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No resume required. You told us who you are.

As far as an interview, let me share some things, and ask a few questions. This is not a test.

You said you'd relocate (I know, if the price is right). I checked with four of my clients who own rental properties. Three of them have open properties! I've got two houses a two minute WALK from my house. But I checked with Henry, who owns the local area sporting goods store. He has a single for $650 a month, and his renter of two years has moved out. Henry has had this place listed for two months and hasn't rented yet. This abode is RIGHT in the cool part of the zone very nearby our main chip recycling site.

Let me draw a map and show you where you would be at in Henry's single:
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Sweet deal TM, set the employees up a few doors away and they can forget about calling in sick or car trouble, sort of like when I lived and worked for my Dad. :)
Yea, one house for rent is near enough that I could fire a walnut from the BigShot and hit the his roof. Or I could laser him through his window, "Hey, WAKE UP!"

But up where I located the half of the duplex, that's right smack-dab in the middle of the cool district. There's an area where all the college chicks come to party down. There's a small concert venue there with a lot of good names that come through, a whole street of restaurants and bars and they just finished a new health food market, a 4 minute walk. You've got an additional grocery store a three minute walk, Starbucks three minute walk, post office two minute walk, CVS pharmacy and a bank, one minute walk. I'm tellin you, the location has it all. Three minute drive to the Chip area, our bioremediation area. Two minute drive to a really nice park with mondo trees. Short walk to the river. Fishing, Canoeing, tree climbing, all literally within walking distance of apprentice central.

I would really like to have a couple guys, and get a bigger house for about $800.
woodgnome250 said:
2 years of production climbing for The Bartlett Tree Experts. I have a good understanding of proper pruning procedures and tree biology. I have 2 years of education in conservation in high school (everything from equipment operation to tree climbing) but other than that I learned in the school of hard knocks at Bartlett. I have all of my own climbing gear and ropes.
Whatcha drivin? Can it tow an arch, a trailer or a small chipper?

What cutting tools are you using (powered saws, hand saws, pole saws, pole pruners, secateurs)?
im driving a 95 ford 250 4x4 can tow 5,000lbs. I have 2 saws, Husky350, and a jonsered 920 with a 2 and 4 foot bar. I have a jamison polesaw with 3 sticks, carona handsaw 120' climbing line,150' lowering line, throwline and throwball, ascenders and spikes. Please respond with any information on possible wages or job duties beacuse i have another job offer to clean up Katrina in Miss. Thanks, Nick
Woodgnome, just something to ponder. If the money is remotely close or even if it's not, I would highly recommend the gig with TreeMachine. He is a great online teacher, I can only imagine what you can learn from him in person. Whatever path you choose to take, good luck and be safe.
Wages depend on responsibility load. Go down to Katrina, you'll learn how to clean up messes. Come here, you'll learn how to run all aspects of a commercial tree operation. You will learn how to run a business.

Job duties? Everything I do, short of the most dangerous, technical doozies. I sorta have an affinity for those. Highly efficient and complete cleanups will be a daily drill. Use of gear to facilitate that so you can work minimally while accomplishing maximally.

Solo tree care for later on. I work solo, and that's really all I know, so working with another arborist is something totally new for me. I'll be teaching solo methods, but they translate into traditional methods seamlessly. Once we get into a groove, we can choose jobs that you'll go out and do, start to finish. That's when wages increase.

Initially, I need to spend a lot of extra time in communication, getting you dialled in, training, gear selection and maintenence, etc. This will knock my efficiency and income back for awhile. Then it will rebound, then, ideally, income will increase as a result of two people working well together. That would be a time for a celebration and a raise.

I will start you at $15/hr. This includes payment through lunch every day, I generally buy lunch on Friday, and I'm obligated to get workman's comp insurance on you. I'm a big fan of 'excellence bonuses' and when you show efficient, expedient work, in excellence, you will be rewarded.

Therefore, your income is dynamic, and tightly linked to your level of motivation, drive, incentive, attitude and perserverence. I promise you a starting wage, but I let you know that this will be the minimum you can expect.

