Drink water out there! or wind up like me

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Is that a prison address and would you like 7/32" or goofy files baked into that loaf?
Sq. files would be my first choice MCW, but goofy files will work. Lol If it's a big enough loaf, an 020 with carbide chain might free me. Lol
It is not just sodium, but potassium is also released from the cells as you dehydrate. If you want to keep from getting cramps, try using the 'Lite' salt on your food. The salt is a low-sodium salt and has potassium chloride as a substitue for part of the sodium chloride.

When I raced in the desert the guys swore by it to help keep from getting cramps.


We keep Mag/Phos tissue salts here incase of cramp, they appear to work really quickly when crushed under the tongue.

Those of a conventional medical bent will decry that as a placebo effect as they are a Homoeopathic, but IME they work everytime.
Well, you could always send Gypo some of that muddy Torrens River water you lot all drink over there :p

I'd have to filter out the syringes, cars, shopping trolleys, and dead bodies first Rick. It's pretty well just an open sewer...
I meant Coopers :monkey:

although I'm pretty partial to the stuff myself

Yeah Coopers is good gear. Their Dark Ale is one of the best beers on the market I reckon...

I thought you may have meant that gutter swill, West End...
They still brew that crap :dizzy:


It is garbage. OK when you're 18 though :)

The worst one they ever brought out was West End Super. That gear would give you a headache for days that not even solid doses of morphine would stop...

Rick, did you mean magnesium/potassium tablets instead of magnesium/phosphorus?

Either way, what is the relative amounts of the elements (50/50?).
I have been taught to drink one liter of water per hour during summer and half a liter every hour during winter while carrying out physical work. I have also been advised to avoid drinking anything with flavoring, coloring and high sugar content as it takes longer for the body to break everything down to get to the water content. save the coke, Red Bull, coffee etc for the end of the day as that can also aid in dehydration (ever noticed that you still feel dry in the mouth and thirsty after having coffee or coke?)

It is garbage. OK when you're 18 though :)

The worst one they ever brought out was West End Super. That gear would give you a headache for days that not even solid doses of morphine would stop...

castlemain XXXX and fosters was no better either if you could get past one can of either without puking from the taste you are doing well
I could get past the taste, I just can't handle all the chemical accelerants they use in the brewing process. Those beers would give me a cracking headache for a day from just half a can.

There's very few beers left in Oz that are naturally brewed.

I drank DB Bitters when I was in NZ back in '79. I loved the stuff and finally ended up with a case of it in the boot so I didn't have to keep stopping.
Rick, did you mean magnesium/potassium tablets instead of magnesium/phosphorus?

Either way, what is the relative amounts of the elements (50/50?).

It's Magnesium Phosphate Terry.
We always bought them at a health food store, but I think some chemists stock them these days.

Just looked up my Hyperhealth (sort of the MIMS for Naturopaths) and it's really just a bio-available form of magnesium.

Magnesium Phosphate is an inorganic form of Magnesium that consists of Magnesium bound to Phosphorus The oral absorption of Magnesium Phosphate is regarded as good.

In-Tele-Health © 2009 (from Hyperhealth Pro CD-ROM)

SWMBO also found having Miso soup the night before competing alleviated leg cramps when riding.
Miso has really high mineral levels, particularly sodium.

It is garbage. OK when you're 18 though :)

The worst one they ever brought out was West End Super. That gear would give you a headache for days that not even solid doses of morphine would stop...

The only decent thing I've ever seen with 'West End' emblazoned was one of the flag girls from Bathurst back in the eighties :D

There's a funny story to go with that girl, but it'll take too long and this is a family forum ;)
I was always told lots of water, and, believe it or not, a lick of salt every so often. Supposed to replace what you sweat out.
To much water and no electrolytes would be damaging to you.Water washes out all the salt and minerals drink some gator aide if you feel light headed and stay cool.

By Mayo Clinic staff
Heatstroke is the most severe of the heat-related problems, often resulting from exercise or heavy work in hot environments combined with inadequate fluid intake.

Young children, older adults, people who are obese and people born with an impaired ability to sweat are at high risk of heatstroke. Other risk factors include dehydration, alcohol use, cardiovascular disease and certain medications.

What makes heatstroke severe and potentially life-threatening is that the body's normal mechanisms for dealing with heat stress, such as sweating and temperature control, are inadequate. The main sign of heatstroke is a markedly elevated body temperature — generally greater than 104 F (40 C) — with changes in mental status ranging from personality changes to confusion and coma. Skin may be hot and dry — although if heatstroke is caused by exertion, the skin may be moist.

Other signs and symptoms may include:

Rapid heartbeat
Rapid and shallow breathing
Elevated or lowered blood pressure
Cessation of sweating
Irritability, confusion or unconsciousness
Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
Fainting, which may be the first sign in older adults
If you suspect heatstroke:

Move the person out of the sun and into a shady or air-conditioned space.
Call 911 or emergency medical help.
Cool the person by covering him or her with damp sheets or by spraying with cool water. Direct air onto the person with a fan or newspaper.
Have the person drink cool water or other nonalcoholic beverage without caffeine, if he or she is able.
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