what nerve.

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Just a thought....

Does this friend burn wood? Does this friend have enough seasoned wood for himself if he does burn? Perhaps your friend really is the "family" that is looking for free seasoned wood? I don't know, but it is a possibility...
Charity is certainly a good thing-----but most people manage to get in trouble with their own two hands (or lack of using them). I'll bet if you go to the free food bank then visit the bingo parlor you'll see a lot of the same faces.

This isn't always the case but I'll wager it covers the majority of them.
I'd say shame on this guy...wants charity but is willing to try to negoiate for "Better" charity...I will give you the shirt off my back but don't dare tell me that it's not good enough...

Something just doesn't sound right...Good job of being willing to step up and don't let this guy taint you into being hard on the next person who may be in real need!!!

Most of the time the people that really need the help won't ask let alone ask for a "better" option.

Do what you can and do it as best as you can!!!
That's pretty typical of what we found giving away firewood. I only want seasoned oak or maple, stack it over there (with no offer of help), can you come back and cut it a couple inches shorter (after we delivered), I can help you out by taking a few more loads and on and on. And of course, everything had to be split. We finally threw up our hands and said; "no more". We give away thousands of dollars worth of tree work every year but we just said no more free firewood. Too much aggravation.

I gave away a short load of dry wood several years ago. Needed splitting though. Dumped it next to the shed door. Guy complained he would have to hire the splitting done, held up a bandaged finger. Guy was way younger than I and in far better shape.

Harry K
I call this the "poor me" syndrome. I don't GIVE any firewood away, charity or not. Get a life, a backbone, and some ambition. I don't feel sorry for these type people.:chainsaw:

If they are REALLY in need, then like stated already, there's agencies that give vochures (spell) for this..
Alright, so I been thinking about this for a while. I (ok, we all do) spend a lot of nights, weekends, any extra time we can gathering, hauling, cutting, splitting, and stacking, and planning ahead working our ass off so we can heat our houses for the winter. So what are these people doing, that all of a sudden it is October and I have no wood to heat my house with? Now I don't know their situation, but we have all planned ahead to avoid these types of situations.

Just my two cents and my rant of the day.
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Alright, so I been thinking about this for a while. I (ok, we all do) spend a lot of nights, weekends, any extra time we can gathering, hauling, cutting, splitting, and stacking, and planning ahead working our ass of so we can heat our houses for the winter. So what are these people doing, that all of a sudden it is October and I have no wood to heat my house with? Now I don't know their situation, but we have all planned ahead to avoid these type of situations.

Just my two cents and my rant of the day.
so where does one start? lol sleeping their life away, drinking at the bar, fishing when nothings biting, hunting when theres no season, thinking about getting something done, or just maybe " well ? im to tired ,fat, an lazy to work for what i need so i will just wait for someome else to do it for me" !! and i would think there all right on the spot!! lol
free firewood

a friend asked me how much wood i have cut . a said about 2 cords,but im going to be cutting up some more in a few weeks. he said he knows of a family(mom and 2 or 3 kids) who heats there home only with wood. they dont have a lot of money and were looking for firewood donations. i said i could swing a load or two of green cut or a load of mix when i go in a couple of weeks. he said no it ,they want ONLY seasoned wood as they need to start burning now.i said nope ,cant spare any.

what nerve,you wait till october to ask for seasoned only wood.and you want it free?!

im bet thay wanted cut and split dry wood also dlivred free to
Why doesn't your buddy go out and cut some for them???? Seems he's willing to beg for it, but not work for it....sounds like a Democrat voter to me!!!


Or maybe she voted republican and they gave the company she used to work for a tax break to send her job overseas?
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When I was young and first married I worked in a pretty low paying job. There was another guy on our crew that had four kids and the bills had begun to pile up for him. He was complaining that he couldn't afford to buy fuel oil this year and that he was going to have to find some firewood for the winter.

He was not really a friend of mine, but I was feeling generous, so I offered to let him come with me to our property and cut some wood. I would help him I said. He asked what kind of wood was available. I told him mostly Poplar, Tamarack, and a little bit of Soft Maple.

He said "I ain't gonna bust my a$$ for none of that crappy wood!" So, I said "Suit yourself", and that was the end of it.

Little did he know that I already had about 5 pickup loads of "that crappy wood" all cut and split laying out on the ground that I would have given him. All he would have had to do was help load it into my old tractor bucket, and I would have dumped it into his pickup truck.

Needless to say I didn't offer to do him any favors in the future.

I have plenty of friends all of a sudden when it is wood burning season and they see me unloading wood at my house. I transport the wood from my construction yard to my house. They don't see all the work it takes to turn trees into firewood. They just smell my stove burning. I get the CAN I SPARE SOME WOOD?
At my yard where we turn trees into fire wood, I get the same question all the time. I have simple answer.
Donate a full days work with me at yard and take some wood back.
Never get any takers.:dizzy:
this lady may not have been being picky about the wood, maybe her husband has always said they can only burn seasoned wood and that is what she is going by. maybe she doesn't even know that turning down free green or mixed is a bit of a slap in the face.

i would try to contact her and talk to her directly. explain the options of using green and mixed loads of wood so she fully understands as she may not fully understand now.
Myself, I have not donated any wood. I will not donate in a situation like you describe, second hand.

If they need the wood, I want to see it with my own eyes, and hear there own words. If they are unwilling to help, they don't need it, IMO.

There really may be a need, with this family. Then again, they may be a bunch of bums looking for a handout. The bums can shiver, for all I care.

I allready donate alot of time to a organization that puts deer meat in the freezers of food pantries.

I don't mind helping those in need, a REAL need. I will not help those expecting a handout.
It is a shame what seems like allot have become. If I were truly "in need" I would ask when you were going out to make wood, and I would have my butt there with bells on. and at least help you! And then been very grateful for any thing you were willing to give. Are their arms or legs broke?

Hard work is good for the soul! More people should give it a try.
It amazes me how picky people can be. I had someone I knew well who had been out of work for well over a year. Family had gotten together and got them a stove and supplied them with some wood. In the spring time I offered to let him come over and cut up some wood. It was all in log length and piled up. I stated that once I cut it it was mine. Three months later just as fall came around I got a call... You still got that wood. My answer was, whatever is left in the pile you can have. His response.. Is it cut and split???? My answer NO. He did come over and get some, but not until it was winter.

Last time I ever offered him wood.
i would have told that guy you'll go over and talk to the people in question and see what their (actual) needs are and make a decision from there. i'll bet as soon as you mention you'll go over there, he'd change his story.


Running this through a middleman is just not a good thing. For all you know, what they SAID was something like, "We'll take anything and be grateful! If we could get some seasoned wood, that would be even better because we need to start burning now, but we'll take ANYTHING."

Now, if that were their attitude, would you act differently?

I know I would. And they'd get seasoned wood, too.