- Dental work
- Weekend at holiday cabin
- Large air compressor
- Plumbing work
- Brick laying
- Booze
- Booze
- Booze
- etc.
Its funny how some people can get away with other people saying" Yeah he is real good, he's a real big drinker." Its funny how you guys actually are both.
Also I just wanted to say that the old timey barter system is great whatever your desires. I can't remember all the stuff I got in exchange for work done.
I am looking at a little job where 2 big yew had been run over by a car. It's an inurance job. The one is gone the other is fine but the homeowner hates the way it looks because now there is only 1 awesome yew and it don't look right anymore.
I told him I would give him an estimate for the insurance to replant new ones or to go to a dealer for an exact replacement.
So I give him the estimate and say" Here you go, if you want to buy the plants and material I will do this job if you let me have the good yew.
Its 6 foot tall, healthy, and 8 feet wide. I can hand dig it out and winch it on the trailer, by the end of the day it will be in front of my house. I would let it get real big so it shades the porch.
I will make out better than the job for my one neighbor who had an elm uproot and needs a maple gone. I stuck it to 4300 and I am waiting for another guy to go 3800, then I will know who wrote it.