. Other forums I frequent do not allow it, and with one it is expressly prohibited to delete any text or photos; instead of deleting information from the ad (like the original price when the seller has lowered the price), that text is formatted with strike through. It promotes transparency and honesty.

ETA: I know it is concerning, but be patient a bit longer. Life happens, family happens, accidents happen. If the seller was a known member and another known member vouched for them, you'll most likely be fine.
I didn't think anybody but a Mod can delete a thread, but even that is extremely rare. I strongly doubt a mod would delete a trading post thread.