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kinda silly but a favorite

We sell in dash car stereos with Nav,dvd,cd...etc and my favorite question is always the same...does it have cable?:bang::bang: I just walk away lol -dave-
I've already heard probably the best joke I will hear this year from a customer that comes in the shop all the time. Older guy in his 70's. He comes in alot and we talk politics, he's a conservative, I'm a moderate but we talk and never get outta line with each other, we accpet each others point of views without trying to change each other. We also cut up and tell alot of jokes with each other. I call him Dirty Dapper Dan and he calls me Hall.

Other day he comes in and lays this joke on me.

Preacher and his 10 year old son are coming home from church one Sunday. As the preacher pulls in his driveway he see's two stray dogs in his front yard going at it, they are locked tight. The son see's them too.

The son goes Dad what are those dogs doing in our yard. The preacher has to think fast and he comes up with this.

He goes well son apparently the dogs are freinds. The dog on top has a thorn in his paw and the dog on the bottom is towing him home. The little boy wastes no time. He goes welp thats just like how friends are. One tries to help out another and winds up getting screwed every dayummm time,LOLOL

I about fell in the floor............................

a preacher sees a kid cutting grass with an old push mower. the preacher needs a mower so he approaches the kid and asks if the boy would trade his mower for this bicycle. the boy says sure! the preacher leaves with his mower and the kid tries out his new bike. a few days later the preacher returns and says to the boy, 'son, i saw you cutting the lawn with that mower you traded me and it ran fine. but for the life of me i can't get it started'. the little boy says ,'oh, theres a trick to starting that old mower, you have to give it a good cussing'. the preacher says, 'well son, i've been a preacher so long i might not remeber how'. the boy looked up at him and said, ' you keep pulling that cord mister, it'll come back to ya'.
Good man. To him you will be a person, not another mail order address or a another digit at the box stores,:cheers::cheers::cheers:

Yeah it's nice to buy stuff from someone who is knowledgeable and will stand behind what he's selling. I'm also impressed with Stihl for not bailing on people like that for the bix box bs. I like my old Husky's and JReds but probably won't be buying a new ones...
We sell in dash car stereos with Nav,dvd,cd...etc and my favorite question is always the same...does it have cable?:bang::bang: I just walk away lol -dave-

LOLOL, good one, I bet you do hear alot of crazy questions in that biz.

Heres a goodie I remember from years ago. I was coming back from lunch. Heading through the warehouse to the showroom to punch the clock. As I'm coming across the warehouse I see my boss at the other end cranking his azz off on a weed trimmer he had just sold. The customer is there with him. I'm 25 yards away heading their way watching him. As I got to them I looked at the trimmer, flipped the switch on and kept walking. I heard this varoooooooooooom. Time I hit the clock my boss is coming in the showroom, he's done with the sale. He looks me in the face and goes you mother-------LOLOLOLOLOL
LOLOL, good one, I bet you do hear alot of crazy questions in that biz.

Heres a goodie I remember from years ago. I was coming back from lunch. Heading through the warehouse to the showroom to punch the clock. As I'm coming across the warehouse I see my boss at the other end cranking his azz off on a weed trimmer he had just sold. The customer is there with him. I'm 25 yards away heading their way watching him. As I got to them I looked at the trimmer, flipped the switch on and kept walking. I heard this varoooooooooooom. Time I hit the clock my boss is coming in the showroom, he's done with the sale. He looks me in the face and goes you mother-------LOLOLOLOLOL

LOLOL, good one, I bet you do hear alot of crazy questions in that biz.

Heres a goodie I remember from years ago. I was coming back from lunch. Heading through the warehouse to the showroom to punch the clock. As I'm coming across the warehouse I see my boss at the other end cranking his azz off on a weed trimmer he had just sold. The customer is there with him. I'm 25 yards away heading their way watching him. As I got to them I looked at the trimmer, flipped the switch on and kept walking. I heard this varoooooooooooom. Time I hit the clock my boss is coming in the showroom, he's done with the sale. He looks me in the face and goes you mother-------LOLOLOLOLOL

Funny as h3ll.
a preacher sees a kid cutting grass with an old push mower. the preacher needs a mower so he approaches the kid and asks if the boy would trade his mower for this bicycle. the boy says sure! the preacher leaves with his mower and the kid tries out his new bike. a few days later the preacher returns and says to the boy, 'son, i saw you cutting the lawn with that mower you traded me and it ran fine. but for the life of me i can't get it started'. the little boy says ,'oh, theres a trick to starting that old mower, you have to give it a good cussing'. the preacher says, 'well son, i've been a preacher so long i might not remeber how'. the boy looked up at him and said, ' you keep pulling that cord mister, it'll come back to ya'.

