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I see the same thing happening with crane removals. Everyone is amazed at the guy doing the crane removal. Guys buying them in droves, guys that do em think their schit don't stank. Schools popping up to teach it and guys going to learn. Guys making outrageous claims that crane removals were invented in their NE area.

Other tree guys not yet christened are boggled and amazed at the crano removal man. But it is the machine and process....not the guy.

Wait and see. It's gonna devalue as it becomes more and more commonplace.

I'm not quite sure why you're so proud of yourself for this realization. Even I've noticed the trend in the 2 years I've been getting the tree trader. The number of cranes for sale has at least doubled in that time frame. Fact of the matter is, cranes make tree work a hellofalot more efficient and people are finally starting to realize it.

As far as the process being devalued...yes...and no. The trees that can be done SIMPLY with a crane are going to start bringing less as more company's will use their cranes on everything they can. But there will still be those trees that can't be reached or are too dead and dangerous that guys will shy away from and you'll still get good numbers. I assume you saw a similar trend when buckets hit the scene.

It's funny. When my op in PA called me a year or two back to start doing some jobs with him I gave him a price of $30 an hour. I know he gets about $100 an hour for him and his 28 ton. As we've honed our game over the last year or so I'm now seeing an easy $300 an hour worth of work put on the ground. He's still making his, and I'm still making mine, but we both SHOULD be making more.
Another interesting post I recently read on AS was someone (forgive my memory) saying that the electric company in their area had eliminated wire covering for crane tree removals.

They (electric) said it was because of liability concerns. Begs the question if the concerns are generated by more and more crane removals and the lack of certification or qualification ensuring the work would be not handled professionally leading to death or equipment damage (electric).

Another question might be that they are getting so many requests where a tree would previously be removed from inside the wires manually or bucketed and now are getting so many crane related wire covering requests that their (free) wire covering service is compromising their profitability.

Actually I was told that they won't cover the lines anymore for any type of job. At least for the primaries they won't. I was told that they will happily de-energize lines if people in the area will agree to it. The one time he said that they had wrapped the lines in the last 3 years was for a well drilling operation that had to set up 8' from the primaries, and that had to be approved by some big wigs.

I'm not quite sure why you're so proud of yourself for this realization.

proud of myself? just makin convo. don't be offended cause your a newby at the game lol :newbie:

As far as the process being devalued...yes...and no.

first you say this

He's still making his, and I'm still making mine, but we both SHOULD be making more.

then you say this :confused:

make up your mind son. flip floppin is for politicians....you runnin for office?:chatter:
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proud of myself? just makin convo. don't be offended cause your a newby at the game lol :newbie:

first you say this

then you say this :confused:

make up your mind son. flip floppin is for politicians....you runnin for office?:chatter:

I wasn't offended, just assumed it was a given and not much worth discussing. As far as what me and the CO are making, that only happens on his jobs, cause he don't know how to bid and just gives an hourly. In the jobs he gets he reinforces my point that only the cake work ones will be devalued. Jobs that even I wouldn't call in a crane for. lol The last time I called him in on a job we put out 3 grand in 5 hours. But he would have never touched that job if I didn't hire him under me.
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That show is really good too! I met Bobby Goodsen in 07 when I was at Camp Lejeune, his shop was right around the corner from my house, his house is right by the high school, on Piney Green Rd,BIG HOUSE! you Jarheads should remember the big plantation of to the left, when leaving the base, that's his. spent a couple hours with him at the gas station on the corner of PG and 24( his am coffee spot) on a rain day. Guy is awesome, he has huge respect for our side. He told me he was filming this show, had no idea that it was for Discovery Channel until one night flipping channels and there he was! You cant drive around Jacksonville, NC and not run into one of those guys. Those logs trucks are everywhere! They will whip those things into a Mickey D's, take up all the parking spots!
It's funny. When my op in PA called me a year or two back to start doing some jobs with him I gave him a price of $30 an hour. I know he gets about $100 an hour for him and his 28 ton. As we've honed our game over the last year or so I'm now seeing an easy $300 an hour worth of work put on the ground. He's still making his, and I'm still making mine, but we both SHOULD be making more.

I think you have only been doing crane jobs for less than a year. I remember you asking all kinds of questions prior to the big day.

Let me get this straight. A crane owner called you and asked you to do tree removals for him and you did them climbing at $30 per hour.

Thought you had your own tree service.?
I think you have only been doing crane jobs for less than a year. I remember you asking all kinds of questions prior to the big day.

Let me get this straight. A crane owner called you and asked you to do tree removals for him and you did them climbing at $30 per hour.

Thought you had your own tree service.?

I just pulled up my first thread on crane work from 9/20/09. :biggrinbounce2: So, a little over a year since my first ride. Remember, my biz was only part time then so working for someone else wasn't even remotely close to an issue. I still work with this guy from time to time but he is out of my service area so it doesn't really affect me. Even still, I am getting to the point that I no longer want to work for anyone else but he only called me for maybe 3 days of work this whole year. As long as he doesn't expect more than that I am still willing to help him out. I view it the same way as going to work for Dano or MDS or anybody on this board, as long as they're out of my service area my biz isn't affected.
i got a q for you tv. why no cab coming into winter on your national 800?

It is a National 990 OD. And I bought as much as I felt I could afford. Got a great buy I think after extensive shopping for a few years. If I can be outside making the cuts you can be sure my gm is ok being outside as well.

We tough boys down here.

It's funny. When my op in PA called me a "YEAR OR TWO BACK" to start doing some jobs with him I gave him a price of $30 an hour.

I know he gets about $100 an hour for him and his 28 ton. As we've honed our game over the last year or so I'm now seeing an easy $300 an hour worth of work put on the ground. .

Just a friendly word to the wise BM....bullschitters are a dime a dozen on these forums and that is the last thing I would want to be considered if I were you. Once you are thought as BS'er you never lose that. I NEVER bullschit period.

You are slowly but surely working yourself into the self proclaimed expert on craners with only ONE year and possibly 4 or 5 crane jobs (I assume every crane job you do ends up on here) under your belt.

"Hone your game" a little more.....then start flapping it.
Actually picked up a few days work slashing down some white pines this morning. Good deal there..those are always fun!

You guys keep on with all this crane this, crane that talk, I'm gonna have to put one on the wish list myself! ...still seems sorta womanly though.
I can see this happening treevet.
Was at an auction yesterday and watched a tree company owner i know pick up a 25 ton manitex. This is a guy so small that's he's still using a chuck and duck to blow chips into the back of his pickup. Got to talking with him about his plans for it. Was really surprised when he told me that the crane will make him more money in treework than even a better chipper.
Talking with the boss this morning about that. He's running five cranes fulltime in treework right now, but he was telling me that he thinking of knocking one or two back-every tom, ####, and sally outfit in the area has picked up a crane in the last few years and he's having to run his crews further and further out to find jobs that he won't be underbid on by another outfit with a crane. Six years ago, he was the only outfit in three counties with a crane, now there are over a dozen in our county alone.
He says there still is a niche for specialty jobs with his bigger cranes, but if things don't change, he's planning to phase out his two smaller ones next year.

Why wouldn't it? You saw what happened with the Hula Hoop. People's gotta try to make buck. Personally I would take selling Hula Hoops over the crane gig but what do I know?
Just a friendly word to the wise BM....bullschitters are a dime a dozen on these forums and that is the last thing I would want to be considered if I were you. Once you are thought as BS'er you never lose that. I NEVER bullschit period.

You are slowly but surely working yourself into the self proclaimed expert on craners with only ONE year and possibly 4 or 5 crane jobs (I assume every crane job you do ends up on here) under your belt.

"Hone your game" a little more.....then start flapping it.

I hear what you're saying vet, but I'm also having a hard time wrapping my mind around this crane thing being rocket science or some ####! like it takes 30 years to become proficient at it or something.. just sayin..
Why wouldn't it? You saw what happened with the Hula Hoop. People's gotta try to make buck. Personally I would take selling Hula Hoops over the crane gig but what do I know?

This is true. Guess my surprise comes from the fact that the crane thing seems to have just become popular in the last few years. My boss has been making millions off his cranes for almost thirty years, why did it take this long for the other outfits to jump on the bandwagon.

It's also kind of surprising crane work has taken off like it has when you look at the despise climbers seem to have for the crane guys. Look at this site, every time a crane topic comes up, a half dozen climbers have to jump in to mention that they could do it better without the crane. Just kind of makes me laugh, if there are all these super climbers out there, why are more and more outfits going the crane route?

(Actually, i know why, just hasn't sunk in for everyone yet.)
This is true. Guess my surprise comes from the fact that the crane thing seems to have just become popular in the last few years. My boss has been making millions off his cranes for almost thirty years, why did it take this long for the other outfits to jump on the bandwagon.

It's also kind of surprising crane work has taken off like it has when you look at the despise climbers seem to have for the crane guys. Look at this site, every time a crane topic comes up, a half dozen climbers have to jump in to mention that they could do it better without the crane. Just kind of makes me laugh, if there are all these super climbers out there, why are more and more outfits going the crane route?

(Actually, i know why, just hasn't sunk in for everyone yet.)

Now can you blame them for trying? Its big stuff and if you say " I made a thousand dollar off this job" people will perk their ears and dive into the unknown.
Me? worked the field over 15 years or so I guess before I thought I could make buying equipment and insurance work... and not be overly detrimantal to the cause if you know what I mean.
And to answer you question about why the crane route : Its because there are more people apt to TD a tree with a crane than there are people who would do it with a rope. Its more humanitarian, I would say in that manner, to use a crane and if you have a crane it warrants your abilty to handle hazzards with confidence, well due confidence that is but you don't need to know how to do tree work to buy a crane and hire a climber and operator.
Me? I would rather not mess with the crane. I can, I will, but that is the last thing on my list and you see what I do. I am with Ropes on how to handle Mds's 3500.00 dollar uprooted hickory. I am pretty sure I could handle that though it would be a few hours on the ground first. Notice I said " I";):laugh:
Now can you blame them for trying? Its big stuff and if you say " I made a thousand dollar off this job" people will perk their ears and dive into the unknown.
Me? worked the field over 15 years or so I guess before I thought I could make buying equipment and insurance work... and not be overly detrimantal to the cause if you know what I mean.
And to answer you question about why the crane route : Its because there are more people apt to TD a tree with a crane than there are people who would do it with a rope. Its more humanitarian, I would say in that manner, to use a crane and if you have a crane it warrants your abilty to handle hazzards with confidence, well due confidence that is but you don't need to know how to do tree work to buy a crane and hire a climber and operator.
Me? I would rather not mess with the crane. I can, I will, but that is the last thing on my list and you see what I do. I am with Ropes on how to handle Mds's 3500.00 dollar uprooted hickory. I am pretty sure I could handle that though it would be a few hours on the ground first. Notice I said " I";):laugh:

I actually agree with everything you said there (even tried to rep).. I'm glad someone had the energy to put it into words today.

Me? I would rather not mess with the crane. I can, I will, but that is the last thing on my list and you see what I do.

I also agree w/ "last thing on my list".

Big chipper, big box chip truck, bucket, big bucket, log trucks, stumpers..mini, etc etc etc, then maybe buy a crano

You can always rent em...but hey it is nice to have one in the lot and not pay for it or if a hurricane hits...you da man.
Actually I did just buy a crane over the weekend.


It needed a boom and cable assembly, I think the lady at the flea market took me for a ride , I paid a dollar for it.

As me and my daughter were digging through the boxes of cars at the flea market my wife was asking the lady at the booth why they were a dollar when they were 97 cents at the store. At the one booth we dropped 20 bucks.

This Vette is dated 1975, just picked it up over the weekend too.


Its a Hotwheels, I used nail polish remover to take of the flame graphics. The other 3 are newer 97 cent Matchbox, I love the D'eville, the Cougar is bad to the bone. ( Good name for a car, bad for a saddle) I am more of a Matchbox kinda guy while my daughter likes the flashy ones from Hotwheels.

Haven't seen one of these in awhile, can't read the date, the wheels on the hovercraft are low so the bottom is scraped up. It was one of my favs back in the day.

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