Duties? We'll start first with stacking brush, picking up sticks. Not glorious, but I do it every day. I'd like to do less of it. We'll just go one step at a time and you will determine how fast you move along.
Done deal, I going to sell the biz, drop the wife and kids and move. Free lunch days AND college chicks, how many houses did you say you knew were available? :laugh:
Dadatwins said:
Free lunch days AND college chicks, how many houses did you say you knew were available? :laugh:
The answer to 'how many houses' is, A LOT of college chicks. The college (Butler University) is just west of the zone. They all come to Broad Ripple for a good time. This is one of the night life hotspots in Indianapolis. I'm too old to enjoy that like when I was 22, but Woodgnome, we'll drop him right there within walking distance.
I think you got me, the job with katrina seemed a little too far away. Your description of the type of work you do and how you run your buisiness interestes me. I am looking for work a.s.a.p. so let me know when you want me to come down. Ill bring all my tree gear. I expected to start by draging brush, the wages sound good. I dont think I will let you down, I am a self motivated hard worker always willing to learn. Please feel free to call me at (315) 571-4141 at any time. I AM SERIOUS ABOUT THIS JOB. Thank you for your time, Nick
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woodgnome said:
I am a self motivated hard worker always willing to learn. Please feel free to call me at (315) 571-4141 at any time. I AM SERIOUS ABOUT THIS JOB.
I believe you are serious, or you wouldn't have stepped forward.

I am serious, or I wouldn't have said, "You're hired."

I've secured your place to live, told Henry not to rent it out to anyone else. To crystallize your comittment, you need to sign your lease.

On my end of the committment a promise of 40 hours a week, and a co-sign on your lease. Henry called me this morning and was asking if FOR SURE we wanted to rent his place. I said "Absolutely". He said he'd take down the 'for rent' sign. The guys moving out still have the last of their stuff in there as of Sunday, Jan 29. Today is the 30th. Henry is coaxing them to move butt so he can get in there and spiff the place up for you. He would like to talk to you by phone, so if you would call him, please, at 317-403-8201 you two can set forth details. He asked me about references on you. I told him that I am your reference. In other words, I committed that if you mess up, I step up and be responsible with you, or in place of you. Elizabeth is freakin out about this, that it's going too fast, that there was no interview, no background checks, etc.

I'm rather comfortable, however. If you are a man of your word, as am I, then we really should be OK.
It's okayTM, you can tell Elizabeth she's not the only one who freaks out. When I told my wife that PTS was coming down from Iowa to hang out, she thought he was going to kill us and steal our kids. Too much, Lifetime television. He turned out to be a great guy. Sounds like you found yourself a winner. Good luck guys!
I am confident in this. I'm having to reinvent my business because of a jobsite accident, and I'm fully embracing the idea of not working alone anymore. Funny, the irony of this was a rare work day where I WAS working with someone, and I got hurt, ultimately directing me to work with someone.

I have no reservations, though, only a positive stance for this coming season. It's all falling into place, for both Nick and myself, like the planets are aligned and this was meant to happen. That's how I feel.

All we need to do is act consistent with our intentions, commitments and our stated values. Putting them out here for all of arboristsite to see is sorta like placing your hand on the Bible, raising your right hand and taking an oath.

It's as real as it gets on this end. Nothing's been exaggerated or made up. It's all transparent and my word is a promise. This is a great environment for Nick to grow and learn. I can only hope that in ten years Nick will look back on this as the most valuable, transitory and FUN year of his life.
I would go if I could! That sounds like an awesome opportunity. I would drag brush for you anytime.

You will not regret working for Jim. He is one of the finest people I have ever met.
Tree Machine said:
I am confident in this. I'm having to reinvent my business because of a jobsite accident, and I'm fully embracing the idea of not working alone anymore. Funny, the irony of this was a rare work day where I WAS working with someone, and I got hurt, ultimately directing me to work with someone.