Haha, no kidding,:cheers::cheers:
Funny as h3ll.

Had a man come in yesterday with a little MS250 I sold him. Saw is like brand new. He goes I went to use it for the first time and I can't get it started. I look and see the choke is still on. I put it in half choke and one pull, varoooooooooooooooom with smoke rolling out of it. It cleared out and ran perfect. I handed it back to him and go ya flooded it. He goes how'd you do that. I go do what. He goes how did you start it on one pull. I said well I pulled it one time and it started. Ya coulda heard a pin drop,LOLOLOL After messing with him I did tell him what he did and we both had a good laff. No charge...
Had a man come in yesterday with a little MS250 I sold him. Saw is like brand new. He goes I went to use it for the first time and I can't get it started. I look and see the choke is still on. I put it in half choke and one pull, varoooooooooooooooom with smoke rolling out of it. It cleared out and ran perfect. I handed it back to him and go ya flooded it. He goes how'd you do that. I go do what. He goes how did you start it on one pull. I said well I pulled it one time and it started. Ya coulda heard a pin drop,LOLOLOL After messing with him I did tell him what he did and we both had a good laff. No charge...

Sounds like the saw was smarter than the operator. :dizzy:
Although flooding out a saw when I'm looking at a used saw is a good way to get it for a good bit less, especially when the person selling the saw is the son or not the original owner and doesn't know what they're selling.
Sounds like the saw was smarter than the operator. :dizzy:
Although flooding out a saw when I'm looking at a used saw is a good way to get it for a good bit less, especially when the person selling the saw is the son or not the original owner and doesn't know what they're selling.

you crook!
tom jr?

i might have to use that trick in the future.
Here's another goodie I pulled off a few years ago. Its a wonder I don't get in real trouble the way I carry on at times.

Lady comes in and buys a trimmer and a chainsaw for her husband. Real nice lady. I take her through the starting process on each product very slowly because she is going to show her hubby the same procedure when she gets them home. I asked her have ya got it down pat now so you can show him. She goes yes, it seems easy enuff. I'm thinking right, ya old man will be calling in a few days.

A few days later sure enuff there is a call but its her , not him on the phone. She goes Tom my husband had no problem starting the trimmer but he can't get the saw started. I can hear him in the background raising T-total hell, he's mad as a hornet. He's hollering you tell him I don't want this POS saw if it won't run. She goes do you hear him, I say yes. She goes he just mad. I said he's gonna be madder than that when I show him he's the problem, not the saw. She laffed.

He brings me the saw, flooded like I knew it would be. I show him all he needs to know and he swears it should start up and run on choke. I tell him fraid not, thats why your here instead of home using this saw. If looks coulda killed I wouldn't be typing this,haha

A few weeks later I run into her and ask hows that saw running. She goes great, my hubby is such a nerd,LOLOLOLOL
another bby story

Oriental(sp) gentlemen comes in and wants a camcorder(im no bigot but oriental people drive me crazy they want to know what every button is for,where its made..(japan or china because japanese products are better) why one has more zoom or why its only available in silver..etc,etc anyways one of my guys had such a customer, ten minutes of what this buttons for and he's done!!! gentlemen asks one more time whats this button for? he looks him straightin the face and tells him it's the flux capacitor!!!:monkey:(i'm on the floor laughing hysterically) gentlemen looks at him and says ya ya I heard of that. He bought 2, go figure -dave-
Oriental(sp) gentlemen comes in and wants a camcorder(im no bigot but oriental people drive me crazy they want to know what every button is for,where its made..(japan or china because japanese products are better) why one has more zoom or why its only available in silver..etc,etc anyways one of my guys had such a customer, ten minutes of what this buttons for and he's done!!! gentlemen asks one more time whats this button for? he looks him straightin the face and tells him it's the flux capacitor!!!:monkey:(i'm on the floor laughing hysterically) gentlemen looks at him and says ya ya I heard of that. He bought 2, go figure -dave-

charger for that model supplies 1.21 Jigawatts
Nowdays you may be right. Times are tuff. Oddly I'm matching last years sales, not increasing but on par with last year, but man the rest of the place, big lumber outfit, is slow, real slow. Spring can't come soon enuff this year.

Interesting you say that. My store has increased sales substantially over last year. :cheers: