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Hey guys, I guess this is where everybody hangs out now that the smoke has cleared.

Been watching Jerry B's DVD's today, he gave them to me when I went to California last January. I forgot how great they really are. You can watch and rewatch them, good for a beginner and experienced tree guy. I like how he is real about treework, and shows a real variety of methods. Good stuff, especially that old growth Redwood fliplining.
I've been watching his "Working Climber" vids too lately. Really some great stuff in there.

Just scheduled another bid. Two large prunes... Done completely through my website and email. Loving that!
Weather is supposed to warm up this week, 9 degrees tomorrow and rain! Got the go ahead on a decent pine removal over a fence and pool (perfect zip line tree)for Tuesday, no clean up! Wooo hooo, I was going to ask FTA to price it for me......but didn't want to wait til he got back from Hawaii! lol!
Eat prunes to stay regular Jeff ...

... Two large prunes... Done completely through my website and email. Loving that!

Most, probably 95%, of my work is via contact page on my website. Most customers I don't even actually speak to until the day of the evaluation when I call to confirm they'll be there before I roll.

At the evaluation I tell them my price but send the official quote via email. I tell them that their response to my emailed quote is our "contract". After that all my scheduling is done via email until I get ready to roll then I call and confirm, then I give them an ETA.

When I get a phone call I direct them to my website and tell them to fill out the contact page. I tell them if they do that I can't lose them or forget about them. I've even told people who balked at that to call somebody else then. I don't even have business cards anymore. It's all in the Cloud.

Today started out great when I blew the line off my dump's power steering pump. The brakes went with it. Then JohnBoy's truck wouldn't start and he was blocking the other vehicles in so I couldn't go to the parts store for power steering fluid. I got him started with the 50 amp charger but when we got to Advance Auto Parts he shut it off and it wouldn't start again.

I gave him a new battery, but tweaked my back when digging it out. Hurt like a ##### all day. We didn't get to the job site until noon and didn't finish the job so now we have to go back. The customer was thrilled with our work though and paid me 2/3s in cash. We're headed for more bad weather so I told him I didn't know when we'd be back but I'd email him and let him know. Cool dude, he said it didn't matter when I finished and he was going to try to get me some more work from some friends who needed tree work.
Plowing plowing plowing.

I made it to the gime today, slim pickins in the tuna factory, just a bunch of sweaty manatee on the treadmills. Went sledding yesterday, I'm always full of glee when people tell me how tuff my daughter is. Bought her a toy bow and arrow set, well she bought it with her own money and was even nice to buy me a candy bar. I tried to show her how to use it but she yanked it outta my hand and tried to smack me. Payback is a #####, she can tell you that now. Right now her and her mother are going toe to toe over a PB and J samitch.:help:
Most, probably 95%, of my work is via contact page on my website. Most customers I don't even actually speak to until the day of the evaluation when I call to confirm they'll be there before I roll.

Did you build your own website or have someone build it for you? I just purchased one from godaddy. I got the little page up but to do the 5 page web, its over my head. Not saying I couldn't figure it out, but it will take me a lifetime.
Most, probably 95%, of my work is via contact page on my website. Most customers I don't even actually speak to until the day of the evaluation when I call to confirm they'll be there before I roll.

Did you build your own website or have someone build it for you? I just purchased one from godaddy. I got the little page up but to do the 5 page web, its over my head. Not saying I couldn't figure it out, but it will take me a lifetime.

I have mine threw go daddy. I built it with there website tonight web builder. Links on the bottom of my post. If you have a question on something pm me and I will try to help.

Who all got banned today?
I have mine threw go daddy. I built it with there website tonight web builder. Links on the bottom of my post. If you have a question on something pm me and I will try to help.

Who all got banned today?

got one from go daddy as well. tried the website tonight but having a hard time getting it together. I really don't know my way around a computer at all, may have to hire someone..

not sure who got banned but there was a lot of deleted posts in the ohio new business thread.
Did you build your own website or have someone build it for you? I just purchased one from godaddy. I got the little page up but to do the 5 page web, its over my head. Not saying I couldn't figure it out, but it will take me a lifetime.

I built a simple website when I started my business it looked fine but the URL was so long I couldn't even remember it to tell somebody, I'd have to send a link to it:

Aerial Arborist Tree Service

While it looked pretty nice and worked (as it still does) it was not optimized for search engines and was not discoverable via Google searches. Eventually I ran into a web guru that needed some tree work done so I offered to barter; his tree work for a website. I bought a domain name (aerialarborist.com) and he built the site.

Having it professionally done was definitely worth it. I'm pretty computer literate but for a really productive site you need all the tweaks that only a pro can do. Doing your own website is like a homeowner doing tree work.
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I have one domain parked at godaddy because I had them automatically bidding on it for me when it expired. It's paid for so I'm keeping it parked there. I got my hosting through Ipage for like 2 dollars a month for 3 years I think. I used Wordpress to build mine on the advise of others on this site who have built their own. Much more powerful web development tools than any of the rinky dink programs that the hosting services offer.
Wordpress has SEO tools. It's really not that difficult to optimize it for search engines. You just have to study a little bit and learn how to enter your tags and meta data with relevant key words for the crawlers to pick up.
meta data that sounds like a foreign language to me and I've read about it and it still doesn't click. Im thinkin about going to community college and taking a course in web site design can't hurt me.
Here's the thing, if you are slow and have time to learn this stuff and fool with it then fine, go ahead and give building your own a shot. Worst that could happen is you end up paying someone to do it anyway. I did mine over the Holidays when I had lots of time to fool around with it. I now have 4 more to build for other people who are paying me to do so and with work heating up, I don't know if I am going to be able to do theirs in a timely manner. If you're busy with work then by all mean's pay someone to do it and make your money doing what you know best.

My .02

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