What is it with firewood?

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Michael M

ArboristSite Member
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
Western Pa.
I mean really why am I almost obsessed with the stuff. I burn and sell but can't seem to have enough. When I have 10 cords cut split and stacked I want 20, then I want 40, 60. It's all I do with any free time I have. I am fortunate that I have a yard about 150 yards from the house where the firewood operation is and I'm always there. It must be that instant sense of satisfaction and watching the stacks grow. I just love doing it, even stacking is fun to me.
youre not alone

1. instant gratification - you can sit back and look at what you did

2. its a guy thing

3. it gets you out of the house

4. wife knows where to find you (somtimes good sometimes bad. but better than the lecture about 'i couldnt get ahold of you all day')

5. firewood is security - you can heat with it, you can cook over it, you can sell/trade it for anything you need.

6. male bonding between friends, relatives, neighbors.

7. its an excuse to play with and purchase toys!
Seems like the heat bill is the one thing you can still control. I like the exercise from a day of dealing with wood.
1. instant gratification - you can sit back and look at what you did

2. its a guy thing

3. it gets you out of the house

4. wife knows where to find you (somtimes good sometimes bad. but better than the lecture about 'i couldnt get ahold of you all day')

5. firewood is security - you can heat with it, you can cook over it, you can sell/trade it for anything you need.

6. male bonding between friends, relatives, neighbors.

7. its an excuse to play with and purchase toys!

Rep sent, could not have said it better myself
We're normal, the rest of the world is nuts. That's my story and I'm stickin to it!


The Whole world is nuts. I choose to believe that we are the only ones that have found effective therapy however.:D

Ever see an unhappy Beaver or woodpecker?;)

Stay safe!
im just starting to get hooked. i like having all the different species separated, OCD wood piles


Wait till you start Mixing piles for optimum seasonal application within temperature ranges and humidity...and can't find enough of a particular species. Talk about frustration!! ;)

Stay safe!
Its got me to, when I drive down roads I am always looking at trees that are down and thinking man I bet I can get a cord + out of that one.and I am always taking free wood and the thing is I have a couple of places to cut my wood already for free.
Me too , my wife thinks i nuts , even got Fiskars super splitter sent over from good old USA to Scotland (honest it was Cheap) !
Just wish i could find some free wood
in this economy firewood is as good as currency :confused:
its a manly thing to do kinda like grilling on the BBQ
its like deer hunting your directly taking care of business with your hands
and supporting your families needs by your physical ability :chainsaw:
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What I hate is to take that first piece of wood off the stack for the stove. It is almost like putting an old friend in the crematorium. :)
I mean really why am I almost obsessed with the stuff. I burn and sell but can't seem to have enough. When I have 10 cords cut split and stacked I want 20, then I want 40, 60. It's all I do with any free time I have. I am fortunate that I have a yard about 150 yards from the house where the firewood operation is and I'm always there. It must be that instant sense of satisfaction and watching the stacks grow. I just love doing it, even stacking is fun to me.

There is no cure
Do it long enough and you will get tired of it.lol I'll be the odd man out, I've had enough for this season, we're way over 200 cord sold prolly closer to 250 haven't looked at the book recently. The conditions for cutting this winter have been horrible, either snow or mud to your azz, it's been a challenge to keep up with the winter we've had. If you can't get enough man come on down we could use the help, heck we'll even furnish the mix and bar oil.
Be sure and wear some boots that will keep your feet dry, mud will probably be ankle deep.
My affliction for firewood is fueled by the fact that I hate to give petroleum companies any money. My wood furnace eats so much wood that I have to keep looking forward to make the pile bigger, more saws etc.etc.etc.
Do it long enough and you will get tired of it.lol I'll be the odd man out, I've had enough for this season, we're way over 200 cord sold prolly closer to 250 haven't looked at the book recently. The conditions for cutting this winter have been horrible, either snow or mud to your azz, it's been a challenge to keep up with the winter we've had. If you can't get enough man come on down we could use the help, heck we'll even furnish the mix and bar oil.
Be sure and wear some boots that will keep your feet dry, mud will probably be ankle deep.

Amen brother!!

I sold about 55 cord this winter and I am a one man operation, I do it all from dropping the tree to delivery, and I am tired! I have fought mud and snow all winter. If it was cold it was snowing and if it was warm it was raining, I could not win. The up side to all this wet, cold weather is firewood sold great.:clap:
I have neighbors that come by, look at my pile of wood, shake their heads, and ask what in the world are you gonna do w/ all that wood? They think I am crazy. I even cut/split in the summer. 110F degrees cutting wood.

Well, things changed last week. :) Forecast was 1-2" of snow, and we got over 12" of heavy wet snow. Power lines down, trees and limbs down, and these same folks who usually only keep a small amount of wood, went into a frenzy to get firewood to stay warm. Now they look at my wood yard a little differently. I went from being the crazy guy down the road to a hero that saved the day, lol.

I used to be a big time seller back in the 70's, don't do it anymore, but I just can't get it out of my blood. I love cutting wood. I sell some, give some away, but I have to cut. CAD and FCA, I have them both, and there is no cure. :cheers:

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