Worst nut job I've ever went to quote

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An interesting factoid. There were a few former submarine guys who became Forest Engineering profs also.
Any ideas? Too long underwater? Need to be around trees? Affected by nuke exposure?

Educated or not, a jerk is a jerk.
Yes, you are all in trouble....serious trouble. Keep those panties whole.
Be warned: stupidity and foot-mouth-disease is viral.
Keep strumming.:hmm3grin2orange:
That guy sounds about as useful as a screen door on a submarine


We're all just a bunch of grown up kids, sittin around ribbin each other till Indiansprings gets back to tell us what the kids old man did!!
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Ask any tradesman, teachers are across the board the biggest pain in the butt of any group of customers. It makes me laugh when the electrician who moved in next door starts telling me his idiot customer storys.If this offends you -to bad , come to my world where there is no pensions and have a teacher tell you to show up after 5pm cause they don't want to lose any of the 65 ?%#$@ sick days they have saved up:mad::msp_mad:.
i don't have any problem with your opinion of what my opinion is about his opinion concerning the op's situation. we're dogpiling and you're anti-dogpiling and that's O KAY. it's akin to matter and dark matter sorta kinda. it's part of what we do on the interwebs and in coffee shops and at the workshop over the phone and over beers...and on tv and radio...


Too much time on someones' hands. ime for problem customers...wish him good and move on to the next job without looking back! "[/B]
You can always tell when you hit on the truth. The exposed come un-glued. The shoe fits. I could never have demonstrated my point any better than you did. Thank you LB have a happy New Year.
I'd pour liquid creosote down that guy's chimney if I didn't get paid...

Waiting to hear what that kid's pops does to get the money out of that crooked SOB...
My neighbor sold firewood off his farm for a few years . He had an F-450 with a landscape dump body that would hold 2 cords. He had lines painted on the body to indicate 1 or 2 cords. He also carried a tape measure and a calculator so that the buyer could see for themselves the amount of cubic feet. He then gave them a reciept (carbon style) after they signed for the load.I think it saved him a lot of trouble. The paperwork is NH law with the measure.The tape and calculator was just to help the homeowner understand the process.
Yes, you are all in trouble....serious trouble. Keep those panties whole.
Be warned: stupidity and foot-mouth-disease is viral.
Keep strumming.:hmm3grin2orange:

I graduated from Ferris State University in 1992... I had a couple instructors who I can still name by name who were excellent individuals... Had a a bunch that were GODAWEFULL!!! The profession is an honorable one... It's unfortunate, however, that it has been invaded by the common... Giving the gifted instructors dirty hands by association... Now have a single malt on me LB...
Teachers are just like any other profession the turds always float to the top and get the most attention. I have worked for the public and had to deal with people for over 24 years in someway form or fashion. I can tell you this turds are turds. I have been annoyed by them all there is no sacred profession of stupid free people. Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Law Efforcement, Clergy, Construction, Farmers, Politicians, they all have their turds. Usually the retired ones are the worst seamingly. Squeeky wheels get the most grease its the way of the world and they seem to be getting more obnoxious. For some reason the worst violators are those who have never had to do any manual labor. These individuals don't value the toils of a labor's time or sweat, and as a result believe screwing others out of their time is ok and justified. Thats why people who annoy me all get the same answer "well it's just another day in the catalope patch", "with the rest of the dog turds" is what I usually leave out. Then a hardy have a nice day.
I'm just making sure I'll remember to read the next eight pages Monday night.:D

Mr. HE:cool:
Same stuff

Some people are...uh.......different. You did good by not being sucked into his silliness. If it's something I do in my shop, the goods don't leave until they are paid for. If I'm doing something on site, the cash is in my pocket before the job starts. No exceptions. Don't like the terms? Find somebody else to do the job.[/Qstuff got a call last night fellows ask me when I was going to start the job. Ask who was he told me let me check my book. Nothing in my book let me come over where you live and look at it. He had a tree down and cut into 18 inch pieces. About 8 to 10 loads on my dump truck. It was cottonwood. Had to take up the sidewalk. Roll the chunks to the gate. Haul them on my forks to the little park a city block away. Clean up the brush which is another have no idea how many loads. This is the kicker he said we agreed on $75.00. I said it take more diesel than that. He said When you going to start. He said I already paid you. I said never have saw you before. Your company agreed to do it for $75.00 cash. He wife had made a video at that time and show it to me. That fellow has never worked for me. How do you know because I have never had a color man work for. I said I am out of here. He said see you in court. Later
P.S. Surprised that you even know about tenure with all that methane. Hey, we agree on one thing- tenure:rock: !

Tenure: Locked into a job and no performance metrics. What a great concept.......if you're a teacher. If you're a student of course, you suffer the consequences. Tenure is one of the fundemental things wrong with the teaching profession, yet teachers, particularly the inadequate ones, always defend it.
Tenure: Locked into a job and no performance metrics. What a great concept.......if you're a teacher. If you're a student of course, you suffer the consequences. Tenure is one of the fundemental things wrong with the teaching profession, yet teachers, particularly the inadequate ones, always defend it.

Methinks there is no profession for which "tenure" if applied, wouldn't destroy the overall quality of the product/service. I don't know the history of the development of tenure, but it surely should be removed from the future. Excellent teachers don't need it, lessor teachers strive for it, and then no longer have any reason to strive. Performance is no longer a job-retaining qualification at that point.
in the prof's world (theoretical yo)

Oh and the log yard called, said they had graded our logs but would hold our checks until the sawmill finished making the lumber and veneers. But of course the sawmill doesn't get paid until the lumber yards sell their stocks to builders and makers-who, of course, withhold payment until their houses and furniture are made and sold. But then the sellers of those goods must wait until the customer decides if the house or desk or cabinet, etc. meets their standards.


sure, that's OTT, but the only reason most of us are standing around here is to hear if the boy got paid or not...and maybe some of those details. there tends to be some satisfaction in seeing wrongs righted-even when you're just a bystander.
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Methinks there is no profession for which "tenure" if applied, wouldn't destroy the overall quality of the product/service. I don't know the history of the development of tenure, but it surely should be removed from the future. Excellent teachers don't need it, lessor teachers strive for it, and then no longer have any reason to strive. Performance is no longer a job-retaining qualification at that point.

The protection of tenure is often misunderstood and overstated. A lot depends on the situation, but in general tenure protects a teacher's intellectual freedom and freedom of expression -- you can't get fired for saying or teaching something the university president doesn't like. Tenured faculty are removed all the time for misconduct and/or poor performance. Sure, some bad teachers stay in a system because they the administration can't be bothered to build a case and fire them, but there's another side to it. These days, "performance" is often tied to student evaluations. Which sometimes means that the teachers who do the best job of making the students like them have an easier time of it than teachers who actually do the best job of teaching. No matter, actually just keep checking in for Indianspring's next report and somehow wind up typing.

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