I have no reservations, though, only a positive stance for this coming season. It's all falling into place, for both Nick and myself, like the planets are aligned and this was meant to happen. That's how I feel.

this is so exciting!!!

can't wait to see how this partnership blends... keep us posted!!!
Hi Trin, good to see you again.

I wish my wife were as positive about this as all of us. She hit me with things like "A proper interview, resume', background check, criminal record check, credit history." Then she told me I should be gathering 40 applicants and hiring the best one of them.

Mebbe so. I don't choose to take the time to do that. At 21 years old, how much of a work history can you have? At 21, if you had committed a felony, you'd be in prison, not out looking for an opportunity. Credit history??? I'm glad no one asked me about mine when I was 21.

Currently, Woodgnome is unemployed. Is he on layoff for the slow season, is he feeling no opportunity for advancement at Bartlett and looking for a better opportunity? Did he get fired? These are not questions that should be addressed in public. I am offering a fresh start. A clean slate. If Gnome has some tarnish in his past, now would be a time to be genuine and authentic, clean up and reach for a higher level.

There WILL be an interview. Elizabeth will be part of this. She said that Gnome went to the trouble of preparing a resume' so as part of the interviewing process, I would like to receive it.

Here's my schpeel in the interview......We don't whine. We don't make excuses. We act with integrity. We're adults and will act responsible, as adults. We are professionals and will conduct ourselves as such. These are the basic ground rules, things that would be expected of any employee.

Are there any questions so far?
Tree Machine said:
Hi Trin, good to see you again.

I wish my wife were as positive about this as all of us. She hit me with things like "A proper interview, resume', background check, criminal record check, credit history." Then she told me I should be gathering 40 applicants and hiring the best one of them.

Are there any questions so far?
often, the one who looks best in interview is not-- but the one that your senses tell you is The One, is the one to go with... the lovely Elizabeth has had a rough 8 months since your accident-- she'll get on board!!!

and Jim, you've had a rough 8 months, pondering what your abilities would be, what you could still do... your heart has pulled you through... you're a natural teacher... i cannot imagine a better situation for someone who wants to learn!!! your business is unique in many ways-- now you can pass the knowledge on... while still working!!! how cool is that!!!
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Sounds like a great deal, my best wishes to both of you on this new venture. As for the interveiw process, I agree they are usually just a bunch of nonsense that does not really get to the heart of a person. Actually getting together on a job and going through the learning process is where you will see if this will work out. I would actually feel better about hiring a 21 year old desperate for work and eager to learn than a 40 year old been there / done that attitude that will likely not be as willing to change. I also wish you patience TM as you will have to learn to rely on another person, which after working by yourself for so long will take some getting used to. Glad to see you getting back the confidence to get back into the game, like I told you waayyy back in the injury thread, you will get back to treework, it will be done a different way, but you will do it again. ;)
You DID say that, Dada. I still appreciate that. It was very encouraging

Elizabeth and I will interview Nick, but probably over dinner and beers that the local brewpub. I feel a guy who is brave enough to step forward on a public forum, state what he wants and what he has to offer is interview enough. He's opening up to a lot of people. It's like talking to the boss, with the entire staff present and listening. That's gutsy.

I'm agreed that it's harder to teach old dogs new tricks. I'm getting to be an old dog, but I'm really fond of new tricks, new tools, new technologies and new ways of doing things. I embrace change, am willing to look at traditional beliefs differently, and shift when necessary. When Nick comes on, I feel that his time with Bartlett was brief enough that it didn't ruin him for life. No disrespect to Bartlett, but they teach and train in the old school manner of many generations and don't embrace a lot if independence and free thinking. They embrace seniority, and those are the supervisors. Everyone under them walks a well-beaten path. It's their way or the highway.

Elizabeth is kicking me, though. She assumes that if Nick worked for Bartlett, then he's a spiked climber. Well, if he works with me, he won't be, except on takedowns. We're gonna move one step at a time and when we get that nailed down, we'll move on to the next. We may not gel immediately, but I don't expect to. I'm not holding up any expectations or assumptions. No pre-judgements. No anticipation of how I'd like him to be. Just a fresh slate, and a new day at work.